Elegant Vaikule and plastic surgery that surprised fans

Interesting facts from Laima’s life: the singer denies plastic surgery, assuring that her appearance is the result of a proper lifestyle and care; strenuously sought the attention of parents; planned to become a doctor; absolutely does not know how to save and save money; trusts her sense of touch when choosing clothes; Nikolai Baskov once broke Vaikule's arm during a concert rehearsal; once Laima Vaikule got a chance to become a Broadway star, but she refused because she did not want to dye her hair brunette; loves to play backgammon.

Recently, Laima posted a video on Instagram, which immediately caused heated debate. Many fans did not recognize the singer at all. Rumors immediately spread that Laima Vaikule had plastic surgery that was not entirely successful. According to a plastic surgery specialist, Lyma performed the following interventions :

  • Circular facelift . Now her face is without a single wrinkle, even too tense, which was not the case in her youth. After plastic surgery, Vaikule lost its naturalness.

Laima Vaikule, 61 years old

  • Blepharoplasty to make the look more open, like a young person. But it turned out that her eyes began to look different, as if the cut had changed.
  • Lip surgery with hyaluronic acid . And here Laima Vaikule succumbed to the fashion for plastic surgery . She enlarged her lips a little, making them more sensual. And although the result is good, the look is no longer entirely natural. Previously, her lips were not full, but they were natural and more attractive.
  • Botulinum toxin injections into the forehead . Now she has a tight face without a single wrinkle.

Laima Vaikule is 48 years old
Despite the strange result, Vaikule’s facial plastic surgery was done as carefully and professionally as possible.

We can guess how much Vaikule plastic surgery cost:

  • General circular lift - from 300 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles.
  • Eyelid lift – about 100-200 thousand rubles.
  • Hyaluronic acid fillers for lips – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Botox injections – from 20 thousand rubles. per session.

Read more in our article about Vaikule plastic surgery and the results of the changes.

Interesting facts from the life of Laima

Honored singer Laima Vaikule has always had an interesting appearance and European features. But she is no less an amazing person. Laima told several intriguing facts about her life, Vaikule spoke about her attitude towards plastic surgery, thanks to which there was a chance to get to know the singer from a new side. Interesting points are:

  • Laima Vaikule, according to her own statements, does without drastic interventions. The singer believes that until the age of 30, a girl looks the way nature created her. She doesn't need to do anything special to look beautiful.
  • But after 35 years, you need to take care of yourself. The way a girl looks is already a result of her lifestyle. Laima does not eat meat, does not smoke and does not abuse alcoholic beverages. In addition, she leads an active lifestyle and works a lot. Her occupation brings her pleasure. Therefore, the reflection in the mirror pleases her.

Vaikule at the beginning of his career and 2014

  • As a child, Laima Vaikule often tried to prove that she was the best and fought for her parents’ attention. The singer said that she did not get along with her middle sister. As a child, she felt that she was in last place for parents after all children.
  • Initially, Laima planned to become a doctor. She even entered medical school. The artist imagined that she would benefit people and see the results of her work. But the plans did not come true. And today she feels like she could do more.
  • According to Vaikule herself, she absolutely does not know how to save and save money. The main thing for her is to enjoy what she earns, otherwise the whole point is lost. If a family has everything they need, then the amount of money spent on entertainment, recreation, etc. does not bother them. She once spent a $100,000 fee on a vacation to the Hawaiian Islands.

Vaikule in his youth and at 56 years old

  • When choosing clothes, Laima trusts her sense of touch. She prefers natural and pleasant-to-touch fabrics.
  • Nikolai Baskov once broke Vaikule's arm during a concert rehearsal. But everything worked out well, all colleagues immediately provided assistance, and Vladimir Vinokur immediately called an excellent traumatologist.
  • Once upon a time, Laima Vaikule got a chance to become a Broadway star. But she didn’t like the proposed role of Mata Hari, and the main reason for refusing was the need to dye her hair brunette. And although she later darkened the color, it was on her terms, for life.
  • Also, one day she decided to work with Mikhail Baryshnikov, although everyone dissuaded her. Knowledgeable people warned that he would not agree. But the dancer decided to star in Vaikule’s video. Although she herself missed the chance, even twice, forgetting to call him back on time.
  • Vaikule loves to play backgammon. She even calls herself "queen."

