Show business stars with imperfect figures: Rihanna, Beyoncé, Lovato, Graham. Body positivity

American supermodel Tyra Banks is a television presenter and creator of the reality show America's Next Top Model. The fashion model has an interesting biography, and her personal life is shrouded in mystery. Tyra's appearance does not change after many years. Now she looks as attractive as in her youth.

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Tyra Banks

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Childhood and youth

Tyra Lynn Banks was born in December 1973 in Inglewood, California. Her parents are professional photographer Caroline London and computer technology specialist Donald Banks. The girl was the youngest child in the family: at the time of her birth, her 5-year-old son Devin was already growing up.

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Tyra Banks in her youth
When Tyra was 6 years old, her parents divorced, but at the same time managed to maintain friendly relations and not traumatize the children. The model later recalled that as children she and her brother often fought, but with age they became friends.

Relationships with classmates were much more difficult. When the girl was 11 years old, she lost a lot of weight and stretched out, which is why she was teased. It was possible to avoid complexes thanks to her mother, who from an early age taught her daughter to treat her shortcomings as peculiarities. This advice played a significant role in the biography of the future celebrity.

Tyra Banks: age, parameters (figure), place of birth

  • Date of birth: December 4, 1973
  • Place of birth: Inglewood, California, USA
  • Full name: Tyra Lynne Banks
  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 64 kg
  • Bust: 94 cm
  • Circumference: waist 61 cm
  • Hips: 92 cm
  • Eye color: brown
  • Hair color: brown
  • Category: straight model, TV presenter, supermodel
  • Modeling agency: IMG models
  • Instagram: @tyrabanks

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Modeling career

Banks took her first steps as a model while still a schoolgirl at the age of 15. While living and studying in Los Angeles, she signed a contract with the LA Models agency. Before this, the girl had repeatedly heard refusals, but she persistently followed her dream.

After graduating from school, Tyra had the opportunity to continue her studies at the university, but chose a different path. Soon the young model signed a contract with Elite Model Management and began working in Europe. She managed to visit Milan, but success awaited her in Paris.

The appearance at Paris Fashion Week created a sensation. The slender dark-skinned model, 178 cm tall, left few people indifferent. Banks managed to work on 25 shows, and the press wrote about her as “the new Naomi Campbell.”

Ref: SPL62740 201108
Picture by: St.Clair/Winslow/Splash News Pictured: Robert Pattinson and Tyra…
Posted by Robert Pattinson Belgium on Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tyra Banks and Robert Pattinson
Years later, Tyra admitted that comparisons with the famous Black Panther created a lot of problems for her. She accused her more influential colleague of interfering with her career and trying to push her off the podium. As a teenager, many tears were shed because Banks did not understand the reasons for such hostility. Only as an adult did the celebrity realize that Naomi was afraid of competition, because before that she was the only black model in the industry. This helped Campbell understand and forget the grievances.

But even despite the feud with the famous Black Panther, Tyra managed to defend her place in the sun. Soon photos of the young beauty appeared on the pages of Vogue and Cosmopolitan, and Chanel and Ralph Lauren wanted to collaborate with her.

Banks later became the first black model to appear on the covers of GQ and Victoria's Secret. The celebrity collaborated with the lingerie brand for 8 years, starting in 1997. At colorful shows, she most often appeared in dresses with long trains, which aroused the envy of her colleagues.

Posted by Caras on Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tyra Banks on America's Next Top Model

Tyra later admitted that her costume designs were a necessity. Although the model was slim in her youth, she suffered from cellulite, which had to be hidden. If it weren't for this problem, the girl's outfits would have been more revealing.

In 2005, Banks announced her retirement from modeling, but decided to return 5 years later by signing a contract with IMG Models. As part of the new collaboration, she planned to participate in advertising campaigns for fashion brands and lead charity projects.

In addition, Tyra wanted to resume participating in Victoria's Secret shows, but was refused. According to rumors, this happened due to the age of the model, which caused her outrage. Even then, the celebrity said that changes were needed in the brand’s policy, which happened in the near future.

