Washing with oatmeal is a cheap way to cleanse your face.

Among all kinds of facial care products, regular oatmeal is in particular demand. At the same time, its effectiveness is almost in no way inferior to proven creams, and is much cheaper. It is only important to understand in advance in what cases oatmeal is an effective cosmetic and how best to use it. As a rule, oatmeal is used as a wash, which not only thoroughly cleanses the skin, but also additionally nourishes it with beneficial microelements.

If you use oatmeal correctly, you can get really beautiful, velvety skin, but you shouldn’t count on a quick effect, literally after just a few sessions.

What are the benefits of washing your face with oatmeal?

Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal for the digestive system. But oatmeal can not only make your figure slim, it will also quickly tidy up your face. The grains of this crop are rich in proteins, fat, vitamins, and mineral compounds.

Regular washing with rolled oats:

  • gets rid of blackheads;
  • tightens pores;
  • pulls out acne, relieves inflammation;
  • provides deep cleansing of the epidermis from dirt and toxins;
  • makes the face matte and soft to the touch;
  • normalizes fat secretion, eliminates shine;
  • smoothes out fine wrinkles and increases elasticity.

This is a safe, inexpensive and all-natural method of cleansing your facial skin.

You don’t have to think that preparing cosmetics with oatmeal is difficult and time-consuming. After 2-3 applications, this will become a habit for which the skin will be grateful.


Washing with oatmeal: result

It is good if the immunity of your facial skin is so strong that it will minimize side effects. And if not? As a result, the pores of your face will become completely clogged. Get ready for exorbitant expenses; you will need the help of cosmetologists. A qualified specialist, in addition to local treatment, will refer you to various examinations to make sure that there are no internal causes of problems with the facial skin. All this cost me about 50 thousand rubles, plus I had to sit at home once again, and in public places hide my face from others.

It was terribly embarrassing to walk around with a face with an excessive amount of acne at 30 years old. The pores were literally choked with dirt and porridge neatly smeared over them. Let me remind you that before this, although the skin was imperfect, it did not even need to even out the tone. About once every two weeks a barely visible pimple appeared on my chin, disappearing in one day. And it was the untreated endometritis and Siberia with its cold weather that were to blame.

On the third day, seeing in the mirror how spectacular your acne-prone skin has become, you run with shaking hands to the computer, again enter into the search the question about washing with oatmeal, but this time you are looking for information about side effects. And here you have a new portion of misinformation about how useful it is to endure all this bullshit while continuing to smear yourself with porridge.

Everyone unanimously claims that this is a normal reaction of the body, that healing occurs only through relapse. And then, instead of stopping, you frantically continue the epic with porridge and face. Thus, driving your face even further into the itchy swamp. And if at the same time there are also disruptions with the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal levels, such a bouquet of horror blooms on the skin of the face, from which you will then have to scrape it long and hard together with a cosmetologist, dermatologist, therapist and endocrinologist.

Who can wash their face with oatmeal?

There are no restrictions regarding age: from 15 to 45 years the product can be used. The main thing is to choose a recipe that suits your skin type.

First of all, those who have:

  • oily or combination skin;
  • there is a tendency to develop acne;
  • enlarged pores, blackheads;
  • tired look, dull complexion.

For rosacea or rosacea, or other similar diseases, it is better to wash your face with oatmeal, not in the form of coarse flakes, but with oatmeal flour, or even better, with filtered milk without solid particles. The mucus formed in infusions has a soothing effect on sensitive or inflamed skin. We wrote a recipe for making milk in this article, read on.

Disadvantages of washing with oatmeal

Hercules is considered a fairly soft scrub that does not injure the epidermis. However, after the first cosmetic procedures with its participation, acne may appear as a result of pulling out impurities from the deeper layers of the dermis. Do not be afraid of this manifestation, they will quickly disappear.

The only drawback of a natural “wash” is that it is not suitable as a makeup remover, especially for waterproof cosmetics. The product also has a disadvantage that is typical for many homemade masks: you will have to wash the dishes and make sure that the sink does not become clogged with grain particles.


