Nail Suleymanov, inventor of the USSR, Honored Inventor of the Republic of Belarus: “My joy is the sun of the day, my soul is freedom”

Before you decide on such a responsible procedure as surgery to change the shape of your nose, think about whether there are more painless and cheaper ways to bring your nose into the desired shape. We have written a special article on non-surgical methods of rhinoplasty. We advise you to familiarize yourself with it before spending huge sums and going under the doctor’s scalpel.

Rhinoplasty of the nose in Ufa is performed in large public and several private clinics. Patients speak well of the clinics, and several negative reviews are related to complications. But plastic surgeons do their work conscientiously; it’s just that the patient’s immune system may have hidden abnormalities.

How much rhinoplasty of the nose in Ufa costs depends on several factors: the complexity of the operation, the qualifications of the plastic surgeon. The prices for the operation are reasonable and correspond to the quality of the service provided. For the convenience of the reader, we will provide a brief overview of the most popular medical centers in Ufa where the procedure can be performed.

Clinics where you can get rhinoplasty in Ufa

Simple rhinoplasty can be performed in any specialized clinic in Ufa. But if a secondary procedure or post-traumatic surgery is necessary, we recommend contacting trusted centers with extensive experience.

We present to your attention cosmetic surgery centers in Ufa, where rhinoplasty has been performed for several years. The equipment in the centers is modern and there are separate rooms, as well as all the drugs for a high-quality procedure.

You can get rhinoplasty done the first time with a positive result in several institutions at once. The price varies from 50 to 150 tr. How much rhinoplasty of the nose in Ufa costs in each case depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. In the recommended centers, each patient will be seen by a specialist doctor and will prescribe a series of tests, after which the options and subtleties of surgical intervention will be considered. You will be offered the best options for surgery, because the main motto of Bashkir doctors is to do no harm!

Rhinoplasty clinics in Ufa with their coordinates and features are presented in the table:

Name of the cosmetic centerHow to contact the center, coordinatesPhotos of patients before and after nose surgeryFeatures of the medical institution
State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Belarus City Clinical Hospital No. 21, Department of MicrosurgeryUfa, st. Lesnoy proezd, 3, tel.: 8-917-368-28-97 Plastic surgery: rhinoplasty, facelift and breast correction. Nose surgery can be performed of any complexity.
Clinic "MEDI"Ufa, st. Batorskaya, 8, 8-987-03-03-033

Cosmetic operations of any complexity, mild rhinoplasty is performed without external incisions. Pediatric rhinoplasty is performed after trauma or hostile pathologies.
Clinic "Cosmetology Clinic"Ufa, st. Komsomolskaya, 37, tel. Any types of cosmetic operations, with reconstruction in the most complex cases with changes in internal partitions, dentistry.
MedicalUfa, st. Batyrskaya, 8 (2nd floor), Zelenaya Roshcha microdistrict, tel.

They offer liposuction, rhinoplasty, ear correction, and face tightening.

Description and features of clinics

State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Belarus City Clinical Hospital No. 21

One of the main places in Ufa where you can perform high-quality cosmetic surgery is the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Belarus, City Clinical Hospital No. 21. This is a public hospital where you can perform surgery of any complexity, even on children. The work is carried out using high-precision Swiss and domestic equipment. The operations are performed by a famous plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor R.K. Ibragimov He is a true master of his craft, and the feedback from his grateful patients is only positive. You can make an appointment with a doctor using one of the telephone numbers listed in the table. For a doctor, there is no difference between budget and premium clients. Ruslan Karibovich will find an individual approach to everyone. Nose surgery in Ufa starts at a price of 65 rubles. The first visit and consultation will be free.

Clinic "MEDI"

In the small private clinic “MEDI”, operations are performed by the same Ruslan Kabirovich Ibragimov. The difference from the city hospital is that it is a small and cozy room with single rooms. The building is located in a green residential area of ​​Ufa, so clients will feel comfortable here. The price for rhinoplasty starts from 70 thousand rubles.

