Lip shapes in women and how to change them without surgery

From this article you will learn:

  • What types of female lips exist?
  • How to paint lips of different shapes to correct them

In the field of beauty, one trend gives way to another, sometimes bringing to the forefront overly exaggerated shapes, such as “duck lips”. Fortunately, the fashion for naturalness has again gained a strong position. We will tell you in this article what lip shapes exist for women and how to correct them in order to be trendy and look attractive.

What does the shape of women's lips indicate?

No matter what their lips were - full, medium or thin - girls always tried to give them volume. First, natural dyes and menthol were used (irritating the skin and leading to swelling), then lipstick, gloss, injections and plastic surgery. Women are ready to do anything to attract the attention of men with voluminous lips. Doctors at a plastic clinic in California have determined that to achieve an ideal lip shape in women, the lower half must be exactly twice as large as the upper. This formula is followed by most American specialists.

The curve of the upper lip, called the “Cupid's bow,” determines the impression a woman will have on a man. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity consider a smooth line with a not pronounced cleavage attractive.

Physiognomy specialists, who determine a person’s character, habits and health status based on facial features, consider lips as one of the main objects for study.

By a person's facial expressions, you can accurately determine what feelings he is experiencing: joy, sadness or annoyance. Lip shapes and a woman’s character are interconnected:

  • Full,
    regularly shaped lips have been valued as an indicator of increased sensuality and attractiveness in all ages.

If you remember the most beautiful women of past eras and the present - Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Kim Basinger - they all have plump lips. This feature personifies their feminine nature and excites the male imagination. Those with voluminous lips love life and strive to take the best they can from it. “Everything at once” is the motto of their actions and decisions. Yes, sometimes it’s not easy with them when their whims attract everyone’s attention. At the same time, women with full lips know their worth, control their emotions, and are characterized by determination and willpower. Due to a certain frivolity and desire for pleasure, they can go to achieve their goal by any means; their prudence is adjacent to self-irony. Such women are not deprived of the attention of men, but flirtatiousness does not prevent them from becoming excellent mothers and wives.

  • Thin lips.
    Popular wisdom says that people with thin lips are not kind.

Of course, this stereotype cannot be believed. The thin shape of the lips speaks more of modesty and restraint, which do not exclude positive character traits. Such women are distinguished by determination, integrity and the ability to achieve great heights thanks to their intelligence and oratorical abilities. It is always interesting to talk with those with thin lips, as they read a lot, go to exhibitions and know how to listen carefully to their interlocutor. Thanks to their insight, sometimes they learn about something important, but they do not share the information with everyone, but keep it to themselves. Women with thin lips know how to keep secrets and other people's experiences, but they are unlikely to share their thoughts. Their isolation and desire to be alone with themselves do not allow them to tell the whole world about themselves.

  • Middle lips.
    This form suggests that a woman has such qualities as lightness and spontaneity.

It’s easy to communicate with her, and a man who decides to start a family with her will receive a strong and tender relationship. The owner of an average lip shape becomes an excellent friend, a faithful wife, a reliable assistant and adviser. She sometimes seems ideal to the people around her, although this may be true. Her naturalness attracts men, they follow her on her heels as if they were the most attractive delicacy.

Regular, or Cupid's Bow

The symmetrical shape of the lips is also called Cupid's Bow: according to scientific research, this is the sexiest and most desirable shape that women strive for and men are delighted with. Happy owners of Cupid's Bow are characterized by prudence: they are calm and consistent, it is difficult to unbalance them and anger them. Such people are the best negotiators, partners and psychologists; they can easily put themselves in the shoes of their interlocutor, so they are always ready to compromise or give practical advice. Meanwhile, they can always stand up for themselves and defend their values. Owners of this lip shape are intellectuals and treat others with respect. It is also believed that they are characterized by healthy optimism and a sense of humor.

Features of lip shape in women

It’s surprising that women’s lips can be considered not only as a single whole, but also as two halves separately. The size of the upper and lower parts, their ratio, and the difference in volume speak about the character traits. Each characteristic plays an important role in creating an idea of ​​a person.

  • The upper half of the lips is larger than the lower.

Girls with a fuller upper lip willingly make contact with strangers, flirt, and are confident in their attractiveness. They see through those around them, but are in no hurry to open their thoughts and feelings.

Yes, such women are characterized by touchiness and narcissism, frivolity and a constant search for new emotions. Therefore, the man next to you needs to be patient and not show excessive jealousy. Bright appearance and sociability provide frequent reasons for compliments from members of the opposite sex.

  • The lower lip is fuller than the upper.

Unusually active and active individuals who cannot sit in boring and monotonous work. Such shapes of girls' lips indicate their openness to everything new and exciting - travel, people, impressions. They know how to truly have fun and charge those around them with their energy. Their sociability and curiosity attract people who are happy to follow them to new horizons.

  • The lips are fuller in the middle.

If you pay attention to the shape of women's lips, photos of many actresses confirm that a fuller center of the lips distinguishes creative people. They love being in the thick of things and being surrounded by people. Lonely everyday life is definitely not about them. A more accurate definition for the character of such women is the soul of the company.

Relationships with the opposite sex are not easy, as natural-born actresses sometimes overdramatize. Yet they choose thrills and unusual entertainment to try all the possibilities life has to offer.

  • Lips with raised corners.

It seems that women with similar lip shapes are constantly smiling. Such a face cannot but evoke positive emotions and sympathy. Girls with lips like these seem to personify joy, optimism, kindness and friendliness.

