Anti-aging components in cosmetics. Part 2: Peptides: cosmetics of the future

What are peptides

They are made up of amino acids. They are used in cosmetics due to their increased stability in the composition of products, and also because of their ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Considering the size and structure, cosmetics with this component will be more effective than the sensational products with elastin and collagen. Penetrating the skin, they connect with cellular receptors, which perceive them as a signal for action. They dictate to the cells what to do - divide, die. It is important to understand that the actions of peptides vary depending on the group. There are 4 types used in cosmetics: signaling, transport, enzyme inhibitors and neurotransmitters. Signal signals stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The well-known Matrixyl belongs to this group. Transport cells act as a “carrier” and deliver essential microelements to cells. Enzyme inhibitors increase the lifespan of collagen. Neurotransmitters relax muscles because one of the most famous peptides, botoluxin, works.


  • Light weight and ability to penetrate the skin. This allows them to act in the deepest layers of the epidermis, which means cosmetics will give results faster.
  • They are safe. The components have no toxic effect, do not cause allergies or addiction. It is almost impossible to overdo them.
  • Almost instant results.


  • They do not accumulate in the body, so you need to use products with this component regularly.
  • In some cases, cosmetics may be useless.
  • The reason for this is not the composition at all, but various factors, for example, the characteristics of the body, obstacles to the penetration of ingredients inside.
  • The body independently regulates their quantity.
  • You think that the products should definitely work and make you younger, but the body may think otherwise and remove everything that you use so diligently.

Is it dangerous to use?

All fears are most often associated with myths based on the origin and mechanism of action of the component. Peptides are the active part of growth factors, and this phrase sounds threatening. It is believed that growth factors stimulate cell division and can cause various formations. There is a fear of using cosmetics with peptides - suddenly your face will swim or a tumor will form.

But their peptides are associated with balancing and fine-tuning the functioning of cells and cannot harm the body. These signaling molecules force the body's cells to produce the correct healthy product, cleanse the intercellular space and improve the environment around them, and accordingly their work. Our body is designed in such a way that it takes only the amount of peptides it needs for recovery, and the excess breaks down and is excreted.

A fashionable component is peptides. The mechanism of their work

Peptides (Greek πεπτος “nutritional”) are a family of substances whose molecules are built from two or more amino acid residues connected in a chain by peptide (amide) bonds. They were first isolated from protein hydrolysates at the beginning of the twentieth century, but now more than a thousand types of these substances are known, their properties have been determined, and synthesis methods have been developed.

Peptides are also called information agents because they “transfer” information from cell to cell by activating certain sections of DNA.

Amino acids are the basic building blocks of all living organisms. Their compounds are called either peptides or proteins. The difference between them is the length of the chain: a molecule with less than 50 amino acids is a peptide, and more is a protein.

Peptides are found in small quantities in almost all living cells. These substances are already contained in the skin and are produced naturally. Hormones and components of blood plasma are also them. They seem to build and organize internal processes: the cells “recognize” what is happening to the epidermis and issue the appropriate commands. Changes in peptide synthesis indicate some changes and action must be taken. Since peptides, a building material, when synthesized incorrectly, tissues gradually lose density and elasticity.

At the moment, peptides are one of the most popular ingredients that are used in all branches of medicine. The fashion for them overtakes us everywhere: food supplements, medicines, cosmetics, injections. Why are scientists and manufacturers of such products sure that peptides are necessary to maintain beauty and health?

There are different types of peptides in our body, the main ones are:

  • hormonal - hormones produced by the thyroid gland, pancreas and pituitary gland - affect the rate of cell renewal;
  • immunological - perform a protective function, fight toxic substances;
  • neuropeptides - control and regulate physiological processes;
  • bioregulators - regulate biological processes: appetite, hormonal activity.

Peptides in aesthetic medicine.

Each specialist has a personal top list of favorite drugs and care products, among them there are always those containing peptides, as a rule, these are anti-aging products.

According to recent scientific research, there are more than one and a half thousand types of peptides. Not all are used in cosmetology.

Popular types:

Signal peptides (“messengers” reporting problems in the system) are peptides that stimulate skin cells to produce collagen, elastin and other proteins for its firmness and elasticity. They are initially present in our skin: when the life cycle of a collagen molecule ends, the signal peptide informs the body about this, and it synthesizes a new molecule. Palmitoyl Tripeptide-3/ Matrixyl, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide/ Dermaxyl.

Stimulating peptides help to properly “assemble” collagen fibers, restoring the boundary between the stratum corneum and the dermis through the synthesis of collagen and syndecan. They tighten thin skin and help eliminate hypersensitivity. Acetyl Tripeptide-11/ Syn-Orage.

Peptides - stabilizers - restore skin that suffers from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, smoking and stress. Prezatide Copper Acetate.

Transport peptides - deliver various microelements to skin cells. Example of use: delivery of manganese, which has a disinfecting and healing effect, or copper ions necessary for collagen synthesis.

Pigmenting peptides - activate the process of melanin production. Palmitoyl Tripeptide-30/Melatime.

Enzyme inhibitors are a type of peptide that inhibits collagen-degrading enzymes, thereby increasing the lifespan of collagen. This is how silk extract, soy protein (or peptide) and rice peptide work.

