Peelings StopProblem: types, their composition and cost
Peelings StopProblem: visible results, affordable price
Types The most popular is the enzyme salicylic peel StopProblem. This is an inexpensive remedy. Effect of the drug: Cleanses
Blood plasma prepared for the procedure
PRP therapy before IVF (endometrial preparation)
Plasma therapy is the injection of the patient’s own purified plasma under the skin. Give several injections
A cosmetologist applies a drug to a girl's face with a brush.
Peeling gel with glycolic acid 10% Profi 5ml, 120 ml | Pleyana
Glycolic acid can exist in pure form or can be partially diluted. Glycolic peeling
What types of acne are there?
The best time for cosmetic procedures
Facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure that involves cleansing the skin of sebum and removing comedones. Exist
Makeup for acne - how to disguise pimples, subcutaneous skin and post-acne
“When you cure your acne, then you will do makeup!” often heard by people with problem skin.
Adriana Lima
Perfect cheekbones: 10 celebrities who removed bisha's lumps
Each of us has heard the phrase “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Yes it could be
modern facial peels
The best facial peels: rating of the most effective and professional products
We all want our skin to look radiant and healthy. But with
Face creams with glycerin - what they are for, benefits and harms. How to prepare and use at home. Video
Face creams with glycerin - what they are for, benefits and harms. How to prepare and use at home. Video
Glycerin: composition The element glycerin is a trihydric alcohol with the chemical formula C3H5(OH)3. Liquid consistency
Anti-wrinkle facial massage
How to remove wrinkles? 10 effective ways to remove wrinkles without harm + step-by-step instructions for facial massage
A woman who has self-massage skills, or who visits a cosmetologist and massage therapist, always looks younger. Unfortunately,
Lip correction • Complete overview of cosmetic solutions
The most complete review of cosmetological lip correction “I like her lips, they will turn out well
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