First triumph

In the fashion capital, her appearance on the catwalk was triumphant. She created a real sensation and immediately received an invitation from twenty-five designers to participate in the shows of their collections. Among them were Ralph Lauren and even the legendary Chanel brand. This, of course, was a real success for the young black model. Even the “black panther” Naomi Campbell could not boast of such luck. This is how a new star was born - Tyra Banks. Her height and weight, as well as her body proportions, were simply ideal and aroused the admiration of professionals. Her collaborations with many great European fashion designers certainly had a great impact on her future career. In addition, she had a great opportunity to gain experience from more mature and experienced models.


Tyra's screen career began thanks to the television series "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" with Will Smith. Over the course of several episodes of the project, she appeared as the protagonist’s girlfriend, which helped attract the attention of filmmakers.

In subsequent years, the performer regularly delighted viewers with new projects with her participation; the films “Higher Education” and “To hell with Love” appeared in her filmography. But the role that brought Banks recognition as an actress was Eve from the comedy “The Perfect Toy.” In it, the celebrity embodied a living doll, trying to get used to the human world. The heroes of Lindsay Lohan and Ger Burns helped her in this.

In the same 2000, the premiere of the sensational film “Coyote Ugly Bar” took place, where the performer again got one of the leading roles. Her heroine is a flamboyant bar worker named Zoe. The drama was warmly received by both critics and viewers.

When you've been living under a rock for 17 years not realizing it's Tyra Banks who plays Zoe in Coyote Ugly
Posted by Natalee Cherie on Monday, April 10, 2017

Tyra Banks in the movie Coyote Ugly
Shortly after this, Tyra briefly joined the cast of the television series Felicity, for which she played Jane Scott. Filming in the film “Soldiers of Terror” was no less successful. Comedy writer and director Ben Stiller made fun of numerous Hollywood war films in his project. Banks appeared in a minor but memorable role.

Viewers also remembered her appearance in the youth drama “Gossip Girl”: in it, Tyra’s character is a popular actress. And in 2012, the celebrity starred for the first time in an episode of the comedy “Dance Fever,” where she played a librarian. She returned to the role the following year.

Later, almost 18 years after the release of “The Ideal Toy,” the long-awaited premiere of the sequel took place. In the film, the celebrity again reincarnated as the beautiful Eva, whose image once brought her recognition. But it was no longer possible to repeat the previous success.


At the age of 18, the future model decided to change her large African-American nose to a European one. It was rhinoplasty that allowed her to achieve such success in her career, as Tyra herself believes.

Many fans were sure that the star's breasts also underwent surgery, but Tyra always denied this. And recently she even invited a plastic surgeon to her program, who confirmed on air that there was no silicone in the model’s breasts.

The girl often changes her hairstyle and hair color, but the quality of her hair remains impeccable. The point here is not at all a matter of good heredity, Tyra just really loves to show off in wigs.

In recent years, the star has become addicted to Botox injections and also underwent a facelift procedure.

Regarding her figure, the model claims that she has never had liposuction. She achieved all the changes in her body through exercise and healthy eating.

Tyra Banks is included in the list of the most beautiful people on the planet. The girl is sure that if she has to turn to plastic surgeons again to maintain her beauty, it will be worth it.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

A television

Wanting to share her experience in the modeling business, Banks began creating the show “America's Next Top Model.” It became a hit around the world, was shown in more than 100 countries and became the basis for similar programs. In it, the famous model acted not only as a producer, but also as an emotional presenter, a strict judge and a professional photographer. It was she who coined the word flawsome (beautiful flaws) and taught “smile with your eyes.”

Tyra left her creation only for a short time, giving way to host Rita Ora, but soon returned again. Over all the seasons, the project specialists have trained many professional models and inspired girls around the world to start a career in business. From the screens, Banks continued to talk about how important it is to love yourself, but when watching the show again, viewers saw many contradictions in her words.

In 2022, a scandal broke out when Tyra began to be massively accused of humiliating participants in the “America’s Next Top Model” project. The celebrity openly pointed out to girls their shortcomings and even advised them to hide their non-traditional sexual orientation. Later, the TV presenter repented and admitted that she was wrong. She stated that she wanted to prepare the contestants for the demands of the industry.