The cosmetology clinic on Komsomolskaya Street is famous among the women of Bashkiria. Nose correction work in a medical institution is performed by two specialists:

A third generation aesthetic and plastic surgeon with over 40 years of experience, Nail Yavdatovich Suleymanov. Women make an appointment with him 3 months in advance, since the doctor performs no more than 2 operations per day.

First degree doctor with more than 30 years of experience in the field of rhinoplasty and member of the international cosmetology club Ruslan Robertovich Gareev.


Medical is loved for its small size and high requirements for staff. All personnel from doctors to nurses have at least 10 years of experience. Famous surgeons from Gushchina work in the center. Clients are treated individually here. Each person is offered a separate room with a choice of menus and a comfortable automated bed. The center is located right in a small grove, so the patient, upon waking up, will hear the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves. The equipment in the clinic is only modern, high-precision. Anesthesiologists have the latest technologies and drugs at their disposal, so the operation will take place with minimal harm to the body.

Any patient can undergo rhinoplasty in Ufa. You need to approach the choice of a doctor responsibly. You must trust your surgeon and then your nose surgery will go well.

Nail Suleymanov: “The authorities of Chelny suggested that I take the market that was controlled by the 29th complex”

The general director of the largest Tulpar market in the Republic of Tatarstan explained why the excessive development of retail chains poses a threat to the food security of the Russian Federation. In an interview with BUSINESS Online, he talked about how he became one of the first cooperators in the Republic of Tatarstan, how he bought out a business from the legendary organized crime group, who is now “nightmare” the business and how he sees the future of markets in the republic.


— Nail Narullinovich, in just a few years, a real revolution took place in large cities: the main flow of buyers was redirected from markets to shopping centers. What is happening to the markets now? Are you able to retain visitors?

— Yes, about ten years ago it was difficult to walk through the market because of the huge number of people. But civilization must move forward; we cannot stand still. And the fact that shopping centers and chains have appeared is a normal phenomenon. It's good that there is now an abundance of food. Previously, people stood in lines for products that were in short supply, but now there are so many products that buyers are standing in lines at the checkout counters. It often happens: in a supermarket there are 24 cash registers, but only one or two are working. While this system operates smoothly abroad, it doesn’t exist here yet. Perhaps our mentality is different: either there is not enough staff, or the people are not trained, or they are saving money.

Naturally, the markets are mainly visited by the buyer who cannot afford supermarkets, the one who is counting money until payday or retirement. After all, prices in supermarkets are fixed, there are cash registers, and you can’t bargain there, but you really want to get at least some kind of discount.

The market must retain its face, its truly market relations during any modernization. So that you can bargain and communicate. Previously, people went to the market as if it were a holiday...

— But there is a reality: in most developed countries, large markets in our understanding practically do not exist. And we also seem to be moving in this direction...

— On September 21, in Tatarstan, in the building of the Ministry of Agriculture, an interregional conference “Problems and prospects for the development of retail markets in Russia in 2012 - 2015” was held. As the president of the Union of Markets of Tatarstan, I spoke there and said that markets are our past, present and future. Markets have always been and will always be. Before the conference, I traveled to different countries and became convinced that markets exist everywhere! And no one there has any badges, there is no unnecessary control - buyers came, bargained, bought what they needed, and left. Yes, there are no such huge markets as ours in Europe, but there are in Turkey, Egypt, and eastern countries.

It is very important that at the market we buy fresh, environmentally friendly, real products, and not genetically modified ones of unknown quality. At least, organic food products come from our Russian producers, and you should buy them from them. About five years ago, I very often saw high-ranking Chelny executives at our market who chose their own meat. By the way, I don’t know from which networkers you can buy real fresh meat today. There is a category of goods that can only be purchased on the market.