Thanks to their attractive appearance, they attract others, including fans. To protect themselves from the annoying attention of representatives of the stronger sex, girls have to choose a cold tone of communication, which is usually not typical for them. True, this method does not always work, and gentlemen continue to seek their favor.

It is simply impossible not to notice and admire women with lips shaped like a permanent smile. Men perceive their facial expressions as coquetry. The owners of such lips are definitely not deprived of love and attention.

The women themselves also make contact easily, know how to listen to their interlocutor and support any conversation.

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  • Lips with downturned corners.

The opposite type of lips in women, creating the impression of a closed and uncommunicative person. Men pay less attention to such girls. Therefore, owners of lip shapes with drooping corners of the mouth are often not particularly cheerful and dissatisfied with those around them.

When they meet their great love, they do not believe their happiness, constantly check the man, doubt his sincerity or, conversely, are too intrusive in the relationship and show excessive attention. In any case, men are uncomfortable with such extremes.

  • The upper lip has a sharp hollow.

Girls with this lip shape are creative individuals to the core. They can become successful actresses or artists. They have an unimaginable memory for names and faces, so it is easy for them to communicate with old and new acquaintances, while learning all the latest news. Owners of this lip shape are characterized by sociability, the ability for self-realization, determination and success in all projects.

  • The upper lip has a rounded hollow.

The connection between lip shape and character is obvious in this case, since women with roundness are characterized by kindness, sensitivity and compassion. They perceive any difficulty in their loved ones as their own and rush to help. These are the people who care about animals, the cleanliness of the environment and the future of the planet.

  • The upper lip is without a hollow.

You can always rely on such women; deep responsibility will not allow them to let you down. “Let anything happen, but the request must certainly be fulfilled!” - this is how girls act who manage to do everything in the shortest possible time and do not take the word “impossible” seriously. Accurately and on time - this is definitely about them. Relatives trust such girls one hundred percent and know that they are the most reliable people in the world, capable of resolving any difficult situation.

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Large and plump

Plump lips have always been considered a symbol of femininity and sexuality, so their owners have gained the reputation of being the most spoiled beauties by male attention. Meanwhile, they do not at all strive to become the center of attraction of all views. These are very devoted, sensual girls who dream of big and bright love. They are faithful wives and caring mothers. Despite the fact that owners of this lip shape can show character and protect themselves, they are at the same time very merciful and compassionate: they are ready to take care of others and come to the aid of even unfamiliar people.

How to determine a man's character by the shape of his mouth

In Chinese physiognomy, the mouth is considered one of the most important features in determining the sensory-emotional qualities of a person’s character. This is not accidental, since this organ is a multifunctional link between the physical and spiritual world of a person, between the internal and external.

A man's mouth should be strong and firm, and a woman's mouth should be soft and tender. Any deviation from this norm indicates a predominance in the character of qualities usually inherent in the opposite sex. For example, if a woman’s mouth is quite firm, and her lips are elastic and powerful, this indicates her strong-willed and strong nature, her prudence and practicality of mind, and self-sufficiency.

Such qualities will lead to the fact that her fate will be successful in material terms; such a woman will be able to achieve a lot, make an excellent career and ensure a comfortable existence for herself. But the other side of this coin is independence, which invariably leads to loneliness and an unhappy personal life. Men are afraid of strong and independent women, so they try to avoid communicating with them.

On the other hand, if a man’s mouth is not firm enough, this indicates his weakness, capriciousness - in general, all the qualities inherent in a woman. This foreshadows a predominantly bohemian lifestyle, inconstancy in love.

But if the corners of the mouth are raised, this is a sign of a happy future. Perhaps on his way he will meet a wise and strong woman who, obeying her maternal instinct, will be able to take care of him, control his character and guide him on the true path.

Choosing the optimal filler for lip contouring

Lip contouring is one of the most common manipulations performed by a practicing cosmetologist. Every year there are more and more fillers based on hyaluronic acid. And, reading the description of the drugs, we understand that they basically have similar physical characteristics - viscosity, density, elasticity. Among all this diversity, there are drugs that differ from all others in their composition, and, accordingly, in their effect.

Etermis 3 and Etermis 4 fillers contain:

  • 23 and 24 mg/ml hyaluronic acid, respectively;
  • 15% native HA;
  • 41 mg/g mannitol.

What properties does mannitol give to hyaluronic acid filler?

  1. Being an antioxidant, it significantly prolongs the biodegradation time of the drug in tissues. The duration and durability of the effect after filler injections is a topic that is always important for patients of cosmetologists. It becomes especially relevant for the so-called hyaluronic acid eaters - this is what doctors call patients in whom the effect of contour correction lasts for a short time (no more than a month), and hyaluronic acid is quickly eliminated from the body. Etermis fillers avoid this problem.
  2. Reduces swelling and inflammation in tissues after contouring procedures.
  3. Gives biorevitalizing properties to the filler. This effect is due to the action of mannitol as a free radical scavenger and the presence of native hyaluronic acid.

Also, one of the features I would like to note is the brightness of the red border of the lips after injections of preparations from the Etermis line , which is probably due to the moistening of the surface and the absence of peeling of the red border. It is important that the color is exactly deep pink , without the presence of blue tints (as with the Tyndall effect, which is very common when injecting biphasic fillers).

Etermis 4 allows you to highlight your lips thanks to its excellent visco-elastic properties (having a HA density of 24 mg/ml, the drug is injected with a 30G needle).

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