Hand stitching tools
Horny skin on the fingers: do not be afraid, but it is necessary to treat
Many dermatologist patients complain of quickly, within a few days, keratinization of the skin on the
Laser resurfacing of keloid scars
Wounds, burns, inflammation, infectious diseases, operations - all this can lead to the formation
Epilation and depilation during pregnancy in an intimate place
From this article you will learn: The essence of the procedure How the laser hair removal procedure is carried out Is it possible
mesotherapy with Embryoblast for rejuvenation
Results of Embryoblastoma rejuvenation in mesotherapy
Modern innovative Embryoblast, which allows you to maintain a charming appearance, is today the most famous in cosmetology. Case
Laser lip frenuloplasty
Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip - why, why, when and how. Video of laser trimming at the Utkinzub clinic and reviews
Contents: Lip frenuloplasty is a corrective operation to trim the fold that serves as a lip attachment
Scary makeup for Halloween 20 super looks: black makeup, bat, witch, mermaid, doll, devil
How to do the scariest and at the same time beautiful makeup for Halloween: 20 best looks
Autumn is famous not only for its dreary weather, yellow leaves, warm tea, fresh pastries and
Other methods of pain relief
Lidocaine for hair removal and depilation: how to stop experiencing pain and start enjoying life
Lidocaine for waxing is used by both professionals in the field of depilation and girls in
Eye cream at home: the best recipes!
22783 09-10-2020 Author: Mysekret 2 Team Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes works much more effectively,
how to use Latisse
The real effect of increasing eyelashes with Latisse
The drug Latisse is published by Allergan inc (USA) in the form of a 0.03% solution of 1 ml
photo of hair removal procedure
7 myths about photoepilation that are high time to debunk
Photoepilation is one of the first methods of hardware removal of unwanted hair on the face and body.
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