Comparison of technologies: laser hair removal and ELOS.
Colleague, hello, there are 2 popular technologies for removing unwanted hair, which from time to time
Facial skin dermatitis or consequences of incorrect treatment
Rosacea Rosacea is a persistent lesion of the blood vessels of the facial skin. Manifested by redness of the skin of the cheeks, nose, forehead
Depilation and hair removal at home for men
In the modern world, ideas about masculinity have long changed. If earlier ladies liked vegetation on
Facial contouring procedure using the latest generation fillers NATURELIZE FACIAL ARTS
MacGregor's point: 1. Draw a line from the corner of the mouth to the outer edge of the eyebrow. 2.
3D Hernia Mesh
Umbilical hernia in children: how to manage without surgery?
Why do children develop an umbilical ring defect? ​​Medical systematization by type of origin: umbilical hernias
Acid peeling based on TCA - a unique means for correcting appearance
The essence of the TCA peeling technique is a method of chemical action on the skin. TCA, or trichloroacetic acid
11 cosmetic products for facial beauty that you can’t do without in the summer
It has long been no secret that face creams are an indispensable item in skin care.
How to use lavender essential oil on your face for acne
Lavender flowers will always attract attention with their tenderness and femininity. And remarkable even
New products from Mesoderm: professional peelings, cosmetics before and after peeling
Chemical peeling is equally loved by cosmetologists and clients. It allows you to correct involutional changes in the skin,
What is hyaluronic acid peeling and how is it performed?
What it is? Hyaluronic peeling is a unique procedure in cosmetology that allows you to cleanse, moisturize
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