How to squeeze a pimple without leaving a scar or causing an infection
Every person faces the problem of how to squeeze out an internal pimple at least once in their life.
Why is softlifting done and is this procedure really effective?
After 35 years, signs of aging appear in both men and women. Outside
Red dots after hair removal: 3 best remedies
How to get rid of red pigment spots after depilation
Everyone dreams of beautiful smooth skin, over which weightless fabric glides, as in advertising.
photo after the collost injection procedure
TOP 6 ways to make a scar less noticeable
TREATMENT OF SCARS AND STRETCH MARKS TREATMENT OF KELOID SCARS Duration of procedure: 10-20 min. Number of procedures: 1-6
Shock wave therapy. Old method - new possibilities
UVT will solve this problem and also: improve body proportions by destroying local fat
Fat-sparing blepharoplasty, fat-saving blepharoplasty, blepharoplasty with redistribution, blepharoplasty with redistribution of fat bags, fat-sparing blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids
Fat-sparing blepharoplasty with redistribution of fat bags
Eliminating a lower eyelid hernia will make you 5-7 years younger. Think for yourself how much you
Deep atraumatic back cleansing: a luxury or a necessary procedure
From this article you will learn: What is atraumatic cleaning Who is recommended for deep atraumatic cleaning
A girl with very beautiful skin
What to do if the skin on your face is oily and acne constantly appears
Oily facial skin: causes of seborrhea Oily skin increases due to overactive sebaceous glands,
maxillary sinus
Breast implant displacement: action plan for patients
Any surgical intervention is a serious stress for the whole body. Unfortunately, implantation surgeries
How long will the photoepilation effect last and how long does hair not grow after this procedure?
In the modern world, there are many ways to deal with unwanted hair, and if you
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