Professional superficial peeling procedure
Superficial, medium or deep peeling: what to choose?
Chemical peeling is iatrogenic damage to certain layers of the epidermis and/or dermis. In response to damage, a release occurs
What to do after a burn and which remedy helps better in treatment?
Today, treatment of burns is a pressing problem. According to state statistics for 2022, no less
breast enlargement
Mendelssohn lift: innovative facelift without injury and long rehabilitation
Department of Plastic Surgery Department of Plastic Surgery » Mendelssohn lifting In the face, as in a mirror,
Circumcision (circumcision of the foreskin) at the Yuhelp clinic in Ufa
Circumcision of the foreskin or is an operation that is performed for religious, medical, hygienic and
Endosphere therapy for cellulite
Who invented cellulite and how to fight it (and is it necessary): experts debunk myths
Dermatovenereologist (cosmetologist) Elizaveta Izrailevna Shukhman Experience 23 years Cosmetologist, member of the World Interdisciplinary Association
Labia enlargement: indications and methods for changing shape
A woman strives to be beautiful in everything and the intimate sphere is no exception. The bigger the woman
Erysipelas (erysipelas)
Erysipelas of the face. What does an ophthalmologist need to know?
Erysipelas or simply erysipelas is an infectious-allergic disease that affects the skin and subcutaneous
Male breasts: what to do if they grow? normal breast tissue and gynecomastia
Breast glands in men: mastectomy or removal of mammary glands
Gynecomastia is a disease associated with breast growth in men. 30-50% of representatives suffer from it
Intensive massage of the Brazilian buttocks - a confident step towards a spectacular butt
It is unlikely that it will be a secret to anyone that many Hollywood celebrities resort to
How does Botox work on the face?
Between us girls: answering questions about Botox
Botox is a botulism neurotoxin that has undergone purification and pre-treatment and has a fairly weak concentration. Cosmetic
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