We recommend reading the article about Alla Pugacheva and plastic surgery. From it you will learn about facial plastic surgery performed by Alla Pugacheva, the work of surgeons on the body, as well as the results before and after plastic surgery. And here is more information about Alena Apina’s plastic surgery.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union

Returning from the United States, the vocalist saw how the world around her had changed. The Soviet Union no longer existed, and Latvian newspapers called the artist an intelligence officer: “The Russian army is leaving, but the agents remain!” But Vaikule survived. In the 1990s, a new wave of popularity came to the soloist, including thanks to the hits “I went to Piccadilly” and “Acapulco”.

Vaikule continued to work in tandem with other performers, trying to repeat the success of Vernissage. The song “Feelings,” which the celebrity sang together with Bogdan Titomir, did not receive hit status, but 20 years later, fans demanded to shoot a modern version of the video with the participation of two stars.

Viewers highlight “Wild Tango” from the soloist’s videos. The searing video was created in Spain. During filming, Laima Stanislavovna had the opportunity to drive a retro car in the suburbs of Madrid. Some of the shots were taken in the local ancient castle.

Laima Vaikule - “Vernissage” with Valery Leontyev

In 2016, the song “I Close My Eyes” appeared, which Laima Stanislavovna performed together with the Russian singer Stas Piekha. The composition first appeared on television on New Year's Eve. TV viewers highly appreciated the work of the newly minted duo.

In 2018, Vaikule went on tour to Ukraine, where in an interview with Odessa journalists she stated that she would not go to Crimea, no matter what fee was offered. In addition, the soloist said that she was glad about the collapse of the Soviet Union. The artist was hit with a barrage of angry criticism and insults. Colleagues in the workshop reacted differently to Laima Stanislavovna’s words. Some left the celebrity with the right to his own opinion, others accused him of hypocrisy and of “biting the hand that feeds her.”

Later, Vaikule shared her impressions of the current situation. Laima Stanislavovna, by her own admission, does not watch TV, but is aware of what people think of her. The singer called the behavior of her ill-wishers shameful, evil and disgusting.

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Laima Vaikule and Alla Pugacheva
The vocalist considered the journalists to be liars and provocateurs. The concert director also supported Laima Stanislavovna. According to Alexey Yakovlev, nothing terrible happened; Vaikule’s words were “twisted and inflated.”

The scandal had a negative impact not only on the singer’s image. The Russian tax authorities became interested in Vaikule’s activities. Officials have questions about the legality of the soloist’s performances at private parties and corporate events, since there are a number of requirements that foreigners must comply with if they want to work in the Russian Federation. If it turned out that the star had committed violations, she would have received a fine or a work ban.

Later, internal affairs bodies reported that no grounds had been identified to bring the celebrity to justice. And Vaikule herself said that after the lifting of sanctions she would immediately come to Crimea and sing for free.

MONATIK & Laima Vaikule - “UVLIUVT on Piccadilly Street”

One way or another, Laima Stanislavovna’s concerts in Russia continued. Although the number of fans in the neighboring state decreased, loyal fans happily attended events with the participation of Vaikule. And in 2022, political views did not prevent the vocal soloist from receiving the “Golden Gramophone” - a Russian Radio award for her contribution to the development of show business.

During her career, the performer has recorded over a dozen music albums in Latvia and Russia. Laima Vaikule is a regular guest at the “New Wave” competition; the singer was invited to the jury of the KVN festival “Voting KiViN”.

In 2022, a new video by Laima Stanislavovna and Ukrainian artist Dmitry Monatik was released - “UVLIUVT on Piccadilly Street”. The joint video of Vaikule and Monatik is full of dance numbers in the style of Broadway performances. The vocalists entrusted the work on the video to director Tanya Muinho.

Vaikule plastic surgery and results for the face after

Laima Vaikule does not lag behind her younger colleagues and maintains an Instagram page. She recently posted a video that immediately sparked heated debate. Many fans did not recognize the singer at all. Rumors immediately spread that Laima Vaikule had undergone plastic surgery, and it was not entirely successful.

