how to highlight cheekbones using
How to highlight cheekbones: rules for applying cosmetics, advice from makeup artists, photos
Nowadays, a girl can significantly change her face, as makeup truly creates
Ayurvedic massage - what is it and how is it done?
Ayurvedic massage is a popular technique that originated in India, but has become widespread in
What is facial brushing and what is this procedure for?
General description Brossage is a hardware superficial peeling that allows you to remove dead cells. Device for
How to properly steam your facial skin before applying a cleansing mask
The process of cleansing the skin seems very simple: wash your face and that’s it. However, few people know that washing
Anti-aging. Prevention of aging as a norm of life
Anti-aging. Prevention of aging as a norm of life
INFLUENCE OF DIET ON SKIN AGING Cosmetics alone cannot provide complete care and hydration,
Is it possible to fill holes in the ears?
How to close up holes in the ears: home methods and methods, going to a salon, recommendations, contraindications and reviews
Today, not only girls, but also young guys wear earrings in their ears. And if
How to do a massage with Akhaatin snails
Face masks with snail: compositions, properties, reviews of effectiveness
The benefits of snail secretion for the face. Review of cosmetics with mucin. Snail massage is the most popular
Breast lift, mastopexy
Breast lift - eliminating sagging and correcting shape
Mastopexy is a breast lift. Currently, plastic surgery, and especially the direction of plastic surgery
When can you do without bone grafting?
Implantation, gum augmentation or soft tissue augmentation and implant prosthetics
In what cases may the bone fail to take root? The bone may not take root in cases where
Rehabilitation period after keratoma removal
Main symptoms of skin keratoma - information for patients
According to experts, keratoma is not a hereditary pathology, but appears under the influence of certain conditions.
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