French filler Sculptra: creating the perfect body sculpture

Pavel Olegovich Kusin, a cosmetologist at the Family Dental Clinic and a certified specialist in the use of Sculptra, talks about the new drug Sculptra, which is used to tighten the skin of the face and neck.


– an injectable drug to improve skin quality and lift the face and neck without fillers or surgeries. My patients are self-confident people; they do not seek to greatly change their appearance through surgery, but they want to look well-groomed. After 35 years, collagen production in the skin decreases, and a little help from a cosmetologist becomes necessary to maintain beauty and youth for both women and men.

The drug Sculptra helps to correct the oval of the face, tighten the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, and eliminate various cosmetic defects or age-related changes. Sculptra is perfectly absorbed by tissues and is very slowly eliminated from the body. The result of using Sculptra is natural and long-lasting - the effect lasts up to 3 years. The effectiveness of the drug in cosmetology has been proven by many years of successful use in many countries. Correction with Sculptra is popular among Hollywood stars, since after its use the face looks young and facial expressions are natural and expressive.

General characteristics

Sculptra is a drug with good bioavailability by the body. With its help, not only facial modeling occurs, but hips, breasts and buttocks are corrected. The gel also does an excellent job of eliminating age-related skin deformations.

The effectiveness of the product has been confirmed by considerable practice. In Britain alone there are about 17,000 successful procedures.

Composition of the drug

The filler is based on polylactic acid - it is produced in laboratory conditions through the synthesis of non-animal raw materials.
This method allows you to achieve maximum results in the biocompatibility of the filler with the human body. Previously, it was used in surgery as a self-absorbing suture material. When used in contouring, the drug has a different function - it promotes the production of natural collagen by the body itself.

Studies show that after just a couple of sessions, the formation of collagen fibers increases by 30%, and after a certain time, the dermal filler undergoes degradation and is completely removed.

The product is presented in dry form in the packaging. The ampoule contains:

  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose (90 mg);
  • non-pyrogenic mannitol (127.5 mg);
  • polylactide (150 mg).


Initially, the Sculptra filler had a different name “New Fill” and was developed to replenish lost volume in patients with AIDS. The production of the product was fully launched back in 1999.

The manufacturer of the drug is the French cosmeceutical company Sanofi Aventis. The product is also produced by an American concern in Sweden.

Composition and principle of action

The main component of S culptra products is polylactic acid. This substance is absolutely safe, as it is of artificial and not animal origin. The synthetic nature of the component causes minimal risks of its rejection and the development of allergic reactions.

Getting deep into the dermis, Sculptra provokes accelerated synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for youthful and smooth skin. According to studies, after just two filler procedures, the body’s ability to produce the necessary fibers increases by up to 40 percent.

The effectiveness of the product is based on the dual principle of its action. So, first the composition fills the voids due to its physical presence, and then stimulates the production of natural substances, which serve to maintain the achieved effect.

The safety of Sculptra is confirmed by the fact that over time, polylactic acid completely disintegrates and is eliminated from the body naturally.

Indications for use

The use of Sculptra filler is recommended exclusively for patients over 35 years of age; this drug is not suitable for combating the first signs of aging.

The success of the injection is observed in replenishing the lost volumes of soft tissues, filling pronounced skin creases and wrinkles.

The product is used for:

  • the presence of wrinkles of varying degrees of severity and nature of origin;
  • ptosis;
  • sagging skin in the thighs and abdomen;
  • deficiency of soft tissue volume in the area of ​​the hands, lips, cheeks, cheekbones;
  • asymmetry or irregular face shape;
  • drooping eyebrows;
  • bumpy skin texture;
  • scars or scars.

The effect of the procedure has a prolonged effect and, due to its ability to naturally disintegrate, lasts for up to 3 years.

Features of the procedure

The procedure in which the drug Sculptra is used is interpreted by cosmetologists as injection plastic surgery. The implementation process is short-term; it usually takes no more than 30 minutes and does not require the patient to continue to see a cosmetologist. At the preliminary stage, the specialist determines the dosage of the drug, the scheme of its administration, and also applies an anesthetic cream to the skin, which reduces the discomfort that occurs when the integrity of the epidermis is violated.

It should be noted that the procedure is not carried out once; excellent positive results are achieved only after completing the full course. On average, it involves three sessions with a break of 4 to 6 weeks, but only a cosmetologist can calculate the exact number when examining the patient individually.

Changes begin to form approximately 2 weeks after the first procedure. They reach their greatest manifestation approximately six months after completing the full course.

By studying the reviews of professionals about this product, you can collect quite a lot of interesting facts, some of which are voiced quite rarely. So, a similar technique:

  • allows you to achieve a rejuvenation effect for up to 25 months (in some cases even more);
  • is prescribed if hyaluronic fillers do not bring a positive result;
  • Recommended for people over 35 years old.


In some cases, correction cannot be carried out due to the presence of contraindications, including:

  • unsatisfactory level of blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to the composition of the filler/additional consumables;
  • neoplasms of an oncological nature;
  • inflammation in the affected area;
  • infections;
  • mycoses;
  • aggravated form of chronic diseases;
  • herpes;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of permanent implants in the affected area;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • lactation;
  • minority.

