How to choose a nose shape that suits your face perfectly

Like other parts of the face, the nose plays an important role in our attractiveness. Even with big eyes, high cheekbones and delicious lips, we can't look good if our nose doesn't fit into the overall picture. Every day we pass by hundreds of people, and you can notice that everyone has a different type of nose. For some it is long, for others it is short. Some are wide, others are not. But did you know that each type of nose has its own special meaning? Sounds interesting, right? Let's take some time and learn about the ten types of noses and their meanings.

Roman nose

The Roman or Eagle nose has the appearance of a bridge, slightly curved. This type resembles a hook. No matter who has such a nose, a woman or a man, they always look attractive. Such people have well developed leadership qualities. They make their way, moving forward. Also an advantage is the ability to organize the activities of other people and support. People with Roman noses are believed to be less aggressive.

Greece and Rome

The difference between many of the indigenous people of these two countries also lies in the shape of the nose. This detail rises high above the face and has a piquant hump. For example, a Roman nose. In addition to its inherent loftiness, it has refined and elongated shapes, ending with a curved tip. Such a nose symbolizes belligerence and courage, the ability to attack and repel attacks. No wonder Roman soldiers were considered very brave. They always bravely defended their possessions. We can see the Roman face in profile on the bas-reliefs of that time. They depict men who are clearly ready to answer the challenge thrown at them, get involved in a fierce battle and become conquerors of enemy territories.

The Greeks also have high noses. However, unlike the Roman ones, they have an almost straight or slightly curved transition line between the forehead and nose. In other words, the Greeks almost completely lack the bridge of their nose. Unlike the Roman one, such a nose (see photo below) looks good on a woman’s face.

This is confirmed by the sculpture of Aphrodite, created during the times of the ancient Hellenes. Her graceful face still serves as a model of harmony and beauty.

Despite the fact that the Greek nose is often compared with the standard, physiognomists believe that owners of such an organ of smell often become gigolos and love to be cunning, lie and cheat. At the same time, they are distinguished by outright cowardice.

Heavenly nose

Also known as an inverted nose, the celestial type has an indentation in the center and a protruding tip. It is because of the bulky tip that a depression is formed. Although such a depression is considered attractive, if the bend is very deep, it may look unsightly. People with sky noses are often optimistic, kind, and have an interesting personality. They love their family and friends and are a pleasure to be around.

More is better

A nose that is too small does not always look beautiful, especially if it is complemented by other large facial features. Therefore, today quite expressive noses are gaining popularity: with a noticeable hump, an elongated back or a fleshy tip. There are often cases when patients, after previous plastic surgery to reduce the osteochondral skeleton, now want to return to natural proportions and install implants to enlarge the nose.

Such operations are gaining the greatest popularity in the Iranian and South Korean communities. After all, in these countries, a common goal of beautification is to create a more European appearance (and representatives of the Caucasian race have never been famous for their miniature noses).

Hawk nose

The name itself speaks about the appearance of the nose. Hawks' noses have a slight curve in the center and have sharp wings. It looks like a hawk's beak. People with this type of nose always strive to stand out from the crowd. It is difficult for society to influence them, since such people do not depend on the opinions of others. They believe in themselves, in their strengths and fulfill their dreams.

Nose color and character

It should be mentioned that the color of the nose will help determine the character. This characteristic is also involved in facial analysis. A shiny nose, perceived by the weaker sex as a disaster, is considered in Chinese philosophy to be a positive sign that will help achieve success in business.

The most attractive nose color, which promises success in money matters, is considered to be peach, pink or a shade of gold. Red skin on the nose indicates loss.

A grayish-sallow color of the skin on the nose indicates hidden diseases, and a greenish tint indicates a tendency to fail to comply with financial obligations.

You will learn to predict character traits by the nose if you learn the main principles of the science of physiognomy. But remember that the main factors depend on the person himself. If he does not strive for success, does nothing to achieve it, then well-being itself will not come.

Nose Redknapp

We all know at least one such person who actively participates in everything, but does not seek to attract attention to himself. This is the best way to identify a person with a Redknapp nose. Such people have large and wide noses, but do not attract much attention. You could say Redknapp's nose is perfect. People with this nose type are quite strong and do not like unwanted attention. They are also very active and quite materialistic.


