Can the face swell after installation of dental implants, how to relieve swelling
Normal or pathological Associated symptoms When not to worry Sign of complication Warning at the Center
Are there any contraindications?
Jessner peeling at home: how to do it and what effect can be achieved
No matter what supporters of alternative medicine we may be, drugs synthesized by the chemical industry are still more successful
Ovarian rejuvenation
Center for non-surgical rejuvenation BaLance in Krylatskoye
Ovarian wasting syndrome (OSF) is the premature shutdown of ovarian function. They stop producing eggs
Removal of skin tumors - frequently asked questions
The problem of the appearance of tumors on the skin of the face worries every person: tumor lesions cause discomfort and
Manual anti-cellulite massage
Therapeutic massage for the back: features, indications and contraindications
Is it worth contrasting manual anti-cellulite massage with hardware anti-cellulite massage? What should be effective?
Massive attack: hydromassage against excess weight
Hydromassage is considered one of the most pleasant procedures, which are usually included in comprehensive weight loss programs and
Gastroenterology Incorrect diagnosis
Treatment of inferior turbinate pathology: review and critical evaluation of various techniques
Constant nasal congestion, persistent runny nose... We all know how unpleasant and debilitating it can be.
Removal of moles (laser, radio wave knife, cryodestruction)
Moles are benign pigmented formations on the skin, which in medicine are usually called nevi.
Don't be left with your nose. How much does rhinoplasty cost in Barnaul?
Make an appointment with a plastic surgeon +7 (3852) 535-535 Leave your phone number and we will
Cryodestruction of benign skin tumors
Cryosurgery is the local application of low temperatures to destroy body tissue. This is a treatment method
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