Corners of the lips, mouth size, curve and thickness - learning to recognize a person by facial features
A trip to a cosmetologist for lip augmentation naturally begins with the question: what size is trending?
Real reviews of the Botox active expert face mask
Preserving youthful skin is a sure way to delay the external onset of old age. Going under the surgeon's knife
Polytech breast implants
POLYTECH breast implants: detailed review + reviews, cost, photos before and after surgery
In this article we will analyze in detail POLYTECH breast implants (Polytech). Which ones do they have?
Cinnamon oil for lips: recipes for use, lip augmentation
Cinnamon is a spice used in many cuisines. This healing spice comes from Ceylon,
Operating principle and effectiveness of the method
Mandelac M | Chemical peeling with mandelic acid
One of the popular salon cleansing techniques is ferul peeling (nanopeeling, Hollywood cleansing, Mediderma peeling).
Laser hair removal for the face for women: nuances of the procedure
Causes of facial hair in women
Laser facial hair removal for women will help you get rid of unwanted hair for a long time.
Why is steaming necessary before cleaning?
How to steam your face to cleanse blackheads at home?
It is impossible to imagine complete skin care without such a procedure as facial cleansing. She allows
What to do if your face turns red after using a mask?
Red face after a mask - what to do if you have allergies
Modern cosmetics are very diverse in composition, and it so happens that a new mask suddenly
A guide to fillers: how to choose the right one and how long does the effect last?
It’s one thing when the blush on the cheeks appears and quickly disappears, as, for example, after winter
Scar excision
What is a scar and is it possible to get rid of it?
Excision of scars on the face is represented by plastic surgery measures aimed at eliminating a cosmetic defect with
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