In America they have now come to their senses and have begun to create special departments to restore markets that were previously destroyed. That is, they also have a problem with the sale of agricultural products overseas. Yes, and everywhere abroad they are struggling with the dominance of networkers, but here we are struggling with markets! Competitive conditions must be equal, buyers must have choice. As sociologists say, buyers vote with their feet: whether to go to markets or to retail chains. And since the markets are still not empty, it means they are needed!

I in no way object to shopping centers, and I go there myself from time to time. Today, before an interview with you, I stopped by one of them and bought a GPS navigator. Yes, there is a significant outflow of customers towards hypermarkets, but this is a normal phenomenon. Now there is a struggle for a buyer, and this is also a normal phenomenon. But the chances for market participants to compete must be equal a priori! Or they should be dealt with by competent organizations to restore justice. I believe that the state should definitely help markets, and not create a nightmare for us.


— Who is causing nightmares to the markets and how?

— Unfortunately, laws in Russia are changing not in favor of markets and small businesses (UTII, etc.) After certain articles of Federal Law 271 came into force in 2007, entrepreneurs began to leave our market in dozens. They were not happy with the fact that it was necessary to conclude an agreement, create seller cards, and be required to wear badges - all this made the work of management companies very difficult. The threat of large fines forced management companies to strictly control the availability of all documents from the seller in order to avoid bankruptcy.

Previously, the relationship was like this: I am an entrepreneur, you are entrepreneurs. And the law made it so that I am the market manager, and they are my subordinates, and I am responsible for them. Why on earth should I be responsible for them?

So they call me from the tax office and say that 200 people showed a zero balance and I should not allow them to work. Why? After all, we have a contractual relationship.

They fulfill my conditions, I fulfill mine. Why should I be responsible for them not paying taxes? Why should I deal with them over this? I think this is overkill. Perhaps the children of some outlet owners study in England, but my children do not study in England. Perhaps some of them are richer than me. Why on earth should they obey me? Market relations mean that it is beneficial for us to work together. And now, when an entrepreneur comes, I directly interrogate him - has he registered, does he pay taxes? I need it? No! By the way, spontaneous markets appeared in the 1980s and 90s, and now they are also starting to appear again. The police arrive, people run away, but then return again.

The most interesting thing is that Federal Law 271 prohibited us, market management companies, from independently ordering, bringing and selling meat as wholesalers. Previously, we had contacts with collective farms, where we bought meat in bulk. Then the sellers took the meat from us and sold it at retail. We, the markets, have now been excluded from this chain. And now chaos. We are now simply renting out space and have no right to trade. Absurd! So how can we compete with networkers?! Now all conditions have been created for networkers, and markets are very limited in everything. Probably, antimonopoly organizations and, finally, the Constitutional Court should deal with this.

In Russia we have 6.3 million market sellers. Can you imagine how many people could be left without work if the markets close?! Where to go, where to look for work? And now the sellers at the markets feed themselves, provide for their families and children, and do not ask for anything from the state.

— Was there a large outflow due to all these requirements?

— Yes, it’s big, more than 370 people left Tulpar and continue to leave for spontaneous markets. The places remained empty, and we removed the kiosks from there so that the tax authorities would not ask us questions. And these are real losses not only for us, but also for the city budget.

— Or maybe this strict control is necessary? After all, it is known that in the markets, more than anywhere else, they try to evade taxes and use black cash?

— Everyone wants to avoid taxes all over the world! But we believe that it is better to pay taxes and sleep peacefully on a bench in a public garden than to sleep restlessly on bunks without paying. Everything is transparent with us. All employees of our company have a full social package. I think that almost all markets have already switched to legal payment of wages.


— Now in the Republic of Tatarstan there are attempts to create farmers’ markets. Recently in Kazan one opened on Gorkovskoe Highway, another one is being built at the entrance from Naberezhnye Chelny. How do you feel about this idea? How do you generally develop relationships with farmers?