Immune peptides are antioxidants that help in the functioning of the immune system and strengthen it, protecting collagen and elastin fibers from destruction. For example, the dipeptide carnosine is used in the treatment of inflamed skin, acne, as well as after peelings and other traumatic procedures. It neutralizes free radicals and metal ions, accelerates regeneration and promotes healing. Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3/ Rigin.

Neurotransmitters (muscle relaxant peptides) - relax muscles. They act on the principle of botulinum toxin: they block the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle and thereby smooth out facial wrinkles. Acetyl Hexapeptide-3/ Argireline.

Remodeling peptides - resume the “correct” process of collagen fiber assembly, increasing skin firmness and elasticity. Acetyl Tripeptide-9/ Dermican.

There are other types of peptides. About 50 are used for cosmetic purposes.

Main functions and features of peptides:

  1. activation of restoration and regeneration processes in skin cells, acceleration of the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans, which makes the skin more elastic, plastic, and its relief is evened out.
  2. Neutralizes free radicals, regulates, enhances and strengthens skin immunity.
  3. Healing wounds and eliminating inflammation, accelerating regenerative processes.
  4. Peptides are considered the most effective means of combating even skin defects such as scars, if treatment is started no later than two weeks from the date of scar formation.
  5. Stabilizes cell restoration processes. Replacing old, dysfunctional cells.
  6. They activate the work of fibroblast cells, which are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and suppress the action of enzymes that destroy it.
  7. They compact the structure of the epidermis and normalize cellular metabolism.
  8. even out complexion, remove sagging and dark circles under the eyes;
  9. Improve microcirculation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  10. Eliminate pigmentation and help get rid of deep wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  11. Regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieve inflammation and help eliminate sensitivity.
  12. The use of peptide cosmetics at a young age can help postpone the use of “heavy artillery” in cosmetology - facelift, botulinum toxin injections, etc.
  13. Superpower: quickly and deeply penetrate the layers of the dermis without causing any harm. No injections are required to deliver peptides to the body. Even as part of a cream, they are able to penetrate the horny barrier of the dermis and perform their functions.
  14. Safety. Any peptides are a chain of several amino acids; subsequently, all natural proteins in our body are built from them. They can be considered “friendly” components for the health of our skin. Currently, synthetic peptides are used in cosmetology, which significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions in the patient. But it is impossible to completely exclude reactions to drugs with peptides, since they are multicomponent.

This multifunctionality is possible due to the high biological activity and low molecular weight of the peptides. They act both on the surface of the epidermis and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, combining with conductive components.

Peptides used in cosmetology are created by artificial synthesis, and rarely by protein breakdown. The most popular synthetic peptides are Argireline and Matrixyl.

What determines the effectiveness of peptides?

  • Of course, a very correctly selected product according to your skin type, indications and its proper use will have an impact on the appearance of a positive result.
  • The effectiveness of the product will depend on the composition of the formula, for example, if the product contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin C - these are peptide conductors. ANA acids and retinoids, on the contrary, weaken the functions of peptides.
  • The percentage of peptides, their properties and the length of the peptide chain will play an important role.
  • It is necessary to store care products with peptides in a dark place where direct sunlight does not penetrate. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates on the packaging storage requirements and expiration date after opening the package.
  • Also, it should be taken into account that peptides have a cumulative effect, that is, visible results after using such products will be noticeable over time or after a course of procedures, if these are injectable drugs.

Peptides are amazing, active components that have many positive effects on our body, supporting the functioning of cellular systems. Therefore, they are used in various fields of medicine and are able to influence many problems in aesthetic cosmetology, combining a lot of functions: moisturize, level, smooth, serve as antioxidants, and even practically an analogue of botulinum toxin, etc.


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Anti-aging components in cosmetics. Part 2: Peptides: cosmetics of the future

Hello beauties!
Today I propose to continue the anti-aging topic and talk about peptides in cosmetics. The post turned out to be voluminous, so stock up on sunflower seeds, cookies, or whatever you’re playing with and welcome

In the first part, I wrote about antioxidants, which are essentially preventive components, that is, components whose action is mainly aimed at preventing premature skin aging and combating the first signs of aging. Today we will talk about the “heavier artillery” in anti-aging cosmetics, namely peptides.

I'll start with a brief theory for those who are not in the know.

Peptides: theory

Peptides are a relatively young and, according to many, one of the most promising areas of modern cosmetology. Due to the unique properties of peptide cosmetics, it was even dubbed “cosmetics of the future.”

At the same time, the hypothesis that peptides consist of a chain of amino acids formed by certain bonds was put forward by the German organic chemist Hermann Emil Fischer back in 1900, and only 2 years later he received evidence of the existence of such a connection. A little later, in 1913, the Swiss doctor and founder of biorevitalization Paul Niehans for the first time introduced embryonic material into a dying patient. Having received a stunning result, he devoted subsequent years to studying the influence of embryonic cells on the human body. However, Paul Niehans never found a way to preserve peptides. It was discovered only in the 70s, opening a wide way for the use of peptides in cosmetology.

What are peptides? These are protein molecules consisting of a small number of amino acids connected to each other. That is why peptide cosmetics are also called “protein” cosmetics.

Peptides are synthesized in all living organisms to regulate physiological processes. The sequence of peptides is a kind of code that gives a clear command to launch certain physiological processes in the body. With the help of peptides, individual cells and organs “communicate” with each other. In cosmetology, various peptides are used, the code of which specifically triggers the necessary processes: activates the production of protein by cells (in particular collagen, which is good news), blocks the production of pigment or suspends the functional activity of the sebaceous glands.