  1. Oatmeal masks help solve a wide variety of skin problems. They cleanse pores, eliminate oily shine, nourish and moisturize the skin, and smooth out facial wrinkles.
  2. The healing properties of the product are due to the rich content of microelements valuable for facial skin. In oatmeal you will find zinc, iron, manganese, vitamin E and an extensive list of other substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis.
  3. Oatmeal masks are suitable for any skin type. In addition, such homemade beauty recipes do not have any contraindications.
  4. And finally, remember that the effect of the finished mask depends on the quality of the selected ingredients. You should not give preference to an instant product. Choose flakes made by processing whole oat grains, which contain the maximum amount of useful microelements and vitamins.

Contraindications to using oatmeal for the face

Cereals should not be used by those who are intolerant to it, or allergic to additional components, if they are used.

Washing your face with oatmeal too often is not suitable for dry skin, as it will further degrease and deplete it. In this case, it is better to carry out deep cleaning no more often than once every 7-10 days.

You should not cleanse your skin with ground oatmeal if you have burns, cuts or scratches on your face, or if you have wet eczema. There are no other contraindications.


How to get rid of millet is a complex question. This is not easy to do, and at home it is almost impossible and very dangerous. Since it does not pose a danger, it is better not to influence it. However, if milia have become an aesthetic problem, a cosmetologist will help remove them.

There are several reasons not to remove cysts yourself. Firstly, if you handle with unsterile instruments or hands, there is a chance of infection. Secondly, you may not succeed - the millet grains are covered with a thick layer of skin, so it is difficult to open them with your fingers. Improper exposure can lead to the formation of a scar - an even greater cosmetic defect.

A cosmetologist or dermatologist will remove the formation more effectively. The most commonly used method of removal is mechanical. The specialist will open the milia membrane and remove the keratin clot - its contents. The process occurs either with the help of a sterile needle, which pierces the skin and, prying up the cyst, pushes it through the formed holes. Or using a special tool for curettage - a curette, similar to a spoon. It is used to scrape out the milium. This method makes it possible to remove it completely, without leaving any residue that could turn into a new cyst.

Electric or laser coagulation can also be used to treat millet.

How to properly wash your face with oatmeal

To achieve the desired result and not harm yourself, you need to know how to properly wash your face with oatmeal. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use the product only after all makeup has been removed.
  2. It is preferable to carry out the procedure in the evening or when makeup is not applied.
  3. Distribute oat particles over the face, massaging problem areas: forehead, nose, chin for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Keep the prepared milk in the refrigerator for 5-6 days, do not use if there is the slightest sign of spoilage - souring, mold.
  5. If any unpleasant symptoms occur, stop using rolled oats.
  6. Before starting the procedure, moisten your face with water, and after washing with oatmeal, apply cream.

To avoid getting your hair dirty, it is better to wear a hat, headband or wrap your head in a towel. Otherwise, you will have to comb out grains stuck to your hair for a long time.

How to prepare oatmeal for washing

To enhance the effect of the cereal, additional components are added to it. The mixture must be prepared before use, and must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Such washes are more like quick masks; they are practiced twice a week.

Recipe for normal to dry skin

If you have dry skin, you cannot do without adding oil when washing your face. You need to take:

  • 1 tbsp. crushed chamomile inflorescences;
  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal;
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil.

After mixing, this paste is spread over the face. Leave for 4-5 minutes and wash with warm water.

Recipe for oily skin

In this case, a proven remedy – kefir – will come in handy. Oatmeal is mixed with fermented milk product to form a paste. It is better to hold this mixture in the form of a mask for 5-7 minutes, remove with warm water.

Recipe for combination and problem skin

It is necessary to prepare a mixture of clay (blue or white) and oatmeal, take 2 tbsp of both ingredients. spoons. Before use, dilute a small portion of the powder with water to form a paste and wash with it.

This way you can cleanse not only your face, but also your décolleté and back. After washing, acne noticeably decreases and itching disappears.

Making oatmeal gel

The simplest option is to add a little oatmeal to a portion of your usual washing gel. The next method is to prepare a completely natural product. This recipe does not have exact proportions; it can be adjusted at your discretion.

What you will need:

  • flakes or ready-made oatmeal crushed in a blender (coffee grinder);
  • dry herbs in powder form: chamomile, green tea, rose petals, linden, yarrow, etc.;
  • fatty component: jojoba oil, flaxseed oil, grape seed oil, nut oil of your choice;
  • glycerin (sold at the pharmacy).

