Rules of care
Price ₽: 8,000,000 Registration certificate: yes Number of sessions: 1-5 Interval between them
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Sugaring has established itself as a budget-friendly and painless way to get rid of unnecessary hair. The procedure is performed
Collagen is an essential building protein required by skin cells to maintain elasticity and firmness. IN
Possible causes of the appearance of age spots Among the main reasons that cause the appearance of unsightly age spots
Home » Face Category: Face Skin color is by no means a measure of beauty. But when
What is the hair method of eyebrow tattooing? Eyebrow tattooing (hair method) is a modern
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What is vitamin E? Vitamin E (tocopherol) is represented by a group of chemicals similar in structure
Have you been looking for an alternative to deep chemical peeling? Do you want to know a recipe for a natural composition that you can use?