Small peptides containing less than 10 amino acids are most often used in cosmetics. Unlike more complex protein molecules, which are too large from a cosmetic point of view, the peptide molecule is extremely small, which allows it to be absorbed by the skin; at the same time, the structure of the peptide is quite complex, due to which it is able to influence biochemical processes. Thus, peptides are able to overcome the stratum corneum and work deep in the skin. Here, however, it is necessary to make a reservation that peptides are water-soluble substances and in their initial state are not able to pass through the stratum corneum to living cells. This problem is usually solved by “attaching” a fatty acid (most often palmitate or acetate) to the peptide, after which the peptide easily overcomes the lipid barrier.

New peptides are being discovered all the time. Today, there are several hundred peptides available for use in cosmetic products. But it must be remembered that the same peptide is not equally effective in solving different skin problems. In addition, peptides are very capricious and will only work in a well-formulated formula. In order to create such a formula, considerable intellectual and financial resources are required from manufacturers. In particular, for this reason, high-quality and well-thought-out peptide cosmetics are usually not cheap.

The advantage of peptides is that they are suitable for almost everyone: they are non-toxic, non-allergenic, rarely cause adverse reactions, and when used correctly can significantly improve the condition of the skin. In addition, peptides, unlike most plant-based and synthetic ingredients, rather than interfere, restart the natural physiological processes in cells that are characteristic of young skin.

Peptide classification

There are different approaches to classifying peptides.
I will give the most understandable and interesting from the point of view of use in cosmetics. Signal peptides:

With age, the synthesis of structural substances in the skin decreases, which as a result cease to cover the resulting deficiency. Special substances called matrikines in our body, designed to give signals to cells to work actively, begin to act less effectively. This is where signal peptides-matrixines come into play, stimulating skin cells.

Examples: INCI: Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3 (Matrixyl) INCI: Palmitoyl Oligopeptide (Dermaxyl) INCI: Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1 (Aldenine) INCI: Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5 (Syn-Coll)

Remodeling peptides

Skin aging is not only caused by a decrease in the number of fibers. In young skin, collagen fibers are arranged in an orderly manner. This is due to special proteoglycan peptides that control the proper assembly of collagen. With age, there are fewer proteoglycans, and remodeling peptides in cosmetics help partially restore the process of collagen assembly and lead to increased skin density and elasticity. Remodeling peptides in isolated form are recommended for use when the first signs of aging appear, when there is still enough collagen in the skin. If the skin has already changed with age, then it is better to use remodeling peptides in tandem with signal ones.

Examples: INCI: Acetyl Tripeptide-9 (Dermican) INCI: Tripeptide-10 Citrulline (Decorinyl)

Stimulating peptides

With age, the connection between the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and the deeper layer (dermis) weakens. This bond is formed by two types of proteins: type VII collagen and syndecan, which become less abundant with age. Stimulating peptides are accordingly designed to stimulate the synthesis of such collagen and syndecan. As a result, the border is recreated and compacted.

Examples: INCI: Acetyl Tripeptide-11 (Syn-Orage) INCI: Hexapeptide-10 (Serilisine)

Stabilizing peptides

This type includes peptides that stabilize the condition of the skin and increase its own protection potential. Stabilizing peptides are often used in products for recovery from sunburn, to reduce the negative effects of smoking on the skin, or in anti-stress cosmetics for residents of big cities.

Examples: INCI: Tripeptide-1. N (Kollaren) INCI: Prezatide Copper Acetate. INCI: Hexapeptide-11. (Peptamide-6) INCI: Diaminopropionoyl Tripeptide-33 (Preventhelia)

Muscle relaxant peptides

The most “dessert” category Muscle relaxant peptides are also known as peptides with a Botox effect due to their ability to reduce the mobility of facial muscles. These peptides were among the first to appear, and are still very popular. Of course, cosmetics with such peptides cannot be compared to injections in terms of effect and principle of action. During injections, botulinum toxin is injected, which paralyzes the muscle, as a result of which it relaxes and facial wrinkles are temporarily smoothed out. “Botox” cosmetics do not contain botulinum toxin, and therefore do not give such a pronounced effect, but they also have practically no contraindications and side effects that are typical for injections.

Muscle relaxant peptides only imitate the effect of botulinum toxin. They gently relax the muscle by slowing down the transmission of impulses from nerve endings. Muscle relaxant peptides reduce the severity of facial wrinkles only; they do not affect wrinkles that appear as a result of age-related changes. Muscle relaxants are more effective in the upper part of the face and have little effect on the nasolabial folds, on the fine network of wrinkles that appear as a result of dehydration, on bags and folds under the eyes.

Muscle relaxants are also used to maintain the effect of botulinum toxin injections. It is better to refrain from using creams with the Botox effect during pregnancy, lactation and if you are prone to edema.

Examples: INCI: Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 (Argireline) INCI: Pentapeptide-18 (Leuphasyl) INCI: Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate (Syn-Ake) INCI: Pentapeptide-3 (Vialox) INCI: Acetyl Hexapeptide-25 ( Inyline)

Peptides affecting skin pigmentation

This group includes peptides that properly stimulate the pigmentation process. Their action is based on simulating the action of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), which is of a peptide nature and triggers the synthesis of melanin in the skin. Cosmetics with such peptides are mainly used in products to adapt the skin to tanning. This group also includes peptides, which, on the contrary, block pigment synthesis and are designed to lighten the skin.

