All about the SMAS lifting procedure. Indications and contraindications.
Facial plastic surgery is the highest level of plastic surgery. SMAS facelift (SMAS
Jessner peeling – features and progressive possibilities of a complex procedure
Due to the action of three types of acids, Jessner's chemical peel removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and
D-Panthenol: in what cases is it used, which is better, cream or ointment?
D-Panthenol: in what cases is it used, which is better, cream or ointment?
Dexpanthenol is a substance derived from the water-soluble B vitamin - pantothenic acid. Exactly
Double chin in men
Jowls on the face - what are they: how to remove, get rid of and tighten the oval
A double chin doesn't just change your features. Regardless of gender, he adds with a broad gesture
Laura Keosayan photo
Laura Keosayan: “I could talk to my parents on any topic”
Laura Keosayan is a popular theater and film actress, as well as a descendant of a famous cinematic dynasty
LPG massage: contraindications, pros, cons, features of the procedure and prices for hardware cosmetology at the MEDSI Clinic
Endermolift is a procedure created by specialists from the French company LPG Systems. The initial goal of development
What is biorevitalization: a detailed description of the procedure
From this article you will learn: biorevitalization: what kind of procedure it is, reviews, photos of patients before
Self-massage of the face: how to do it correctly and be happy with the results on the first day
From this article you will learn: Why facial massage is effective against wrinkles at home
The benefits and harms of hot Botox for hair. Review of professional products
What are the contraindications? Like any cosmetic product, hot Botox has a number of precise and relative
Lymphatic system
Lymphatic drainage massage: indications and contraindications, techniques
Lymphatic drainage massage is a special technique of manual or hardware influence on the body that allows you to influence
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