Nano Botox for the face - real reviews, composition, how to use
DESCRIPTION NANO BOTOX FOR WRINKLES Country of origin Russia Company- Composition 100% natural Type of product
butter face mask
How can you replace cosmetic oil for the face - reviews
Caring for your face and body in general requires a lot of cosmetics. Of course, every woman
Breast augmentation before or after childbirth: solving the dilemma
Breast augmentation surgery before or after childbirth? Contraindications for breast augmentation before childbirth
pros and cons.jpg
Is it possible to have plastic surgery after Botox and fillers?
Thin, sensitive skin around the eyes begins to experience age-related changes faster than other areas
Reviews of the drug Filorga for lip augmentation
Filorga fillers are a new generation of drugs that are used in contouring.
By using Filorga for lip augmentation, women expect a transformation in their appearance. Bright juicy
Secrets of an aristocrat, or How to whiten the skin of the face and body
Juicing Another common home remedy for natural skin lightening is freshly squeezed juices. They
Diagnosis of skin diseases with racial pigmentation
Skin depigmentation is the uneven coloring of the epidermis that occurs due to a deficiency of the coloring substance – melanin. Loss
Experience with the use of systemic glucocorticosteroids as initial therapy for post-Covid arthritis in outpatient practice
Until non-steroidal drugs began to be actively used in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system
What is facial electroporation?
What is facial electroporation - an alternative to invasive cosmetology or its weak semblance?
Over time, the skin on every girl’s face is subject to changes - it loses firmness, elasticity,
The effectiveness of armpit waxing: tips and tricks
Beautiful and smooth skin in the armpit area is an indicator of well-groomed and cleanliness. She gives
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