Examples: INCI: Palmitoyl Tripeptide-30 (Melatime) INCI: Acetyl Hexapeptide-1 (Melitane) INCI: Nonapeptide-1 (Melanostatine)

Opioid peptides

Such peptides are also known as “happy peptides” because their effects are similar to those of opium. They dull the skin's sensitivity to aggressive environmental influences, preventing the development of allergic reactions.

Examples: INCI: Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester (Calmosensine) INCI: Acetyl Tetrapeptide-15 (Skinasensil)
Immune peptides
These peptides help the immune system of our skin.

Examples: INCI: Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3. Other name: Rigin. INCI: Acetyl Dipeptyde-3. Other name: Bodyfensine

What you need to know about using peptide cosmetics

1. Age

In fact, there is no clear criterion at what age you can start using peptides. If you have crossed the threshold of 35 years, then you can safely use peptide cosmetics. The advisability of use at 25-35 years of age depends on the condition of the skin and the presence of certain problems. If at this age the first signs of aging appear (loss of elasticity, age-related pigmentation, pronounced expression wrinkles), then peptides can be used earlier. It is believed that the action of peptides is most effective before the age of 45-50 years. At an older age, peptide cosmetics can, of course, be used, but unfortunately, it will not have the same effect as at a younger age.

2. pH level

Peptides are quite sensitive to the pH level; it should be slightly acidic or neutral (from 4 to 7). It should be noted that for each individual peptide there are clear pH boundaries within which it works.

3. Combination with other components

Typically, peptides are not recommended for use simultaneously with AHA acids. This is explained by the fact that for each peptide there is a narrow pH range in which it works. If AHAs are used simultaneously with peptides, the acidity of the epidermis changes dramatically and the peptide bonds are destroyed. This is especially true for “Botox” peptides. But it is even advisable to do chemical peeling in a salon or at home before a course of using peptides. This will enhance the effect of peptide cosmetics. Likewise, many do not recommend combining retinoids and peptide cosmetics due to the reduced effectiveness of the latter.

4. Concentration

Peptides are effective even in small concentrations, so when you see a peptide at the end of the composition, do not rush to get upset))

5. Features of application

Most cosmetologists advise using cosmetics with peptides in courses. This is especially true for so-called creams with the effect of Botox or muscle relaxants. Muscle relaxants cannot be used continuously. This may eventually lead to disruption of normal microcirculation and cellular nutrition of tissues, which will ultimately have a bad effect on the condition of the skin. Peptides have a cumulative effect, so after an average of 2-3 months of use, when the maximum result is achieved, it is better to take a break. After cancellation, the effect of Botox will last up to several months. How long depends on age, facial activity and other individual characteristics. After 3-6 months the course is resumed.

6. Result

Cosmetics with peptides do not give instant results. The effectiveness can be judged on average after at least a month of regular use. It is better to apply creams 2 times a day until noticeable, lasting results appear. If desired, after achieving a noticeable effect, the frequency of use can be reduced to 2-3 times a week.

And now a short summary of the most famous and frequently used peptides in cosmetics.

Argireline (Acetyl Hexapeptide -3, Acetyl Hexapeptide -8)

(Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8): muscle relaxant.
A well-known synthetic hexapeptide (a chain of 6 amino acids) relaxes facial muscles, reduces facial wrinkles and slows down the appearance of new ones. Once absorbed into the skin, argillerine blocks neurotransmitter impulses in the facial muscles, as a result of which the muscles relax, and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes become less noticeable. Argireline is non-toxic and has virtually no risk of side effects. Thus, Argireline is a safe alternative to Botox without the use of botulinum toxin and injection. In addition, Argireline does not change the natural facial expression and does not create a “mask” effect. Despite the proven effectiveness of the component, you should not treat it as a panacea. Argireline is effective only in terms of muscle relaxation and gives only a visible superficial cosmetic effect and in no way improves the quality of the skin. It will not permanently eliminate existing wrinkles and will not be able to prevent the formation of new ones. Examples of agents (Acetyl Hexapeptide-3):

— Darphin, Predermine — Firming anti-wrinkle serum — Lierac, Exclusive Jour — Exclusive wrinkle-filling day cream — Bobbi Brown, Intensive Skin Serum Foundation SPF 40 — Care foundation — Gatineau, Defi Lift 3D Eye Counter Lift — Lifting emulsion for the eyes — Reviva Labs, Lift&Firm Serum - Lifting and firming serum - Jeffrey James Botanicals, The Gift, Youth Restore Day Cream

