Daily life and laser correction: how alcohol, sex, work and sleep can affect the operation
You have had heart surgery - either coronary artery stenting, or bypass surgery, or both
How does Botox help smooth out wrinkles?
Botox for the face: the essence of the procedure Botulinum therapy is an injection of a toxin purified from impurities
Technique for correcting the lower part of the oval face using HA fillers
Another non-surgical lifting method is a facelift with fillers. In this case it is not required
Trimming the frenulum of a child's tongue. Why is it needed?
Trimming the frenulum of a child's tongue. Why is it needed?
If your child speaks poorly or you notice obvious signs of a malocclusion in your baby, you should
Causes and treatment of erythema annulare: available information about a rare disease
Published: 11/03/2021 10:00:00 Updated: 11/03/2021 Urticaria is an allergic disease, the causes of which are in children and
Spinal anesthesia
Surgery under general anesthesia in old age increases the risk of dementia by 35%
The influence of age on operations under anesthesia Over time, human organs wear out and
white spots on the labia
White dots on the lips under the skin: photos, causes, treatment
White spots on the labia can appear for various reasons, and not always
How to make lips soft at home: folk recipes
A lip scrub should be in the arsenal of any girl who takes care of herself.
Dysport - injections that preserve youth
The drug Dysport, which appeared on the cosmetology market, immediately made people talk about itself as something new.
lip shape
Lip modeling points: secrets of an effective and safe procedure
The lip correction procedure is currently one of the most popular aesthetic procedures for
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