— A week ago, I called the head of the department of consumer markets and services of the executive committee of Naberezhnye Chelny, Raisa Sultanova, and suggested the following: we are ready to provide free space for farmers to hold fairs. My interest: to attract customers to the market with fresh products. I myself come from a village, I know how hard it is for people to survive there. For ordinary farmers, a big problem is the sale of goods. Therefore, on fair days we provide them with seats for free, and on regular days - with a 20 percent discount.

As for farmers' markets, we again wanted the best, but it will turn out as always: there will be a very ordinary market. A farmer’s market of 1.8 hectares will not absolutely solve the problem of a city with a million people. At a minimum, you need approximately 30 - 40 hectares for the first time, and not seasonal fairs, but wholesale and retail food logistics centers with developed infrastructure. On the one hand, it is good that such a market has appeared; at first, perhaps, the product manufacturers themselves will sell. But they are not professional sellers, and dealers and resellers will definitely appear, and the market will turn into a regular one. I believe that everyone should mind their own business: the farmer - his, the seller - his. It is better for the farmer to bring it and sell it in bulk. The fact that farmers’ markets have appeared, I repeat, is already good, but from my point of view, this will not give the expected effect.

- What is the way out? How then can a farmer profitably sell his products?

— What we need is the construction of wholesale and retail food logistics centers, that is, to scientifically solve the issues of product distribution from manufacturer to consumer. For example, in Poland they build a new center almost every year, because it is an agricultural country. And Belarus is building, and the entire civilized world is using this commodity distribution scheme. If we ourselves do not currently know how to build logistics food centers, then we need to take advantage of the experience of those who can. In Poland, the project was done by the Germans, built by the Dutch. And we must study experience. It is possible to have a Turkish one and build such an interregional center, for example, at the intersection of roads in Tatarstan (Chuvash Republic, Mari El). When there was a drought, our colleagues were ready to bring us potatoes, other vegetables and fruits from Poland and Belarus, but the problem arose that there was nowhere to take all this! The wholesale bases that existed under the USSR disappeared, nothing new was created. There are no food supplies, and this is a big problem, and it will get worse if Russia joins the WTO. If we, like the Poles, are given an interest-free loan for 25 years under state guarantees, then we too can build such a logistics center. Of course, the state must have a controlling stake, and there must be a state development program. Foreigners should not be allowed here under any circumstances.

At the end of June in Kazan we held an international conference on the country's food security at the initiative of the Union of Markets of the Republic of Tatarstan. As a result of the conference, we appealed to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Duma of Russia, sent an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation about the need to include Tatarstan in the state target program for the development of agriculture for 2012 - 2015 and about allocating money for the construction of an interregional wholesale food logistics center in Tatarstan, as pilot version.

Our president reacted quickly and forwarded our appeal to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. And the ministry responded that it supported our proposal and asked to provide a sketch of the center indicating the proposed location. Marat Akhmetov initially supported the initiative of the Union of Markets of the Republic of Tatarstan. But we need a state program, we need very serious money - more than one billion. The state must have a controlling stake; otherwise, private investors can be attracted, such as network operators, for example.


— Your market, as you know, is one of the largest in the republic. How many retail spaces does it currently have?

— At an interregional conference on the problems of retail markets, I learned that the central market of Kazan has approximately 900–1000 places. And there are about three thousand places in our market. The popular Komsomolsky market in Chelny is also smaller than ours. Our policy was very cheap rent, we were the first to switch to European kiosks. Working conditions for sellers were changed for the better; they no longer had to run to the storage room, or stand in mud and puddles.

— You built a new large building on the market. Why is it needed, what is its concept?

— We began to implement the project of reconstructing the market and building a shopping center long before 2007, when Law 271 was passed. In 2003, Ildar Khalikov became the mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny. Young, energetic, with the idea of ​​​​transforming the city into a city of a European format, and we could not stay away from the transformation, he inspired us with good ideas. In general, it is very pleasant to work with Ildar Khalikov, he helped us a lot and was personally present at the opening of the shopping center. If only the country had more such leaders! In general, I have always been lucky with city leaders. We have always been like-minded people. It is also comfortable to work with the new mayor of the city, Vasil Shaikhraziev. Intelligent, energetic people!