Examples of products (Acetyl Hexapeptide -8):
- Clinique, Repairwear Laser Focus - Intensively restoring serum - Estee Lauder, Advanced Time Zone - Anti-wrinkle cream - Darphin, Smoothing eye contour cream - La mer, The eye concentrate - Concentrate for eye contour - Derma E, Deep Wrinkle Peptideye Cream - Peptide eye cream - Klairs, Midnight Blue Calming Cream - SkinDoctors, Relaxaderm - Cream against expression wrinkles - Dr. Sea, Oil-Free-Matt Moisturizing Cream Cucumber & Dunaliela - Anna Lotan, Greens Tender Eye Contour Cream - Holy Land, Vitalise Moisturizing Mask - moisturizing mask - Mizon, Original Skin Energy, Peptide 500 - Anti-aging peptide serum - Devita, Age Defying Moisturizer with Argireline — Azeligue, Age Refining night cream — Rejuvenating night cream — MyCelle Dermaceuticals, G2 Instant firming serum — Instant anti-aging firming serum — Eldan, Premium Biothox Time Cream — Lifting cream 24 hours — Lierac, Premium — Cream for filling deep and fine lines wrinkles – Hyalogic LLC, Episilk, Facial relax face serum – Relaxing facial serum – Le Mieux, Essence Moisturizer – Cream with Botox effect – Clinique, Pep-Start Eye Cream – Missha, Time Revolution Night Repair Science Activator Ampoule – Night repair serum for face – Skin 79, The Diamond Collection: The Prestige Beblesh Balm. SPF 25 — Estee Lauder, Perfectionist [CP+] Wrinkle Lifting Serum — Corrective serum that improves skin elasticity — Zion Health, Adama, Acid mask Anti-wrinkle treatment — Kiss my face, Sunscreen face&neck SPF 50 — Mizon, Collagen 100 — Serum with collagen — Algologie, Vine Secret Eye Contour Optimal Cream — Algologie, Optimal Serum — Rejuvenating grape serum

Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Alcohol

(Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester): “happiness booster” peptide.
Helps the skin resist harmful environmental influences and stress. Examples of funds:

— La-Roche-Posay, Toleriane Ultra — Soothing eye contour cream — La-Roche-Posay, Rosaliac AR — Anti-redness serum — Guerlain, Super Aqua Mask — Moisturizing mask — Caudalie, Vineexpert — Firming serum — Skyn ​​Iceland, Pure Cloud Cream – Vichy, Dermablend – Compact foundation SPF 30 Dermablend

Acetyl Octapeptide-3 (SNAP-8)

(Acetyl Octapeptide-3): An 8 amino acid peptide that reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
The principle of action is similar to Argireline, it also prevents the transmission of impulses to the muscles, while its relaxing effect is more pronounced. The Spanish company Lipotec, the manufacturer of this peptide, claims a Botox effect, but there are no independent studies, and the manufacturer's studies were carried out with high concentrations of the component (in reality, in cosmetic products the concentration is at least 2 times less). Examples of funds:

— Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Lift and Firm Day Cream SPF 30 PA ++ — Asdm Beverly Hills Age Reversing Eye Cream — Dr. Brandt, Xtend your youth, Lip filler — Greensations, Fresh beauty market, Cellulite Butter — Anti-cellulite peptide oil

Acetyl Tetrapeptide-15

(Acetyl Tetrapeptide -15): A peptide used in cosmetics for sensitive skin.
Reduces sensitivity to external irritants. Examples of funds:

— Caudalie, Vinosource — Moisturizing sorbet cream — Bioderma, Sensebio Tolerance — Cream for sensitive skin — Lumene, Ultra Sensitive SOS — Instant regenerating cream — Lancome, Dream Tone Ultimate dark spot corrector

Acetyl Tetrapeptide -5

(Acetyl Tetrapeptide -5): A peptide specifically designed for the skin around the eyes.
Increases skin elasticity and reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Has pronounced anti-edematous properties. Examples of funds:

— Decleor Excellence — Anti-aging Regenerating Eye Cream — Guerlain, Super Aqua Eye — Moisturizing Eye Contour Serum — Dior, Capture Totale — Multi-action eye contour treatment — Dior, Eyes Essential — Regenerating Eye Contour Serum — Caudalie, Premier Cru — Anti-aging eye cream - Nuxe, Marveillance Expert - Lifting cream for the eye contour - Loccitane, Angelica Eye Roll-On - Roller gel for the skin around the eyes - Givenchy, Radically No Surgetics - Night and day emulsion for the eyes - Uriage, Peptilys - Cream for skin around the eyes - Acure Organics: Chlorella Growth Factor + Edelweiss Stem Cell Eye Cream - Skin by Ann Webb, Eyeseryl Peptide face&eye Cream - Peptide cream for face and eyes with olive oil - MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Magnolia Fresh Eyes - Eye Serum

Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9

(Acetyl Tetrapeptide -9): A peptide also known as Dermican.
Stimulates collagen synthesis and acts as a filler to fill wrinkles. Research was carried out only by the creator of this peptide. Examples:

— Lancome, Renergie Multi-Lift — Cream with a lifting effect — Nuxe, Nuxuriance — Day cream against loss of elasticity — Nuxe, Nuxuriance — Eye and lip contour cream — Make Up For Ever, High Definition Elixir — new generation serum “Flawless complexion” » with a lifting effect for radiant skin

Hexapeptide -9

(Hexapeptide-9): peptide against deep and fine wrinkles, has regenerating properties, stimulates collagen synthesis.
There are no independent studies. Examples of funds:

— Dr.Sea, Firming Night Cream — Firming and nourishing night cream — Filorga, Skin-Structure Serum — Serum for skin elasticity — Missha, Near SKIN Real Essential Oil Jojoba Oil

Hexapeptide -11

(Hexapeptide-11): Natural stabilizer peptide from yeast with proven effectiveness.
It is sometimes called "herbal Botox." Increases skin firmness and elasticity, helps reduce wrinkles by stimulating collagen production. Lightens skin tone slightly. Examples of funds:

