Between us girls: answering questions about Botox

The consequence of active facial expressions - expressions of surprise, admiration, dissatisfaction - are wrinkles on the forehead and in the area between the eyebrows. Every day, unbeknownst to ourselves, we frown and raise our eyebrows, which negatively affects the condition of our skin. Constant muscle tension leads to the fact that facial wrinkles become pronounced and noticeable even under a layer of corrective products.

The procedure of botulinum therapy - Botox injections - allows you to smooth out wrinkles and give your face a calm, rested look.

How Botox works

Botox injection is an effective technique for eliminating facial wrinkles and forming a beautiful facial contour. Essentially, this is a correction without a scalpel.

Botox is a weakened, purified neurotoxic drug based on botulinum toxin. The latter is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. A powerful neuroparalytic that can relax facial muscles.

Botulinum toxin A has been used in cosmetology for more than 30 years. It is injected into the area of ​​the facial muscle, as a result it relaxes, and the skin relief of the area is noticeably smoothed. The hydrobalance of the deep layers of the dermis is restored, the natural production of collagen and elastin is stimulated.

Botox is used to correct facial contours, smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, in the eye area and nasolabial triangle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the technique are:

  • disappearance of pronounced facial wrinkles;
  • correction of facial proportions;
  • painlessness, safety;
  • short period of rehabilitation;
  • botulinum toxin is eliminated from the body naturally;
  • the habit of not frowning on the upper part of the face becomes established.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is the short-term effect and the occurrence of an addictive effect. If injections are performed regularly, the immune system produces substances. Which neutralize the paralytic effect of Botox, so each subsequent time the results will be less noticeable.

Exposure time

The duration of the effect of Botox depends on the individual characteristics of the body, habits, and care procedures:

  • Age. Typically, botulinum therapy is indicated for people over 45 years of age, but often younger people also need correction. The breakdown of drug substances in a young body occurs faster, so the duration of the effect is reduced.
  • Behavior. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress and negative habits affect not only your well-being, but also your appearance - they worsen the effect of injections.
  • Quality of the drug. The drug must be original and stored correctly.

How long does the effect of Botox last?

How effective Botox is is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions. Here it should be understood that there simply cannot be an unambiguous answer to this question, since the duration of local muscle relaxation will, like the speed of achieving the effect, directly depend on the metabolic functions of the body, more simply, on the metabolic rate. However, experts say that after the first administration of the drug, the average duration of action of Botox will be from 4 to 6 months.

Also, speaking about the duration of action of Botox, it is simply impossible not to mention the increased effectiveness of the drug with repeated administration. Repeated injections show a significantly longer lasting effect, which can range from 8 to 12 months. In addition, regular use of botulinum therapy often gives the cosmetologist the opportunity to reduce the dosage. This is largely explained by the fact that being stationary for a long time, the facial muscle loses the “habit” of actively moving, and a person loses the habit of “frowning,” which reduces the load on the facial muscles and the severity of wrinkles.

Signs of Botox working

It is easy to feel the effect of botulinum toxin after the procedure: the facial muscles at the injection site stop working almost immediately, although a trace of the wrinkle will still be visible. For example, it will not be possible to frown your forehead, and, therefore, folds on the skin will not be able to form.

On days 5-7, the distribution of the drug ends, the effect becomes maximum: the skin is noticeably fresher, acquires a healthy shine and tint, and cosmetics fit perfectly on it. Even deep wrinkles are gradually smoothed out.

When administered correctly, Botox injections do not turn the face into a “mask.” There will still be facial expressions and emotions. To get truly excellent results, contact beauty centers - cosmetologists with extensive experience work there.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Botox injections are given to patients with hypertonicity of the facial muscles. The main indication for the procedure today is the appearance of wrinkles.

. The cosmetologist will tell you how many units of Botox are needed. Botox for the forehead and eyebrows is applied according to individual indicators: the procedure may be required both at 20 and at 40.


  • Inflammations on the skin of the face.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Allergic reaction to the drug.
  • Children under 18 years of age.

Before administering the drug, the Aesthetic Club doctor will definitely conduct a survey, collect anamnesis, and make sure there are no contraindications.

Repeated procedures

After Botox is removed, you can repeat the course to get the results back. Wait until your facial muscles have fully recovered to get the best results.

If Botox was administered for the first time, a corrective session is usually carried out after 8 months. All subsequent injections are performed at intervals of 4-6 months. With this technique you can maintain consistently good results.

If procedures are performed too often, the sensitivity of the dermis and nerve structures increases significantly. Botox dissolves faster each time, correction is required more often.

Drug manufacturers

The price of Botox injections to the forehead is determined taking into account the manufacturer of the drugs. The high-quality composition does not cause side effects, allergic reactions or other complications. Among the most popular and popular drugs are the following:

  • Botox. Created by Allergan (USA). After administration, it relaxes the muscles by disrupting nerve conduction. The results last for about 6 months.
  • Botulax. Produced by a South Korean cosmetology company. The drug is considered one of the most effective, safe, and is used for all parts of the face.
  • Dysport. The drug was created by a French brand and is popular among patients and professional cosmetologists. The results of anti-aging therapy last for 4.5 – 5 months, the risks of side effects are minimized.

Is it possible to extend the result?

Follow all the cosmetologist's recommendations to get the maximum, safe and prolonged effect of the procedure.