The size of the nose, that is, the distance from the bridge of the nose to its tip, is not always close to ideal.

This determines the type of facial detail. Thus, physiognomists highlight:

1. Long nose. This part of the face is characteristic of a conservative person, often arrogant and capable of technical, artistic or intellectual achievements. These people cannot make a career in the commercial world. 2. Extra long nose. A person who has it is endowed with all the character traits described above, but most likely has a more spiritual nature. People with very long noses are often speculative, capricious and unrealistic. However, in this case, you should carefully study other parameters. So, if the length of the nasal bone is large, but at the same time it is wide, then this indicates a calm person with a stable character and a very calm temperament. Such people are capable of living a good life. 3. Quite a long nose. If it is perfectly balanced with the chin and eyes, and the proportion with the mouth is maintained, on both sides of which there are two deep lines, then it can safely be classified as ideal. People with this combination of elements are honest, have a good temperament and great authority. In addition, they are active, active and proud. 4. Short nose. This detail indicates a friendly and optimistic person with an open character. These people do not waste time on trifles and carry out the work assigned to them thanks to their own emotional impulses.

Nubian nose

This type of nose is long but wide at the base. Such popular people as Barack Obama and Beyoncé have Nubian noses. It is believed that those with such a nose are creative and open-minded individuals. They always stick their beautiful nose into things that aren't theirs, but they know how to approach situations from different angles. They are also very charismatic personalities.

"Root of the Mountain"

This is the name given to the small area located between the eyes. It is the root of the nose. When reading facial features, physiognomists pay special attention to this area. The fact is that the “root of the mountain” is associated with the possibility of success in life for its owner. If the platform is high enough, then it indicates the loyal character of a person who has close family ties. Also, this type of nose root indicates the long life of its owner. A flat and at the same time full platform indicates a sincere person who has a warm heart and is happily married.

Well, if the “root of the mountain” has a fracture with a depression and horizontal lines extend from it, crossing the back of the nose, then this indicates the poor health of its owner and his possible early death. A low platform in combination with eyebrows hanging over the eyes and a deviated bridge of the nose to the side indicates either deterioration in health in middle age or the individual’s involvement in criminal activity.

However, the effect of a depression or kink must be compared with other parameters. So, if the general facial features have straight and long contours, and the person’s internal energy is strong enough, then the difficulties described above will not be too serious.

Nixon's nose

Named after Richard Nixon, the former President of America, the Nixon nose is very rare, occurring on only one person in a hundred. This type of nose is straight and the edge is slightly widened. People with Nixon's nose are said to have a good idea of ​​their ambitions. Excellent leadership qualities are developed, these people are quite charming.

Facial physiognomy - nose shape

One of the Chinese treatises on face reading says that the nose is the “emperor” of the face, this is connected with the theory of the elements that make up our being. Being naturally practical, the Chinese have tried to express the five essential elements in terms they are familiar with. Those who have ever read books on Feng Shui will understand that we are talking about earth, water, fire, wood and metal. So, the nose is called the “emperor” because it belongs to the element of earth, the symbol of which is the Yellow Emperor.

The analysis shows that the size, shape of the nose and the condition of the skin in this place are directly related to a person’s status in society and the ability to achieve material well-being.

Long nose (first type)

According to Chinese research, the longer a person's nose, the more serious a person he is. Men with this type of nose are sophisticated, creative, responsible and hardworking. They are almost not interested in the material aspects of life, they are more attracted to spiritual values, which is why there are so many men with long noses among scientists and religious figures.

Long nose (second type)

The second type includes people with long, large and high noses. This shape of the nose in men is a sign of stubbornness, a sharp mind, a tendency to do everything in life in their own way, without taking into account anyone’s advice, without relying on any authorities. If the nose is too large and inharmonious with the rest of the facial features, then a person with such an appearance is likely to alienate others only if he does not have any positive character traits. As a rule, men with non-standard appearance have a great sense of humor and artistry, compensating for their shortcomings with gifted talents.