— REN, Keep young and beautiful, Firming and Smoothing serum — Serum for skin elasticity — Dermalogica, Ultrasmoothing Eye serum — Ultra-softening eye serum — Korres, Quercetin & Oak Antiaging Antiwrinkle & Firming Face Serum — Anti-aging facial serum with oak and quercetin — Alterna, Caviar Anti-Aging Overnight Hair Rescue - Night hair emulsion - Nioxin System 2 Cleanser Scalp Therapy Conditioner - Lee Stafford Hair Growth Conditioner - Conditioner for hair growth


(Glutathione): melanin inhibitor, skin lightening and whitening peptide.
A safe component, but may cause an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the component. Use with caution during pregnancy. Examples of funds:

— Filorga, Sleep and Peel Resurfacing night cream — Night smoothing cream — Guinot, Longue Vie Cellulaire — Rejuvenating cream “Long cell life” — Guinot, Serum Eclaircissant — Brightening serum with vitamin C — Secret Key, Snow White Moisture Cream — Whitening cream — FUJI, Snail Gel with Glutathione - Cleansing gel with snail mucus and glutathione - Mizon, Cristal Miracle Face Cream

Dipeptide -2

(Dipeptide -2): Used in eye contour cosmetics.
Improves lymph flow and has drainage properties. Helps minimize dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Examples of funds

— Chanel, Sublimage Yeux- Regenerating cream for the skin around the eyes — Filorga, Optim-Eyes — Eye contour cream 3 in 1 — Darphin, Eye contour serum against dark circles and puffiness — Murad, Renewal Eye Cream — Restoring eye cream — SkinCeuticals, AGE Eye Complex - Anti-glycation cream for the skin around the eyes - Clinique, All about eyes - Instant corrector for the eye contour - Benefit, It's potent! eye cream - Cream for the skin around the eyes - La Mer, The Eye concentrate - Concentrate for the eye contour - Radical Skincare, Eye Revive Creme - Restoring eye cream

Copper tripeptide

(Copper Tripeptide-1): A three amino acid signal peptide with proven efficacy.
Helps reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, stimulates collagen synthesis (according to research, by 70% after a month of use), antioxidant. It has good healing and regenerating properties, ensures the resorption of skin scars. Activates dormant stem cells. Stimulates hair growth. Examples of funds:

— Mizon, Original Skin Energy, Peptide 500 — Anti-aging peptide serum — Limoni, Aguamax Rich Firming Gel Cream — Firming face cream — Mizon, Black Snail, All In One Cream — Mizon, All In One Snail Repair Cream — Mizon, Hyaluronic acid 100 Mizon - Serum with hyaluronic acid - Mizon, Peptide Ampoule Cream - Anti-aging cream with peptides - Lioele, CAD Cell Cream - Anti-wrinkle face cream based on plant stem cells - Estel, Optiuum Unique Shampoo - Hair growth activating shampoo - Mizon, Scalp Clinic Liquid Shampoo - Therapeutic shampoo for hair loss

Palmitol oligopeptide

(Palmitoyl Oligopeptide): is a mixture of palmitol fatty acid and amino acids.
Promotes the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen. A well-proven peptide in the fight against small wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity. Examples of funds:

— Filorga, Sleep and Peel Resurfacing night cream — Night smoothing face cream — Estee Lauder, Idealist — Eye cream — Dior, Creme de Rose — Lip balm — Dior, Hydra Life — Moisturizing sorbet cream for the eye contour — Clinique, Moisture Surge — Long-lasting intensive moisturizing gel — Darphin, Predermine — Anti-wrinkle firming serum — Lancome, Vissionaire 1 min Blur — Corrective primer — Guinot, Creme Vital AntiRides — Anti-wrinkle day protective cream — Guerlain, Super Aqua Eye — Moisturizing serum for the eye contour - Darphin, Ideal Resource - Anti-dark circles under the eyes - Clinique, Clinique Smart - Intelligent restoring serum - Dr.Brandt, Do not age, Triple Peptide Eye Cream - Eye cream - Natura Siberica, Lifting eyelid serum with fresh cladonia extract - Gatineau Aquqmemory, Moisture Eye Roll-On - Moisturizing eye applicator - Clarins, Lisse Minute - Wrinkle smoothing concentrate - Caudalie, Polyphenol C15 - Anti-wrinkle cream for eyes and lips - Decleor, Harmonie Calm - Gel cream for soothing eye contour - Planeta Organica, Face mask for radiance and hydration - Vichy, LiftActive - Serum for eyes and eyelashes lift active - Guinot, Liftosome - Cream with lifting effect - Librederm, Rejuvenating collagen cream for face, neck and décolleté - Lumene , Time Freeze Firming Eye Cream - Cream for the skin around the eyes - Mad Hippie, Advanced Skin Care, Eye Cream with Peptides - Eye cream, 16 active ingredients _ Dr.Lewinns: Restorative cream Ultra R4 Restorative Cream - Day Restorative Face Cream - StriVectin SD Advanced Intensive Concentrate - Concentrate for stretch marks - Dr. Pierre Ricaud, Regard Regard Jeunesse Integral Anti-Age Eye Contour Treatment - Eye Contour Cream - La Mer, Advanced Eye Cream Marine Vitalizer

Matrixyl (Palmitol Pentapeptide-3, Palmitol Pentapeptide-4)