We will consider the main recommendations below:

  • Physical activity in the first 7-10 days after the session significantly reduces the effect of botulinum therapy.
  • There are no additional jokes between the main courses! They will provoke the production of antibodies, which destroy the toxin and reduce its effect to a minimum.
  • Avoid solariums, baths and saunas.
  • Assess the compatibility of current pharmacotherapy with contraindications to botulinum therapy.

At what age can Botox be injected?

Manufacturers do not indicate clear restrictions on the age group, however, most specialists do not work with patients under 18 years of age. Moreover, at such a young age, there are most often no clear indications for such radical anti-aging therapy. The only exceptions are individuals who have a genetic predisposition to the formation of facial wrinkles. Many people mistakenly believe that this phenomenon is associated with overly active facial expressions, but in fact this factor is of secondary importance, after heredity.

When answering the classic question, at what age can Botox be injected, most experts still determine the age group from 30 to 45 years, when the drug will demonstrate the most pronounced effectiveness. At the same time, for elderly patients over 60 years of age, the relevance of Botox is lost every year, due to the manifestations of age-related tissue ptosis, which is noticeable even when the muscle is in a relaxed state.

Lifestyle after the procedure

The strictest recommendations for the first 3 days after the session:

  • Avoid alcoholic drinks: ethyl alcohol increases blood flow to the face.
  • Do not take hot baths or go to the sauna.
  • Avoid visiting the beach and solarium.
  • Protect your face from direct sunlight.
  • Avoid even minimal physical activity.
  • Do not take muscle relaxants, tetracycline antibiotics, or B vitamins.
  • Do not massage the injection area.

How many units do you need?

The number of wrinkles and their severity determine the number of Botox units. For some, 5 units are enough, for others, 30 are needed.

On average, up to 25 units of the drug are needed to correct eyebrow wrinkles with Botox.

Recommendations after the procedure

1. First hours. You cannot lie down or bend over. It is prohibited to touch or knead injection sites with your hands.

2. The first days after injections. Active facial expressions are recommended for uniform distribution of the drug. You cannot use decorative cosmetics. Do not wash your face with cold water. During this period, skin redness, peeling, and discomfort are possible. All this will pass in a couple of days. On the fifth day, you can evaluate the result of the procedure.

3. 14 days after the procedure. During this period, it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol, spicy and salty foods. Facial massage is prohibited. It is better to postpone intense physical activity until later. After two weeks, you need to see a doctor, especially if not all the wrinkles have smoothed out.

No other cosmetic procedures are performed during the rehabilitation period. Your doctor may approve light face masks. Home care may also need to be adjusted. Do not hesitate to ask questions to a specialist. This is the key to the most effective transformation!

Undesirable effects

It is impossible to predict in advance how the substance will be distributed, how muscle fibers will react to the effects of botulinum toxin.

Typical side effects are redness of the facial skin, the appearance of papules, pain, and swelling.

Rare complications and their causes:

  • Strong relaxation of the frontal muscles gives the effect of lowered eyebrows.
  • Excessive botulinum toxin injections can lead to eyelid spasm.
  • Excessive physical activity and ignoring recommendations are a common cause of asymmetry, bruising, and articulation disorders.
  • Individual reaction: headaches, lumps and papules at injection points, increased intraocular pressure.

How is Botox removed from the body?

The drug is contained in the body for about a day, then it completely disintegrates into individual elements, and its activity ceases. Botox is excreted from the body through the kidneys as metabolites.

There is a misconception that the drug has a cumulative effect after each injection. The mechanism of the active activity of Botox and its subsequent disintegration is obvious; the drug does not leave the slightest fraction of its content and, moreover, does not have a cumulative effect. It is excreted in full, without causing any negative effects on human health.

Preparing for Botox injections

There is no need to prepare specially for visiting a cosmetologist. In order to eliminate the risk of side effects, it is recommended to stop drinking alcohol about a week before the procedure. If you are taking medications, you should also inform your cosmetologist about this.

What should you not do before the procedure?

  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • take antibiotics and anticoagulants;
  • drink calcium containing medications;
  • apply decorative cosmetics.

Benefits of injections

No pain, swelling, marks on the skinSmooth skin without wrinkles, visible rejuvenationPreservation of natural facial expressions
Quick results without surgeryNo rehabilitation periodLong-term effect - about six months

Features of the drugs

Botox injections are an affordable and painless way to get rid of facial wrinkles for a long time. In modern cosmetology, safe drugs are used, after which the risk of complications is practically eliminated. Many patients are interested in the question of how they differ.

Botox is manufactured by the American-French company Beaufour Ipsen International. "Xeomin" - German manufacturer Merz Aesthetics. They all differ in excipients and molecular weight, that is, their ability to penetrate tissue. The choice of drug should be made by a qualified physician.


“Beauty injections” have become so popular due to their wide spectrum of action, because with the help of drugs with botulinum toxin, various age-related changes can be significantly reduced or completely eliminated. While their effect lasts, new creases will definitely not appear.

Injections are recommended to solve the following aesthetic problems:

  • horizontal and vertical deformations in the forehead;
  • drooping eyebrow tips;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • crow's feet;
  • ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid;
  • scars and scars.


Like any cosmetic procedure, botulinum therapy has a list of contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus at the stage of decompensation;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug;
  • high degree of myopia (myopia);
  • acute inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • hyperthermia (high temperature);
  • dermatological problems (rashes, pustules);
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.
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