First, you need to add dried herbs to the chopped oats. This powder can be stored for 1-2 weeks. Before washing, add some fatty oils and glycerin to a small portion of it. It should be a thick porridge. You can wash your face with it by applying it to damp skin. After 2-3 minutes of massage with natural gel, it is washed off with warm water.

A confident “no” to pimples of any color!

Regular oatmeal for the face is useful for every woman, but it is especially appreciated by the unfortunate owners of too porous skin, redheads and blackheads. On the one hand, the flakes “work” as a peeling, helping to remove any dirt. On the other hand, they soothe, disinfect, kill bacteria, stop inflammation and strengthen local immunity.

Masks based on cosmetic clay and dry rolled oats are very effective. They are mixed in equal quantities, add a pinch of dry chamomile, lemon balm, mint or other medicinal herb, and knead until the consistency of sour cream with warm milk or green tea. This homemade cream is applied to the problem area with a tampon or a clean sponge, left on for half an hour, and then carefully washed off.

If you don’t have much time to experiment, you can really improve your appearance with oatmeal alone. Every day before taking a bath or shower, steam a spoon or two of oatmeal in boiling water. Once it cools down, apply a thick layer to the affected area and begin water treatments. Remove the paste from your face at the very last moment - and you will soon see that the skin becomes velvety, smooth, and cleansed literally before your eyes.

How to enhance the effect of oatmeal

In order for facial care to bring faster results, you should intensify the effect of oatmeal on the dermis: instead of washing, keep it on your face as a mask for up to 15 minutes. And also enrich the product with other components. Here are some options:

  • adding lemon juice eliminates age spots;
  • for problem skin, a pinch of soda or salt will be useful; when washing, they will make the fight against blackheads and acne more effective;
  • for deep peeling, oatmeal is mixed with ground coffee or sugar;
  • To smooth out wrinkles, the flakes are poured with a weak decoction of black tea.

It is also beneficial, after washing with oatmeal, to rinse your face with chamomile infusion, linden or sage decoction.

Reviews about the procedure

In the morning, I take about a teaspoon of oatmeal, mix it with some water and apply it to my face, without rubbing too much. The most vivid impressions were after the first wash, it seemed that the pores instantly narrowed, there were fewer blackheads, but this was a short-term effect that quickly disappeared. After about a week of washing like this, my forehead broke out in small pimples. After two weeks, I noticed how my face felt fresher, there were fewer rashes, and my complexion improved. —Solomiya

I am quite a lazy person, so preparing all kinds of decoctions is not for me.
I just make a fist and place the cereal under running water. I apply the mixture to damp facial skin along massage lines. I was very pleased with the result; after a while the pores became almost invisible. By the way, after the first wash in this way, the skin on my cheeks peeled a little, but without discomfort. I recommend trying this method of cleansing the skin; perhaps it will be a godsend and you will be surprised by the results.


Useful tips

The effect can only be obtained if you use a high-quality and fresh product. Oatmeal cannot be stored for more than 6 months; oatmeal does not lose its beneficial properties for 4 months.

In the bathroom, it is permissible to store cereals in a jar with a tight-fitting lid for no longer than 2 weeks. It is better to keep small portions for washing in this warm and humid room. You cannot keep rolled oats in a cardboard box in the bathroom.

In addition, you should not take ready-made oatmeal in bags, they contain a lot of additives. We must not forget about protecting against drain clogging: place a strainer on the sink drain.

A healthy complexion is the dream of every woman. For this purpose, you do not need to buy expensive products one after another. Regular oatmeal cleanses your facial skin better than any scrub or gel from the store.

Who can evaluate?

The cosmetic properties of oatmeal are so universal that they will be relevant both for the care of teenage facial skin and for older young ladies. The versatility of this home remedy also applies to different skin types. If too dry and flaky skin can get the necessary hydration and nutrition with the help of oatmeal, then beauties with too oily skin will be able to get rid of stickiness and shiny discharge.

How often you should use oatmeal while washing your face can only be determined by your own experience and skin reaction. For too dry types, the procedure is carried out much less frequently.

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