Scientific monographs, publications Author of more than 170 scientific papers Combined treatment of open fractures of the hand//Abstracts of reports
Hirsutism in women is a pathology of the endocrine system, in which the patient begins to have active
Every second woman in the world is dissatisfied with her own nose. But not all of them
Dobreikin Evgeniy Alekseevich Olga 2018-03-21 Came to Dobreikin from another city to make Reno and
What determines how young we look? Oddly enough, the primary role is played
The cost of the procedure is from 10,000 rubles. Sign up for the procedure The issue of correcting your nose worries you
Alexander Viktorovich has extensive experience performing reconstructive surgeries on the face and neck in children
Foot skin care is an important and necessary part of a regular self-care routine.
Updated: 11/09/2021 15:22:01 Expert: Daria Alekseevna Litvinova *Review of the best according to the editors of ABOUT
Premature development of mammary glands in girls. Issues of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of the mammary glands include