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Facial cleansing is one of the most common salon procedures. Its purpose is to cleanse the skin
Childhood, education, beginning of his career Alexander Shpak was born on April 1, 1979 in the city
From this article you will learn: Yellow peeling - what is it Properties of yellow peeling
SMAS lifting technology in detail Hardware ultrasonic liposuction, an analogue of the operation practiced in plastic surgery,
Between the first observation, indicating increased sensitivity of adipose tissue to low temperatures, and
Jaws (correctly - jowls) - this word refers to saggy, flabby cheeks that deform the line
From this article you will learn: Features of aging facial skin The main causes of aging The advantages of non-surgical
Laser carbon peeling is an effective hardware procedure that cleanses the skin and improves its condition.
From this article you will learn: Features of the facial peeling procedure Types of skin peels