Let's get back to your question. The development of markets should be evolutionary, not revolutionary. Federal Law 271 points to a revolutionary path: so that in a year everyone will be standing in covered markets, everyone will be happy, everything will be dry and warm. It doesn't happen like that! If they would give an interest-free loan for 10 to 15 years so that a small business could grow, get stronger and then repay the debts, then this is realistic. Unfortunately, we don’t have this. They are always trying to drag us into a “bright future” in a revolutionary way. Without our desire.

For the construction of the shopping center, we took out a loan at as much as 18 percent, but throughout the world it is no more than 10 percent. Banks are very reluctant to provide loans; they provide loans for a short period and at high interest rates and incommensurate collateral. This is how you end up in bondage to the banks. No incentive for development! You will leave only debts as an inheritance for your children!

— What was the volume of investment in the building?

— 360 million rubles — investments, loans, borrowed and own funds.

How many retail spaces are there in the new building? Over what period of time do you hope to recoup your investment?

— Approximately 170 seats, and this is on 16,000 square meters of total area! You can pay it off in the best case scenario in 25 years, and only if something doesn’t change for the worse. The profit, of course, is small, but there is, but not on loan repayment. The shopping center is mainly maintained by renting out space on the street. The central market of Kazan, where the indoor market is also built, is maintained in the same way. With such energy prices, it is simply insanely expensive. You have to pay about 3 million rubles a month for electricity alone. We have to raise the rent, but who can bear it? There are other nuances: by law, in a shopping center, a seller must have a space of at least nine square meters, and on the street, for example, four is enough. But not everyone needs large areas.

— Ultimately, do you want to relocate all the sellers from the street to the indoor market?

— We return to the topic of evolution. Someone, standing on the street, has ruined his health enough, but has collected some capital and wants to move to more civilized conditions. Let the profit be less, but the appearance, status, health will be better. They themselves came to this conclusion through evolution. 80 percent of those who now sell in shopping centers have grown out of our sales force and now recruit others to sell their goods. Gradually, maybe in 5 - 7 years, up to 90 percent of sellers will come to move to shopping centers. But why force them there?

Federal Law 271 states that we must use a permanent building. But nowhere is it explained what a permanent building is! According to the dictionary, legally, a permanent building is something that is firmly and inextricably linked to the ground. But for some reason such requirements are not imposed on network companies: they can build a building on a strip foundation, cover it with sandwich panels and that’s it - trade. Our building is solid, we have underground parking, we have a very serious foundation. Monolithic concrete columns. The floors and ceilings are also monolithic. Naturally, we have expensive finishing. What for? For example, when a buyer comes to MEGA, he does not notice that there are cheap tiles on the floor and no ceiling decoration. He needs a product, he didn’t come to look at the beauty of the building. If the product is good, he will go there and he doesn’t care where it is sold. Abroad, they realized this earlier and began making inexpensive, prefabricated buildings.

In fact, the same MEGA is a large warehouse, a prefabricated building. If we, marketers, are allowed to build prefabricated buildings, like networkers, then, by and large, this can be accomplished in a few years. But building capital buildings for markets is unprofitable. Markets, as we understand and accept them, will destroy them. Then, in decades, we will create departments for the revival of markets. You can't understand Russia with your mind.


— How much does it cost to rent a place in your market now? What does the price depend on?

— The price varies depending on whether the seller has a place in the market or not. On the street, a square meter costs approximately 1,100 rubles per month. And in a shopping center - from 500 rubles.

— Why is there less space in the shopping center building?

