Biorevitalization after 50 years
Home › Questions and Answers › After biorevitalization, swelling under the eyes is the norm, if not,
burn after exfoliation
Burn after peeling: causes and consequences, treatment
The condition of the face in the first days after acid exfoliation often frightens patients: especially those who
Azelac M | Chemical peeling with azelaic acid
What is Azelaic acid and how does it work? AA is a carboxylic acid that is formed
Post-peeling foundation Christina: nuances of use, customer reviews
Caring for problem skin is always particularly difficult. From numerous rashes, post-acne, greasy shine,
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Laser hair removal of armpits: main advantages, preparation and skin care in the post-procedure period
Laser hair removal for women's armpits is a quick and painless procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair. Not a secret,
Rice. 1. Recurrence of PG after the mid-peeling procedure
Herpes viral infection in dermatocosmetology practice
Herpes viral infection in dermatocosmetology practice Innovative technologies used in the cosmetology industry make it possible for modern
Mary Kay Eye Makeup Remover
Peeling Mary Kay - reviews of the Time Weiss peeling system
Why did I decide to write about Mary Kay cosmetics? I was once a consultant for this
Facial cleansing with nitrogen: what is the effectiveness of the procedure for different skin problems
Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen is used in cosmetology to solve certain problems and for the purpose
milk peeling
Who can benefit from milk peeling and how to do it at home
You will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised when you find out how beneficial milk peeling is for your skin.
TOP 5 “not allowed” after contouring, so as not to lose the effect
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