It is recommended to shift the contouring session in case of recent surgeries or cosmetic procedures such as peeling, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing.

Contraindications for use

Unfortunately, Sculptra-based treatments are not available to every patient. First of all, it is recommended to focus not only on your own wishes, but also on the indications, as well as contraindications to effects of this nature. Restrictions on manipulations for health reasons are extremely important. This:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of inflammation or open wounds in the area where the composition is planned to be introduced;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • infectious diseases, elevated body temperature.

Precautionary measures

The use of Sculptra filler is only permissible in a medical clinic or salon setting. The procedure itself is carried out by a qualified specialist.

A complete history of the patient’s health condition is first collected and all possible contraindications are identified in order to avoid complications in the future. Some of them are temporary. The possibility of correction in this case is determined individually.

Side effects

Among the undesirable reactions of the body are:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • hematomas;
  • itching/burning;
  • dermal filler contouring;
  • soreness of the skin;
  • nodules at the sites of punctures of the dermis (the occurrence is associated with the administration of an excess amount of the drug);
  • soft tissue necrosis;
  • bruising;
  • abscess.

How does lifting work with Sculptra?

The drug is supplied in individual packaging (powder for dilution). For each patient, the drug is diluted with water for injection one day before the procedure, so it is important to first consult with a cosmetologist and set a day for the procedure.

A cosmetologist cleanses the skin, performs antiseptic treatment, and numbs the injection site with a superficial application of an anesthetic. The drug is administered subcutaneously. There are various injection techniques; the cosmetologist chooses the one needed depending on the task.

After administering Sculptra, an active special massage is performed so that the gel is distributed evenly. Cold is applied to the injection sites to reduce swelling and prevent bruising.

The procedure time is 90 minutes.

Description of the procedure

Contour plastic surgery involves the introduction of a biological gel subdermally, after which the filler begins to distribute evenly in the intercellular matrix, filling the voids.

After the procedure, the skin is smoothed, but full results can be observed only after six months.


At this stage, the client needs to undergo a series of studies, including a test for an allergic reaction, and also prepare the body for subsequent exposure to the drug.

During this period, you need to follow certain recommendations.

  1. Minimize the level of physical stress on the body. You should not go to the gym or do gymnastics.
  2. It is prohibited to drink alcohol, salty foods, or smoke. Keep the amount of coffee to a minimum.
  3. It is not recommended to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation either in a solarium or in a natural environment.
  4. Stop taking medications that cause changes in blood counts.

Technique and areas of administration

The method of introducing the Sculptor filler is determined by the cosmetologist regarding the area of ​​influence and the task at hand.

  1. Linear technique . Considered basic. Used to replenish the subcutaneous space in the area of ​​deep wrinkles and creases. During the manipulations, the needle is completely immersed at an angle; the maximum tilt of the syringe does not exceed 40° relative to the skin surface. The injection is carried out slowly, in the form of a continuous thread as the instrument exits the dermis.
  2. Fan . It works on the same principle as linear. Used to restore volume in the cheekbone area or lip augmentation. The filler in the matrix is ​​placed in different planes connected at one point.
  3. Mesh . Used for pronounced lipoatrophy of soft tissues. The injections are placed perpendicular to each other, at a maximum distance of 1 cm.

Duration of action

The average procedure time does not exceed 30 minutes.


  1. Makeup removal and skin cleansing with a disinfectant.
  2. Anesthesia of the affected area.
  3. Applying markings to the correction area.
  4. Injection of the drug.
  5. Final treatment with an antiseptic.

Rehabilitation period

Despite the existing side effects, the rehabilitation period after the procedure passes quite quickly and usually lasts no more than two weeks. Typically, experts recommend following the following rules during the specified period of time:

  • Reduce physical activity as much as possible.
  • Avoid sunbathing and visiting a solarium.
  • Temporarily forget about saunas and steam baths.
  • Do not swim in the pool or swim in open water in order to minimize the risk of infection in punctures.

Photos before and after

Home care recipes

One session does not take more than 30 minutes. The dilution of the drug is carried out by a specialist according to the attached instructions immediately before starting. The injection technique requires high qualifications, so all technicians must undergo preliminary training.

In the future, doctors give certain recommendations for facial care after filler injection:

  1. For 14 days, limit exposure to sunlight on the treated area.
  2. Do not visit saunas, baths or swimming pools, as this may provoke the development of an infectious process.
  3. On the first day, do not use decorative cosmetics.

Patients require 2 to 3 injection sessions to obtain visible results. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to perform maintenance procedures once a year or take a repeat course once every 24 months.

Patient reviews of the experience of using Sculptra filler

Yulia, 43 years old, Saransk:

Sculptra used filler to correct the cheekbones. The result lasted for 1.5 years, in the next 6 months it was less noticeable. I underwent a repeat procedure with this drug. I am very pleased, I did not experience any side symptoms or troubles. It is very important to find an experienced cosmetologist who will select a quality product.

