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Carrying out peeling at home Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to visit
Facial myostimulation
Hardware myostimulation of the face and body: the essence of the method, indications and contraindications
Pregnancy and lactation; A pacemaker installed in the patient; Presence of chronic cardiovascular diseases; Tuberculosis in active
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How to visually enlarge lips: all the secrets and life hacks
Many girls dream of plump lips. Now there are many ways to do this once and
Rating of the best plastic surgeons in Voronezh in 2022
People want to have an attractive appearance, stay young and sexy for as long as possible, but how
How to remove wrinkles around the eyes: 5 best salon treatments
“Before” and “After” Prices Reviews Doctors Make an appointment It is impossible to completely get rid of wrinkles around the eyes,
Submammary access and other types in breast surgery
from 320,000 rub. Cost of surgery If a woman is not satisfied with the natural volume or shape
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Bioreparation or biorevitalization - what's the difference?
The skin of the face is one of the most unprotected areas of the human body, open to the influence of many external
How to epilate without ingrown hairs
How to epilate without ingrown hairs
Read this article: Why do hair grow ingrown? Ingrown hairs after sugaring What ingrown hairs look like
How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy
The problem of many pregnant women is the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Striae are small stripes on
Cosmetologist Alexandra Gaunt told how cryosauna fights depression
The issue of preserving youth will never lose its relevance for humanity. While the Macropolus remedy is not
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