(Palmitoyl Pentapeptide -3, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide -4): Signal peptide consisting of 5 amino acids and a fatty acid.
Has high penetrating ability. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen I, elastin, strengthens the skin matrix that supports its structure. Considered to be as effective as retinol in fighting wrinkles, but less likely to cause irritation and side effects. The peptide's manufacturer, Proctor & Gamble, and Sederma sponsored all clinical trials. Independent studies have not yet proven such clear effectiveness in reducing wrinkles. Examples of products (Palmitoyl Pentapeptide -3):

— Dior, Eyes Essential — Revitalizing eye contour serum — Dr.Sea, Anti-wrinkle facial cream SPF 25 — Anti-wrinkle face cream — Limoni, Aguamax Rich Firming Gel Cream — Firming facial cream — Devita, Revitalizing Eye Lift Creme

Examples of products (Palmitoyl Pentapeptide -4):

— Reviva Labs, Nasolabial Fold+ Multi-Peptide Cream — Cream with multipeptides — Mizon, All In One Snail Repair Cream — Mizon, Black Snail, All In One Cream — Mizon, Original Skin Energy, Peptide 500 — Anti-aging peptide serum — Murad, Renewal Eye Cream - Restoring eye cream - Planter's, Anti-aging Lifting cream - Noreva Laboratoires, Alpha KM, Sensitive skins anti-ageing face cream - Steblanc, Aqua Deep Moist Cream - Deep moisturizing face cream - Holy Land, Age Control Rebuilding gel - Holy Land, Boldcare Cream – Le Mieux, Essence Moisturizer – Cream with Botox effect – Swisso Logical, Hydro-Cellular Eye Cream

Palmitol Tetrapeptide-7

(Palmitoyl Pentapeptide -7): the main component of Matrixyl 3000, a French innovative anti-wrinkle peptide product.
A peptide with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. With its regular use, the production of cytokines is reduced, the high level of which leads to the destruction of the skin matrix, and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. It is also used in cosmetics aimed at combating acne. Examples of funds:

— Dior, Hydra Life — Moisturizing sorbet cream for the eye contour — SkinCeuticals, AGE Eye Complex — Anti-glycation cream for the skin around the eyes — Caudalie, Polyphenol C15 — Anti-wrinkle cream for eyes and lips — Vichy, LiftActive — Serum for eyes and eyelashes lift active - Decleor, Harmonie Calm - Soothing eye contour gel cream - Planter's, Planter's Hyaluronic Acid Penta 5 Anti-Age Eye Contour - Serum7, Fine Lines Eye Cream - Lumene, Artic aqua deep moistube eye gel - Urban Decay, Naked Skin Complexion — Foundation — Librederm, Collagen rejuvenating cream for the face, neck and décolleté — Natura Siberica, Day face cream for sensitive skin with Rhodiola rosea extract, allantoin, polypeptides, hyaluronic acid, Siberian cedar oil, SPF-20 — Mad Hippie, advanced skin care, Eye cream 16 actives - Cream for the skin around the eyes 16 active ingredients - Mad Hippie, Exfoliating Serum - Exfoliating facial serum - Clinique, Pep-Start Eye Cream - Dr.Lewinns: Restorative cream Ultra R4 Restorative Cream- Day Restoring Face Cream - Skin Doctors, YouthCell Youth Activating Cream - Cream that activates skin youth - Skin Doctors, Cosmeceuticals Eyesmooth eye-wrinkle treatment - Anti-wrinkle cream for the skin around the eyes - Bark, Cream for restoring elasticity of the skin of the face and neck with effect Botox.

Palmitol Tripeptide – 38

(Palmitoyl Tripeptide -38): Anti-aging peptide.
It has a pronounced ability to strengthen the extracellular matrix, which stimulates wound healing processes and restoration of collagen fibers. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen types I, III and IV and hyaluronic acid. Contains the highly effective MATRIXYL ® synthe'6 ™ peptide. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and prevents their appearance, gives significant results in the forehead and crow's feet eye area, and moisturizes the skin. Examples of funds:

— Derma E, Firming DMAE Eye Lift with Liftessence Peptides and Goji — Coup d'éclat — Coup d'Eclat Comfort Cream 1st Wrinkles — Filogra, Time-filler Absolute wrinkles correction cream — Anti-wrinkle cream — Lumene, Time Freeze — Elixir with restorative beauty capsules – MyCelle Dermaceutical, Polypeptide cream – Polypeptide cream – La Prairie, Skin Caviar Liquid Lift – Anti-gravity lifting serum

Palmitol Tripeptide -5

(Palmitoyl Tripeptide -5): A well-established peptide with proven effectiveness.
Reduces wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. It has a powerful effect on the synthesis and structuring of collagen fibers, which helps tighten the skin. Examples of funds:

— Noreva Sensidiane — Care for skin with a tendency to rosacea — Reviva Labs, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C Ester and DMAE Cream — MyCelle Dermaceutical, Polypeptide cream — Polypeptide cream — Life Flo Health, Intensive Eye Cream — Natura Siberica, Polar Day Cream — Day face cream Siberian deer antlers - Dermalogica, Antioxidant HydraMist - Antioxidant moisturizing spray - Pharmaceris A Opti-sensilium Duo Active Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream - two-active anti-wrinkle eye cream - Kallos Cosmetics, Sense Eye Cream - Rival de loop, Nachtcreme Q10 — Planeta Organica — Anti-wrinkle eye cream “Rejuvenating” — Swisslab, exfoliant-gel for active regeneration — Devita, Perfecting Time, Age Defying Moisturizer with Argireline