Tamara, 54 years old, Moscow:

I have been using this filler for 6 years now. The result is extremely positive. My cosmetologist says that Sculptra should be used only if there are strict indications, since the drug is considered quite strong. Wrinkles on the face are smoothed out, the skin looks healthier and younger.

Milana, 40 years old, Pskov:

For the first time, I performed lip correction with fillers with hyaluronic acid. 4 years ago, a cosmetologist recommended switching to Sculptra. The result is simply amazing! The effect is much longer than from other similar products. The only drawback is the high price.

Healing period

The rehabilitation period after implantation with Sculptra filler is accompanied by mild swelling and redness. In some cases, if the skin is particularly sensitive, small hematomas may also occur at the sites where the dermis is punctured.

Such symptoms are not considered critical and go away completely without additional therapy in a maximum of 1-2 weeks.

To shorten the recovery period, rehabilitation standards should be followed.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to massage on the corrected area. These manipulations can only be carried out by a specialist.
  2. You should not have any other physical impact on the correction area (touch with your hands or wipe with a towel).
  3. You can't wear makeup for the first week.
  4. Washing is allowed only after 2-3 days. It is better to use light cleansing tonics.
  5. You should not play sports, visit a solarium, sauna, swimming pool or stay in the cold for a long time.
  6. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited for at least another 7 days.

After a lifting procedure with Sculptra

After administration of the drug Sculptra, redness of the skin is possible, which goes away on its own within a few hours. Swelling at the injection sites disappears after 1-5 days, hematomas resolve after 7-14 days. No additional therapy is required.

The effect of the drug increases gradually, the maximum manifestation of the lifting effect after the introduction of Sculptra is after 6 months.


: If you are planning cosmetic procedures before important events, consider the required recovery time and the severity of the effect.

Recommendations for patients after using Sculptra:

  • perform gentle self-massage, according to the recommendations of a cosmetologist;
  • do not scratch, heat, or rub the correction area;
  • do not use cosmetics for the first 24 hours;
  • cleanse the skin only according to the recommendations of a cosmetologist; do not wash your face with water for the first 2 days;
  • For the first 3-5 days, do not exercise, do not sunbathe, do not visit the sauna or bathhouse, and do not stay in the cold for a long time.

Sculptra procedure price - 40,000 rubles

(work of a cosmetologist, 10 ml of Sculptra, anesthesia, consumables).

In conclusion, I will say that there are many remedies that will help maintain beauty and youth. A consultation with a cosmetologist will help determine which product will be most effective in a particular case, draw up a treatment plan, and calculate the cost of treatment. At Family Dental, consultation with a cosmetologist is free - come and get all the necessary information!

Make an appointment for a consultation by phone +7-499-110-18-04 or through the form on the website. You can ask questions about the work of the cosmetology department to the chief physician of the clinic, Sergei Vladimirovich Tsukor, at

Cost of the procedure in clinics

In some cases, if it is necessary to correct a fairly large area, you should undergo a course of injections, the number of which will be announced by the cosmetologist after an initial consultation and examination.

The final price of contour plastic surgery is influenced by:

  • drug consumption;
  • the scale of the impact area;
  • price for additional materials (antiseptic/anesthetic);
  • injection zone;
  • prestige of the clinic;
  • specialist qualification.

Basically, the cost fluctuates around 20,000 rubles per session. A special difference in the price tag can be observed when considering salons in Moscow and provincial cities.

Contraindications and side effects

In general, the product is considered safe and hypoallergenic, but still has some contraindications for use:

  • the presence of infectious or inflammatory processes in the body;
  • dysfunction of blood clotting;
  • the presence of open wounds or burns in the area intended for injection;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In some cases, patients may experience the following side effects:

  • slight bruising and swelling at the injection site;
  • formation of small compactions.

In the first case, there is no need to worry; swelling and bruising go away on their own within 7-14 days after the procedure. If there are lumps that can be clearly felt, it is recommended to regularly self-massage until they are completely resolved.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons who have tested the effectiveness of Sculptra in their own experience, mostly respond positively to the drug.

However, there is a strong emphasis on the fact that filler should not be used before the age of 35. Isolated cases are considered in the presence of post-traumatic traces acquired at a younger age.

The specialist advises using the drug and talks about its superiority over analogues:

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

Before using this drug, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The experience of the specialist to whom you decide to entrust your beauty is of great importance. But I would give preference to drugs based on hyaluronic acid, since if the outcome is unfavorable, it is possible to correct or eliminate errors in the procedure, which is much more difficult in the case of drugs based on polylactic acid.

Product effectiveness

The drug has proven itself in the fight against:

  • the formation of scars or scars;
  • curved eyebrow shape;
  • signs of aging skin on the hands;
  • sunken cheeks, irregularly shaped chin, cheekbones or lips;
  • sagging skin on the stomach or thighs;
  • problematic skin texture
  • folds and wrinkles on the skin of varying depths.

Sculptra fillers are considered very “strong”, so they are not recommended for patients under 35 years of age. In some cases, doctors perform the first injections with more gentle drugs (Restylane, Juvederm, etc.).

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