Tsygankova Natalya Andreevna
Education In 1997, Natalia Andreevna graduated from the Moscow Russian State Medical University with a degree in
Why your face swells in the morning: 5 unobvious reasons
The article was checked by a cardiologist, a member of the European Society of Cardiology, the Eurasian Association of Cardiologists, the Russian Society of Holter Monitoring
News from the plastic surgery clinic - Jeunesse.
News from the plastic surgery clinic - Jeunesse. Analysis for coronavirus Analysis in Ivanovo Cosmetology (Ivanovo)
Asymmetry: why one side of the face looks better than the other
The fact that my face, like the faces of other people, is not characterized by absolute symmetry,
Plastic surgeon Solomon Abrahamyan
Candidate of Medical Sciences Solomon Maisovich Abrahamyan has been working as a leading plastic surgeon since 2016
Rhinoplasty (nose correction) in Korea: prices and patient reviews
Rhinoplasty is an operation to reconstruct or straighten the nose. Considered one of the
Clinic of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery “Isabella”
Isabella Medical Center, offers services in the field of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, as well as
Breast augmentation by Maxim Usungwan
Usungvan Maxim Vyacheslavovich Area of ​​work: • Plastic surgery on the mammary gland, augmentation (increase) of mammary
Savitsky Stanislav Stanislavovich
Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon, doctor of the highest category with more than 24 years of experience,
Use of silicone implants with polyurethane coating
The expert recommends... Daniel Flemming (Melbourne, Australia) is President of the Australian College of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Flemming
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