Facial mesotherapy: how effective is this rejuvenation technique?
Mesotherapy is the intradermal administration of various beneficial substances, the lack of which causes the skin to age: lose
About the unique jojoba oil, which has no equal in its effect on the skin
Somewhere in the desert areas of distant countries such as Arizona, Israel, Argentina, there grows an amazing evergreen
Vacuum facial cleanser Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner
Every woman dreams of perfect skin without imperfections. After all, what could be more beautiful than
Ingrown toenail - symptoms, consequences, methods of removal
Removing an ingrown toenail. Reviews When is a decision made about which doctor and which clinic?
Eyebrow dyeing with henna: biotattoo technique at home
Henna will help give your eyebrows a rich, natural color. Natural dye does not harm hairs and
How to disguise enlarged pores with cosmetics?
Oily skin has some positive qualities. For example, she continues to remain young for a long time, according to
Moles, neoplasms, ultraviolet radiation and HIV: an interview with a dermatologist
There are a huge number of types of moles. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification there are several hundred of them.
The effectiveness of gymnastics for the face
Facebuilding for eyes and eyelids - the best exercises against wrinkles
The benefits and effectiveness of gymnastics for the face Gymnastics as a way of facial rejuvenation has become incredibly popular
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Gluteal muscles are more than just seat cushions
Verified by an expert Ekaterina Olegovna Kuznetsova Dietitian, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist Date of publication: December 23, 2014 date
Non-surgical eyelid blepharoplasty
Question: “How do you feel about the plasma-lift procedure?” Burning holes on the face and eyelids
I read the “cry from the heart” of a cosmetologist colleague about burning out eyelids with a portable plasma device (the “plasmalift” procedure) by the hands of people,
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