On the one hand, she really began to look younger, but, on the other, the singer stopped being herself. Many followers were unhappy with the result. According to a plastic surgery specialist, Lyma performed the following interventions:

  • Most likely, Vaikule had a circular facelift. This is an almost mandatory operation for older women after 45-50 years. Now her face is without a single wrinkle, even too tight, which was not the case even in her youth. It looked natural then. Therefore, in this sense, Laima Vaikule lost its naturalness after plastic surgery.

Before and after facelift

  • To make her look more open and younger, the artist probably had blepharoplasty. But it turned out that her eyes began to look different, as if the cut had changed.
  • Lip surgery with hyaluronic acid. And here Laima Vaikule succumbed to the fashion for plastic surgery. She enlarged her lips a little, making them more sensual. And although the result turned out to be quite acceptable and without excesses, the look is no longer entirely natural. Previously, her lips were not full, but they were natural and more attractive.
  • Botulinum toxin injections into the forehead. Few celebrities can do without these procedures. They help make the look more open and youthful, and hide wrinkles on the forehead.

Despite the strange result, Vaikule’s facial plastic surgery was done as carefully and professionally as possible.

Festival "Lime Rendezvous"

In 2015, Vaikule organized the international festival “Laima Rendezvous” in Jurmala. Performers from Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia were invited. The personal participation of the soloist in organizing the event attracted the interest of a large number of celebrities. The singer invited friends and colleagues, popular artists from different countries, to perform together on the stage of the Dzintari concert hall. Spectators have repeatedly stated that they were delighted with the bright show and funny surprises.

One of these unexpected gifts can be called a song about Karaganda. The composition, which Laima Vaikule sang together with Ukrainian performers Verka Serduchka and the duet “Potap and Nastya,” immediately received positive feedback from fans.

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Laima Vaikule and Raymond Pauls
Laima Stanislavovna explained in an interview that “Rendezvous” is significantly different from “New Wave” in that it is not a competition, the format of the festival is completely new. The vocalist said that the audience gets more positive emotions from concerts where there is not a competitive, but a friendly atmosphere and the artists offer the audience new, unique performances and ideas.

In 2022, “Lima Rendezvous” died down not only in Jurmala, but also in Odessa. On the 2nd day of the festival, a funny thing happened on the shores of the pearl of the Black Sea: a hurricane seriously damaged the stage structure, and the event was in danger of being disrupted. But through the efforts of Vaikule and the team, the concert venue was quickly restored.

At the end of the 3rd and final day, Laima Stanislavovna said goodbye to the fans until next year. But in 2020, neither in Odessa nor in Jurmala, the festival took place. The events had to be postponed to 2022 due to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How much does Vaikule plastic surgery cost?

Stars spare no expense on beauty, because their popularity and career depend on it. Probably, all plastic surgeries cost Laima Vaikule the following amounts:

  • A general circular lift usually costs from 300 thousand rubles. Depending on the complexity of the case, the price can reach up to 1 million rubles.
  • Eyelid lift - about 100-200 thousand rubles.
  • Hyaluronic acid fillers for the lips cost 30 thousand rubles.
  • Botox injections - from 20 thousand rubles. per session.

We recommend reading the article about plastic surgery by Sofia Rotaru. From it you will find out whether Sofia Rotaru had plastic surgery, facial changes before and after, as well as where and for how long the singer had plastic surgery. And here is more information about Valery Leontyev’s plastic surgery.

The singer herself does not comment on her transformation. But according to experts, she performed plastic surgery. Afterwards, Lyma began to look younger, but lost her individuality. Fans were not satisfied with the changes in the appearance of their favorite artist. Plastic surgery implies not only accuracy, but also a sense of proportion and aesthetics for the surgeon in order to preserve the client’s charisma.

Career in the USSR

Even while Laima was studying at GITIS, the young singer was noticed by Ilya Reznik. The poet saw in Vaikul the performer of the composition “Night Fire”. First, the work was performed on the radio, then on the popular program “Song-86”. In the same year, the girl, together with Valery Leontyev, sang a new song “Vernissage” (music by R. Pauls, lyrics by I. Reznik) at a Soviet-Italian concert of pop stars.