Syn-Ake peptide

(Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate): a synthetic muscle relaxant peptide developed by the Swiss company Pentapharm, which has extensive experience in working with snake venoms and in peptide synthesis.
In 2006, the company was awarded the Swiss Technology Award for this development. The action of this peptide is aimed at the immediate and long-term relaxation of facial wrinkles. This action is similar to the action of the protein contained in the poison of the temple keffiyeh, which prevents the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles and thus relaxes the face. It has smoothing properties and reduces the depth of wrinkles. A pronounced wrinkle smoothing effect is achieved in the following areas: horizontal wrinkles on the forehead; vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows; oblique wrinkles on the lateral surfaces of the bridge of the nose; on the back of the nose; "crow's feet" at the outer corner of the eye. According to the manufacturer, the effectiveness of Syn-Ake is superior to that of Argireline. Examples of funds:

-It`s Skin, Power 10 Formula SYN®-AKE - Peptide anti-aging serum - Secret Key, Syn-Ake Anti Wrinkle & Whitening Cream - Anti-aging peptide face cream - Tony Moly, Gold Syn-Ake Cream - Face cream with particles gold and snake venom peptide – Skin79, Syn-ake lifting cream – Lifting face cream with Syn-ake peptide – Limoni, Premium Syn-Ake Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream – Ariany, Syn-Ake intensive snake cream – Purebess “Multi- 4 Syn-Ake Cream - Face cream with snake venom - Missha, Signature Wrinkle Filler BB Cream Spf 37 - Mizon, Anti-aging solution s-venom wrinkle tox cream

Of course, this is not a complete list of peptides used in cosmetics. In conclusion, I would like to note that peptides are a relatively young and dynamically developing area. Many (especially recently discovered) peptides have not yet received unanimous acceptance. However, in my opinion, peptide cosmetics at least deserve attention.

Thank you for your time Nick


Review of the course of peptides for weight gain. Result, before and after photos.

Hello! I want to share my first experience with peptides! Previously, this word - peptide - only caused negativity and it seemed to me that this was pure chemistry, the same one that athletes took in the distant 90s. In fact, digging deeper, I became convinced that this is a completely different drug.

Choosing a course of peptides. In the first years of training, I injured my left shoulder doing the military press exercise. I took chondroitin and glucosamine, which only worked while I took the pills. As soon as the pills ran out, the pain returned and my performance dropped to zero, and in many exercises. Press, dumbbell flyes, and all exercises for the deltoids. After a long period of stagnation, my patience has run out! And then I decided that I would try peptides. I ordered GHRP-2 solo from Alexander, 5 ampoules, it arrived VERY FAST!!!!! 4 days. After using 2 ampoules I was shocked!!! I took photos almost every day. And then I read an article on the site that the effect will be cooler with cjc 1295. And then I thought!!! If a solo has such an effect, then what effect will it have in combination? Without hesitation, I ordered the missing fragment. I paused the GHRP-2 course while waiting for CJC 1295.

Delivery, appearance, packaging of peptides. Delivery came very quickly! I live in Mari El. It is about 20-30 minutes from Kazan, i.e. a neighboring republic. The parcel was well packed!!! It took me a long time to open it. Peptide ampoules are nothing special, just a jar and a sticker! But the main thing here is what's inside.

Start of the peptide course. Started the course. The first injection was before bed, after the injection I woke up with a beastly appetite! As if I hadn't eaten all day, my stomach began to grumble. I went to the refrigerator and threw everything I found into the firebox! Moreover, I filled everything with Russian gainer. First thought: “HURRAY! The peptide is working.” Well, I injected it every day for 2 weeks! First injection at 5:30, breakfast at 6:30. Well, in my breakfast there was nothing more than natural, chicken breast, scrambled eggs, sometimes buckwheat. At 7:00 I drank a Russian-made gainer. 2nd injection after training 18:30 and 3rd 22:30.


The training was not standard. Workouts: Monday - Chest-Deltos. The chest pumped at first, progressing 60-70-80 - I REACHED up to 90, up to the peptides there was a maximum of 80. Then 4-6 approaches or until I reach 6 repetitions. It looked something like this (10-10-8-6) with a weight of 60 kg. Well, my shoulders seem to grow on their own without any experiments. Seda - Back and Biceps, everything is simple here. Came felt the muscle and left. Friday - legs and triceps. It’s the same here as on Wednesday. If you can, add more. In general, the increase in working weights was 10 kg. My main goal was not to increase strength; for me the priority was to increase overall, preferably clean, body weight, to lift 60 kg from a dead point.

Course results. At the moment I weigh 67 kg and this is after one month of training with peptides. BEFORE: Left biceps 34, Right biceps 33, Shoulders 108, Chest 90, AFTER: Left biceps 36.5, Right biceps 36, Shoulders 110, Chest 96, I didn’t measure my legs, but my jeans are now tight.

General impressions. I have only positive impressions from taking the course! Two years of torment are behind me, that’s exactly how long I sat at a weight of 60 kg, drank a bunch of gainers from ON Sirius maass, ON whey protein, creatine and BCAA. The mass instantly rose and left!!! Peptides helped me increase my weight not by 2 kg as with the gainer, but by 7 kg.

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