— Because buyers don’t go to a shopping center; they are more accustomed and comfortable to buy goods in a traditional market. Therefore, in our new building, in order to promote and attract buyers, we forced and temporarily reduced the rent.

— What is the profitability of your business?

— Previously, profitability reached 25–30 percent per year. Now, if there is at least 15 percent, then this is already very good. We are slightly ahead of official inflation, but of course not unofficial inflation. Tariffs and taxes are rising. Legislation is becoming stricter. That is, there are a lot of levers that do not stimulate small businesses; on the contrary, they greatly hinder their development and existence in general.

— How many employees does your management company have?

— When we first started, there were more than 120 people. Now we are cutting staff due to high payroll taxes, and human resources are used like shampoo: three in one.


— It is known that in the 90s good capital was made in the markets. Some entrepreneurs, having earned start-up capital there, continued to open additional outlets or went into another business. Is it really possible to make good money in the market now?

— I came to the market in 1995. By 2000-2001, there were practically no tents left on the market due to the reconstruction process. The market has become profitable. Market sellers also started making good money. But what hard work they have! It's easier for a galley slave! Our company wanted to build a ten-story building so that people working in the market could buy apartments in this building in installments and not have to travel long distances to work, and build a large indoor market and shopping center. But the crisis got in the way. Prices for building materials and energy resources have increased greatly. Today it is impossible to make big money in the market. Neither market management companies nor individual entrepreneurs in the market, thanks to our wonderful laws that are written to “support” small and medium-sized businesses. The Abramovichs and Ismailovs will not grow in our markets, that’s for sure. And our ill-conceived laws will destroy the middle class at the root. Just like in 1937.


— Tell us, what did you do before you headed the market?

— I am a mechanical engineer by profession. The second education is economic. I worked at a defense plant for a long time. Accustomed to discipline, order, precision. In 1986, I came to Elabuga to build the Kama Tractor Plant. He worked as a shop manager at a foundry. Then I was transferred as a shop manager to a machine-tool plant (MTP), where I acted as chief engineer, went on business trips throughout the USSR, built the plant from the first peg to the last machine...

Then funding suddenly stopped, the USSR collapsed, our specialists could find themselves without work, and I was responsible for them. The question arose: what to do? I went to the general director of SIZ, Alexander Shuvaev, and with his permission, I organized the first construction cooperative at the plant in the late 80s. We began to build cowsheds, schools, cultural centers on collective farms, we even built a church. Then we rented a school furniture factory in Yelabuga, since we had very skilled wood modelers. I just then arrived from St. Petersburg, brought brochures with samples of royal furniture and told the craftsmen to do the same, based on the samples. They started producing very good, luxury furniture. I remember we put the first sample in the store and told us not to sell it - to determine demand and price. On the second day I came, but our furniture was gone! They tell me: someone came, paid ten times more and took the furniture. This is how we began to understand what prices to set.

They began to develop, people realized that even in an unprofitable school furniture factory it is possible to produce elite furniture that will be in demand if you approach the work with soul and calculate everything correctly.

-That is, this is how you earned your initial capital. So what is next?

- Yes, money appeared, we began to expand, but the factory terminated the contract with us, because we taught them how to work, and they decided that they could make money themselves without us. My people left, but the factory owners themselves did not succeed. It is no coincidence that Margaret Thatcher said: “The main wealth of any country is its people.”

We earned good money from construction; it was a very profitable business back then. I worked hard at a factory for many years for a small salary as an engineer, and then I worked for several months - and now, a Mercedes and a trunk full of money! In those perestroika times, everything depended on you, on your abilities. I got up at four in the morning and spun around for days. I was tired, but I liked the work.

