meso for hair
Hair mesotherapy at home with a mesoscooter
Dry indoor air, heating, outdoor humidity, hats - all this has a negative impact
Photoepilation - how it works and is it possible to achieve complete hair removal
Since ancient times, girls have struggled with excess hair on their bodies. They used
Cellulite. Treatment of cellulite with mesotherapy and biorevitalization
Fat deposits are one of the most serious problems of modern man, along with excess weight.
salicylic peeling description
How to do facial peeling with salicylic acid in a salon or at home
What is salicylic facial peeling Salicylic peeling is a type of cosmetic procedure during which
Rosacea: how to distinguish it from other skin diseases
Appointment with a dermatologist at the clinic. Call a dermatologist at home. Reception is strictly by appointment, registration
Longitudinal gastrectomy for obesity - what the patient should know about
How new is this operation? Indeed, longitudinal (synonyms: reducing, sleeve, tubular, vertical) gastrectomy -
Nail structure
What is medical pedicure and what problems does it solve?
Every woman wants to be happy and feel perfect in any situation. For this
lymphostasis after breast cancer removal
Lymphatic drainage body massage. Benefit, what is it, how is it done?
The lymphatic system consists of: Pathways for transport of lymph: vessels, capillaries. Lymphoid organs: lymph nodes, tonsils,
Photo 1
Fighting ingrown hairs after sugaring: why do they grow and what to do?
Sugaring is becoming increasingly popular due to its undoubted advantages. The procedure does not take much
Who is suitable for whitening peeling from Natura Siberica?
Reviews of Natura Siberica peeling with AHA acids whitening
Increasingly, there are enthusiastic reviews online about how effective the Natura Siberica peeling is.
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