Plasmolifting of joints: indications for the procedure and stages of its implementation
According to the World Health Organization, 20–33% of people live with pain-causing diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Injections for facial beauty: what is it, how much do they cost, should I do it or not?
Decreased skin and muscle tone, excessive facial activity and age-related changes - all this
Make an appointment with a doctor at a clinic in Rami
Department of Aesthetic Medicine Department of Aesthetic Medicine » Injection cosmetology Swiss technology of rejuvenation and hydration
Striae: a modern approach to treatment using hardware techniques
The vast majority of women have skin stretch marks on the thighs, chest, and abdomen. Usually
Intravenous ozone therapy: indications and contraindications for the procedure
Ozone is a colorless gas that is made up of three oxygen atoms. In nature the element
Ophthalmological Center "Lege Artis"
At the Lege Artis ophthalmology clinic, they provide a full range of medical services aimed at prevention and
Comparing mechanical and ultrasonic facial cleansing | What's better
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Manual facial cleansing is an effective classic of cosmetology
At the “Health” center of medicine and cosmetology, high-profile specialists perform facial cleansing of all types,
Plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic "Frau Klinik"
Frau Klinik is one of the best clinics in Moscow. Its founders are S. N. Blokhin.
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