Later, Svyatoslav Bakhmetyev, my former boss, director of the foundry at ElAZ, invited me to KAMAZ to work in the sale of cars to the southern regions. He was a wonderful man! KAMAZ trucks weren’t selling very well back then. We established good contacts with the Chinese, Koreans, and Kazakhs, began to successfully sell KAMAZ vehicles, and entered into contracts for large sums. And then there was a fire at the KAMAZ engine plant. But contracts still had to be fulfilled. We had to get “bicycles” without engines from KAMAZ, drive them to Neftekamsk, install the bodies there, then drive them to Orsk to the tractor plant and install YaMZ engines. After that, they were given to customers. And the Chinese and Koreans are very picky, they took the order very tediously. But, on the other hand, they taught us to work well.


— How did you become the owner of the market in Chelny?

— There was a time when I already had my own stores in Chelny and an office was built. The administration of Naberezhnye Chelny, represented by the first vice-mayor Rustam Gafarov, offered me and my companion to rent the Avtozavodsky market, which was unprofitable at that time. Everything would be fine, but there was one nuance - although this market was municipal, it was controlled by the organized crime group “29 complex”.

The background was as follows. In the early 90s, the Avtozavodsky market was leased, the director of which was the authority of Adygan Salyakhov, nicknamed “Alik”. After the expiration of the lease agreement, it was not renewed, Sonar did not pay rent, there was no order in the market, and there were no tax deductions either. Therefore, the city administration decided to take the market away from them and transfer it to another tenant.

The question was extremely difficult. I went to Moscow to personally discuss this issue with Salyakhov, since we were fellow countrymen. And I managed to agree that they would transfer the market to our company peacefully and there would be no racketeering in the market.

- And they left so easily? After all, for them the market was probably a cash flow.

— At that time, the market was not a very profitable business. Here they sold their goods from milk crates, there were no conditions, unsanitary conditions, dirt - and buyers almost never went to such a market. And its then owners in Moscow had a well-promoted business, and the Chelny market was mainly a headache for them.

You can come to an agreement with any sane person, that is, make an offer that he cannot refuse. This is business. Moreover, I came from the city administration...

Until 1998, no one came to us or touched our business. Then the young scumbags grew up and began to offer protection. Why do we need it? We worked with the city administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB.

It was very difficult, and we went through all the circles of hell of those dashing 90s. From gangster lawlessness to police lawlessness. But time passes and everything changes. Friends can become enemies, and enemies can become friends! That's life. And now I can’t say that we are worried about criminal circles. Now we are being “nightmareed” by others according to the law. I think this too will pass. All the same, we will learn to live and work humanly and according to the law, there are no other ways.

In general, the market itself is a very difficult business: thousands of people, thousands of opinions, the slightest understatement or price increase, and that’s it – a rally. And our Avtozavodskaya market is mainly staffed by engineers, doctors, and teachers laid off from KAMAZ. That is, people are competent, but not professional sellers. We found a common language with entrepreneurs. Thanks, of course, to the late Rashid Saitovich Khamadeev (mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny in the early 2000s - ed .). He personally helped when we carried out the reconstruction. Sometimes he said sternly: “You can’t work with people, give the market to someone who can work.”

Then I gathered everyone who likes to write complaints to various authorities, and suggested that they create a market council to coordinate actions. This created a kind of buffer between the market administration and entrepreneurs. He invited them to think together about different proposals and ideas. Of course, they didn’t need anything then, just to survive: they stood in the mud, sold it - if possible, packed up the tent and left. Now many people say words of gratitude to me and laugh at how they didn’t understand me before.


— Name the three main conditions necessary to succeed in business.

— First, you just need to work hard. If you don't work, you won't succeed. The second is an idea, luck, luck, or, more simply, being in the right place at the right time with a good idea. Well, Russian business is only 15 percent dependent on your personal abilities, and 85 percent depends on acquaintances, connections, laws, and finally. It is impossible to work alone, and it is not interesting. If you have all this, then you are lucky and success will not leave you! If a person is self-sufficient, he begins to engage in social affairs, begins to think and care about others. We often sponsor sports and holiday events, holidays for orphans, disabled people, and the elderly.

— You are actively involved in social work. What is this connected with?