Short nose (first type)

A short nose, like a long one, comes in two types: the first is just a short nose, the second (we’ll talk about it later) is short and flat. The first type - just a short nose - is also conventionally divided into two categories, but they are from the category of mental and intellectual abilities: those with high or average intelligence, and those with below average intelligence. Naturally, men of the first category are successful both in business and in love. Men of the second category, on the contrary, are boring, impractical and irresponsible. Women with short noses are hardworking, able to quickly move up the career ladder, but due to their changeable nature, they are unhappy in marriage.

Short nose (second type)

The second type includes people with a short and flat nose. Despite the fact that these traits are unfavorable, because along with an unattractive appearance, people with the second type of nose also have other disadvantages (both physical and mental), they are loyal friends, attentive and hardworking colleagues, loyal to everyone who him kind

Asymmetrical nose

Even if a person is talented and has excellent character traits, a crooked nose brings such dissonance to the appearance that it alienates others, since they are judged primarily by their appearance, especially by something that catches the eye. The only consolation can be a sense of humor and a smart response to problems.

Ideal nose shape

Both men and women with ideal nose shapes have exquisite taste, they are generally great lovers of art and music, and they dress beautifully, following fashion. It is possible that some of the fairer sex are overly narcissistic creatures, but this is not surprising for people with beautiful appearance.

Little snub nose

Mostly women have noses like this. They look more like children's noses that never grew up. People with such traits are not always intellectuals and give the impression of general immaturity.

It cannot be said that owners of such a nose are very lucky in love and marriage: they are very defenseless against strong-willed and aggressive men. You should be careful when choosing a partner and not wait for a mythical prince on a white horse, who may ultimately turn out to be “Bluebeard.”

Facial physiognomy - nose with a hump

Most often, a nose with a hump is found in men (we will not take into account the inhabitants of the Caucasus). This trait is inherent in men who are strong in all aspects: courageous, strong-willed, uncompromising, impatient. Women with such a nose, if they occur, have similar masculine qualities. Unable to give in and lose, they often conflict when solving family problems.

Nose color

Unless a person is an alcoholic, a red nose indicates financial difficulties, inability to express oneself and make a career, as well as poor health. Considering that we are judged by our appearance, it is difficult for such people, even those with good character, to create a favorable first impression.

If your nose has a forked tip

Without a doubt, once you meet a person with such a nose, you will never forget him. This trait is mainly characteristic of men. They differ from other representatives of the “stronger sex” in the originality of their judgments and character: they are excellent speakers, skeptics, accustomed to questioning and analyzing everything, having a quarrelsome nature, great debaters, completely unable to communicate with others. As a rule, all of the above-mentioned features are characteristic of people involved in science, which may be why you often see such noses among scientists.

Correctly shaped female nose

This typically female version of the nose indicates the femininity of its owner. They are great mothers, neat people who love comfort and cleanliness in their home, good designers because they know how to appreciate beauty and harmony. Speaking of shortcomings, the fragility of these women (both emotional and physical) makes them defenseless against stronger men.

Straight nose with pointed tip

A person with such a nose, from childhood, develops the ability to understand everything in the world around him. Their main goal is to make the world and the people living in it a better place. Both men and women with this trait, as a rule, direct their creative abilities for the benefit of people.

Facial physiognomy - nose with pronounced nostrils

For many centuries, Chinese physiognomists have been observing people who are considered geniuses. Their analysis showed that most of these people have small noses with pronounced widened nostrils.

Nose shaped like a “bag”

If you look closely at the profile of a person with this type of nose, he really looks like a bag. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in China such a nose is associated with a person’s having money. As a rule, people with this trait measure everything and everyone with money. Possessing an extraordinary mind, they are more like Jewish moneylenders, ready to use every chance to enrich themselves.

Straight nose with a slight hump at the top

Perhaps we can say that people with such a nose are ideal in all respects. They are honest, open, reliable, live in harmony with themselves, sincerely love and respect people, that is, they have all the qualities of a leader. Not experiencing a lack of attention from representatives of the “weaker sex” (and women find such men the most attractive), they are happy in their marriage, as they choose the most beautiful, smart and talented.

