Treatment and removal of calluses surgically
Calluses and Corns Calluses are the result of prolonged friction or pressure on the skin. Manifests
15 Best Refreshing Face Masks at Home
4580 09-10-2020 Author: Mysekret Team 0 Today we offer to consider popular and effective recipes for refreshing
Women's nipples: 9 interesting and unexpected facts
Not only the beauty of her will depend on the natural anatomy of a woman’s nipples.
Breast cancer in men: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Breast cancer in men: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Breast cancer in men is a malignant neoplasm that grows from the cells of the rudimentary mammary glands.
Should there be bruises after an anti-cellulite massage?
Many women think about the advisability of anti-cellulite massage in connection with the statements of some
Why do wen and bumps appear all over the body?
A polyp is a pathological growth of the mucous membrane. By its nature, this is a benign formation, however,
Sectoral resection
Sectoral resection. How to PREPARE FOR OPERATION and what to expect after. Instructions.
More information about the operation Sectoral resection is a surgical intervention for excision of a fragment of the mammary
Facial skin peeling in a beauty salon: the benefits of professional cleansing and its price
Human skin, especially after 30 years, when the natural processes of renewal and hydration slow down, needs
Reduction of the labia minora (labiaplasty)
Methods of performing labiaplasty Surgical method. When using this method, the patient is given general or local
All work during treatment, if we are considering therapeutic treatment, is carried out under a rubber dam
Which anesthesia should I choose? Drug-induced sleep VS local anesthesia.
Local anesthesia is used to numb sensations in a specific part of the body. This prevents pain during
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