The event served as an impetus for the rise and recognition of Vaikule as a popular vocalist. The artist woke up famous, and Laima Stanislavovna’s photos appeared on the covers of the country’s main publications.

A year later, the singer consolidated her success by singing the song “It’s not evening yet.” At the same time, Laima Vaikule offered her own original interpretation for performance, and the composition only benefited from this, getting into radio broadcasts and music programs.

Laima Vaikule - “It’s not evening yet”

The creative union of Vaikule, Pauls and Reznik gave listeners unforgettable hits, including “Fiddler on the Roof” and “Charlie.” Laima Stanislavovna also sang the composition “Yellow Leaves,” for which the former Latvian Ambassador to Russia poet Janis Peters wrote poems. Stage numbers in which the Baltic vocalist appeared in unique extravagant outfits, accompanied by vibrant dance groups, turned into full-fledged videos.

All-Union recognition came to Vaikule in February 1987, after participating in the author's evening of R. Pauls. Without interrupting her studies at GITIS, the artist prepared a large solo program, which premiered at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in early 1988. After the concert, the star finally gained a foothold in the pop music orbit of the Soviet Union.

Useful video

Watch the video about how Laima Vaikule changed:

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Personal life

The personal life of Laima Vaikule rarely appears on the pages of the yellow press. The star did not use scandals to increase her rating and did not share private details.

Laima Vaikule’s first and only common-law husband remains Andrei Latkovsky, the former bass player and producer of the soloist. The couple has been together since 1970 - since they met. For many years, Vaikule and Latkovsky have been spouses, best friends and partners in creative work. Andrey was nearby when Laima became seriously ill. The companion helped to survive without leaving a single step from his beloved.

From the series “FAMILY” Laima Vaikule and Andrey Latkovsky
Posted by Tatyana Vasilievna Zaitseva on Saturday, February 13, 2021

Laima Vaikule and her common-law husband Andrei Latkovsky
The lovers have no children. Vaikule gives her unspent maternal feelings to young singers: Laima Stanislavovna was one of the founders of the competition for young pop singers “Jurmala”.

The artist admitted that she had two abortions. Vaikule dissuades girls from making such decisions. Later, the celebrity underwent an IVF procedure, but was unable to bear a child.

Modern Laima has launched a personal website and an Instagram page. Photos in the account illustrate working moments and everyday life at home, meetings with friends and colleagues. Some photographs show four-legged pets - it is known that Vaikule has tender feelings for dogs.

Laima Vaikule now

Until recently, Laima Stanislavovna hoped that the Rendezvous would take place in 2022. Unfortunately, this time the festival had to be canceled again. Addressing the fans, the artist hoped that a long period of preparation would help make a great show.

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Laima Vaikule now
But in June, Vaikule had the opportunity to attend the 45th anniversary of Maxim Galkin, which took place on the open terrace of a luxurious restaurant located in the elite area of ​​​​Rublevskoye Highway. The party attracted the attention of the paparazzi with an abundance of celebrity guests. Laima Stanislavovna enjoyed communicating with her friend Alla Pugacheva and other colleagues.

In the same month, the singer met with Galkin, being a guest of the YouTube show “Musicality”. Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) helped Vaikule discuss fashion tracks. It is worth noting that in that episode a significant event occurred for the project - rave performer Dead Blonde received a record low rating from the participants.

In the fall of the same year, the artist took the mentor’s chair on the set of the “Voice 60+” project together with Valery Leontyev, Stas Namin and Oleg Gazmanov.

Health status

As my career took off, disaster struck. Doctors diagnosed Vaikule with a tumor. Thanks to high-quality foreign treatment, the artist overcame the disease, but did not stay in America. The singer terminated her contracts, driven by a single desire - to return home.

In an interview with TV presenter Oksana Pushkina, the performer told how breast cancer turned her life upside down, forced her to completely reconsider her beliefs and principles and think about the future, looking completely differently at familiar things. Vaikule concluded by saying that a person grows through suffering:

“Before, I didn’t understand what the words of the sages meant about the suffering in which a person grows and develops. And only after experiencing what happened to me, I began to look at life differently and turned to religion...”

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