11 face masks at home for anti-aging after 30 from wrinkles
The age threshold of 30 years is characterized by a number of negative biochemical processes: collagen synthesis slows down and
How to use gel for washing - cosmetic and moisturizing for sensitive skin, the best 14 products
Cosmetic gel is one of the most popular skin care products. He's good
Abdominal skin rejuvenation and tightening
Non-surgical lifting (lifting)
Author of the article Tatyana Nikolaevna Chvyrova Cosmetologist, dermatologist Problems in the abdominal area are often caused by
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AHA facial peeling: review, instructions for use, composition and reviews
Even the best and highest quality cream will not be able to show its best properties if it is
BeautyHow to use natural oils for self-care
Text: Daria Tatarkova Natural oils can be a great help in self-care: they
The whole truth about hyaluronic acid injections_1.2
Late complications after hyaluronic acid injections
Hyaluronic acid is secretly known as the guardian of beauty. In youth, the body synthesizes it on its own. Acid
Medical disposable injection needle. Characteristics.
TYPES OF SYRINGES Syringes are divided into different types. There are Luer (Luer) and Luer lock (Luer
girl with black mask
Does a black face mask help with blackheads*?
Pimples, comedones, blackheads are the nightmare of almost every teenager and young girl. Ugly reflection
Show “Reboot” on TNT: how the composition of presenters has changed throughout the project
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This is what the Relatox packaging looks like
WHY does everyone inject DYSPORT AND BOTOX, and you RELATOX?
Relatox is the first botulinum toxin drug produced in Russia. Produced in Ufa at the enterprise
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