— A year ago, my colleagues and I created the Union of Markets of the Republic of Tatarstan, by this time I was already a member of the presidium of the Union of Wholesale Food Markets of Russia. During this time, we held international and interregional conferences on issues that were important for the population and entrepreneurs of Russia. For services to the OPRR Union and for a well-organized international conference, I was appointed Deputy General Director of the OPRR. In general, it seems to me that a public organization begins to work where officials are inactive. We seem to be trying to draw the attention of officials to problems if they are not noticed by those who, due to their duty, should notice them. We try to help them, not do their work. We are only helpers. We don't need money or power. The main thing is to jointly solve the problem of the country or republic. Let's say the country's food security - is this my headache? There are government people who are ultimately responsible for this!

The issue of food security was raised ten years ago, and during that time nothing has changed. The dominance of networkers continues. It is very dangerous.

Previously, the task was to fill the shelves with goods, but now, you can lose your food market altogether.

Now almost every deputy has a shopping center or a share in one of them. If not himself, then his wife or children. And laws, accordingly, are lobbied for networkers. I drew attention to the fact that there is not a single MP who is a market activist, but there are thousands of markets in Russia. There is no one to defend the interests of market traders. It seems to me that everything should be fair. After all, in the most terrible years of the country, only the markets saved the people, and the networkers would have fled immediately - they do not care about the life of the people and the country. They have eyes like Scrooge McDuck - dollars!

At a conference held in September, the assistant to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, respected Anatoly Vasilyevich Krasnov, asked why Law 271 worries me so much, because I have a shopping center? Yes, there is, but it can accommodate 170 sellers, although such a huge area is 16 thousand square meters. Where am I going to put the remaining 2.5 thousand sellers? Outside?

These are our people! They run to me with every problem. They believe me. I've been with them since 1995 and they are like family to me.

— What are your hobbies? What interests you besides business and social work?

— I am a very dynamic person, so my hobbies are also active: hunting, boats, ATVs, snowmobiles, auto tourism.

When hunting, it is important not so much to shoot the game as to be one with nature and communicate with like-minded people. There, even complex relationships are smoothed out, people become somehow closer to each other in an informal, sometimes extreme environment.

I love movement and travel. I often travel around the world, but not to lie on the beaches with a cocktail in my hands. And not for shopping. I travel to explore the world, study other people’s history and culture. I like wandering through the ancient streets of ancient cities. I love history and that’s probably why I collect rare weapons.

I also love dogs, I have three of them: a Siberian husky - the blue-eyed Malysh, a German shepherd - Gray and a Central Asian shepherd - the wolfhound Murch. Well, what would a house be without a cat?! I have two of them.

Do you read BUSINESS Online?

- I’m reading. I like comments and reviews. True, I don’t have time to read everything, I read materials on topics that interest me. The newspaper is very good, and the fact that it is electronic is very wise. This is also a kind of market, and you are in demand in it.

I always have my iPad or iPhone with me, you turn it on and quickly read what you need. Printed publications are no longer available. All mailboxes have already been flooded with free publications; they are simply boring.

Manager's business card

Suleymanov Nail Narullinovich

Position: President of JSC Holding, President of the Union of Markets of the Republic of Tatarstan, Deputy General Director of the Union of Wholesale Food Markets of the Russian Federation. Date of birth: January 2, 1953. Education: higher, candidate of economic sciences. Main career stages: 5th category mechanic, foreman, senior foreman, senior mechanic, shop manager at ElAZ Production Association, director, general director, president. Family: wife, daughter, son, granddaughter.

Company business card


Date of creation: 2000. Direction: leasing of retail space and space. Main owner: Nail Suleymanov. Financial indicators in 2010: Annual turnover: 336 million rubles. Revenue: 220 million rubles. Number of employees: 120 people. Average salary: 20,447 rubles. Tax deductions: 52.8 million rubles. Charitable assistance – 1.2 million rubles.

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