Read other articles:

  • Facial physiognomy - eyebrow line
  • Facial physiognomy - lips
  • Facial physiognomy - eyes
  • Facial physiognomy - ears

Nose Duchess

This nose is named after the beautiful Duchess Kate Middleton. The Duchess nose is considered cute and is actually one of the best noses. It is a straight nose and is ideal for both men and women. People with this type of nose are spontaneous and creative. They are known for creating their own atmosphere wherever they go.


Looking at himself in the mirror, a person sees only the outer nose, which can have a different external shape. However, inside this part of the body has the same structure in all people.

What causes differences in the shape of the external nose? The appearance of this part protruding above the face depends on the location of the cartilage and soft tissue, as well as bones. In this case, they distinguish:

1. The bridge of the nose, which is the root of the nose. This is the outer section located between the eyebrows. The bridge of the nose is of two types: wide and narrow. 2. The bridge of the nose. This part is formed by two side surfaces. These are the edges of the nose converging with each other. 3. Lateral surfaces. These are the parts of the back of the nose that go into the wings and form the nostrils. 4. The tip or apex of the nose. This is the part located between the nostrils, that is, the place where the back begins.

Fleshy nose

This is one of the most common nose shapes and is mainly characterized by fullness. 25% of people have this type of nose, they are large and prominent. Those with this nose type are quite emotional, generous and kind personalities.

You certainly never thought that the nose, which usually doesn't have much significance, at least in comparison to other parts of the face, can actually reveal so much about a person's personality. But now that you know about the features, carefully observe other people's noses and learn a little more about them.

Nostril shape and character

In addition, when determining character, the shape of the nostrils is taken into account, because this is also part of the nose. There are only 4 types of nostrils:

  1. nostrils are triangular in shape. They talk about the stinginess of the individual, a cautious attitude towards life;
  2. square- nostrils are evidence of an active position, health, reliability and determination. Such people are ready to fight to the end;
  3. rounded nostrils are characteristic of inventive and rational individuals who know how to find a creative way out of a situation;
  4. The oval shape speaks of a love of adventurism and the search for adventure.

The wings of the nose are involved in creating the shape of the nose, and therefore also influence human character:

  • if they correspond to the size of the nose and are symmetrical, then this is a factor that enhances success;
  • wings that are too large and thick indicate a person’s ability to part with money easily. But swelling wings help achieve true wealth;
  • small wings are evidence of a cautious attitude towards life, an unwillingness to take risks in financial matters;
  • Too narrow nostrils indicate a problem with receiving money and spending it. Such people are greedy and stingy.


This parameter is important when determining a person’s artistry. Ideally, it should be a high nose with a straight and smooth back. In addition, such parameters portend a long life.

If a person's nose is full and well rounded, then he is very artistic. In addition, his marriage will definitely be happy.

If a person has a high, but at the same time narrow nose, looking like the edge of meat, then his life will most likely be filled with hard, exhausting work. With a large and flat back of this respiratory organ, we can talk about a cold, calculating nature.

If you meet a person who has a high bridge of the nose, but at the same time low and weak cheekbones, know that he was probably born into a family with a high social position. However, in middle age such people often face adversity, and in later years - deprivation.

Female character

Physiognomists can tell a lot when reading the faces of the weaker half of humanity. Thus, a high nose in women, which is not balanced by low cheekbones, indicates a period of need that lasts up to thirty years.

Such a lady is capable of competing with the stronger half of humanity for a high position. A girl's high nose indicates that its owner will get married very early. However, if this does not happen, then starting a family will have to be postponed until after the age of thirty-five. But it is unlikely that the marriage will be happy.

Wings of the nostrils

These parts of the nose support and balance the tip, located to the right and left of it. If the wings of the nostrils are proportional and free from defects, then they indicate a person who is successful in life. What if they are flat or located too close to the back of the respiratory organ? Then physiognomists claim that their owner is not able to make money or save what he has acquired.

Wings diverging from the tip of the nose indicate a strong person who can leave poverty and ascend to wealth. Such facial features are also a sign of sensitivity.

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