Are Tyra Banks & Rob Evans fashion lovers?
Posted by Another Fashion Book on Monday, January 7, 2013

Tyra Banks and Rob Evans
But the problems didn't end there. A year later, shocking revelations from former participants in the project appeared on the Internet. The girls said that for filming they were given an amount that was only enough for food, while the creators of the program earned millions from them. Even so, the show still has quite a following.

Another successful project of the star is “The Tyra Banks Show,” created in a format similar to Oprah Winfrey’s program. This model endeavor was also successful, awarded several Emmy awards. Most of all, the public liked the episode with the participation of Robert Pattinson, who at that time had just begun filming Twilight. Also as part of the program, Naomi Campbell was invited to the studio.

In 2009, the reality show “Beauty Inside Out” was released about how outwardly attractive people sometimes behave outside the boundaries of what is permitted, do not take into account those around them, and set their own standards and rules. In the project, 10 of the most beautiful people in the United States competed for the right to become “The Most Beautiful Person in America.” The hosts were Banks and Ashton Kutcher.

After this, other projects with the participation of the celebrity were released. And in 2020, she signed a contract to star in the popular program “Dancing with the Stars,” where she was invited as a TV presenter.

Interesting facts about Miss Banks

  1. Today, the 41-year-old model weighs 65 kilograms with a height of 178 cm. Tyra Banks' parameters now have the following indicators: hips - 92 cm, waist - 60 cm, and chest - 91 cm. As you can see, Tyra continues to be ideal. Her figure resembles a sand glass: the shape that every woman dreams of.
  2. Another interesting fact about Tyra is that she never drank alcohol throughout her life.
  3. During the period of her formation as a model, Tyra Banks, whose height and weight completely corresponded to those of a model, probably received refusals from many modeling agencies because of her race. By the way, it was she, and not Naomi, who was the first black model to appear on the covers of popular American magazines.
  4. In 2000, she was voted second in the list of the sexiest women of the year by readers of Black Man Magazine.
  5. Banks' main rival in the modeling business was supermodel Naomi Campbell.

  6. For her habit of being the first to leave her men, Tyra was nicknamed the “Black Widow.” She was also the first to leave her child's father.
  7. Tyra, despite the fact that she loves animals very much, cannot have a pet because she is allergic to the hair of dogs and cats.
  8. Tyra Banks is considered one of the most principled top models. She has beliefs that she will not give up for any money in the world. She never fully exposed herself in front of the camera, did not take pictures with animals (birds, dogs and cats), and did not advertise cigarettes or alcohol.
  9. Tyra is godmother to the daughter of her close friends Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons.
  10. The black model is a champion of black rights and fights racism. She is sometimes accused of always siding with the black contestants on her reality show.
  11. After the birth of her daughter, Tyra gained a lot of extra pounds and began to wear size 50. However, in two years she managed to completely rehabilitate herself by going to the gym and following a strict diet.
  12. Tyra's favorite sport is basketball. She also loves tennis. And he trains regularly.
  13. Today, Tyra Banks tries not to deny herself delicious food. She also loves junk food and pizza.


In parallel with filming and appearing on television, Banks managed to write books. In 1998, the first edition, entitled “Tyra: Beauty Outer and Inner,” was published, and everyone could see that Banks had talent as a writer.

Inspired by the success, the celebrity released the novel “Model World”. It became a bestseller, despite mixed reviews from critics. The next book was co-written with my mother and was called “Perfection is Boring.” In it, Tyra told how she conquered the fashion Olympus.

In the publication, the celebrity also mentioned a funny story about her hair, because of which she almost lost her job because the stylists could not cope with African hair. According to rumors, Banks now wears a short haircut and wig, like Rihanna and Beyoncé, since over the years of her modeling career her curls have lost their former chic.

Making a Star

In fact, Caroline single-handedly raised two children after her divorce when little Tyra was only 5 years old:

“I raised both of my children with the phrase, 'Look to the other side.' It's not about where you are now, but where you want to go. Imagine yourself there."

Caroline recalls that her daughter’s interest in creativity appeared very early. While her eldest son Devin is a “curious bookworm,” Tyra has always been a creative person:

“When Tyra was in elementary school, she would watch commercials on TV and criticize them and say how they should have been made better.”

Photo by @tyrabanks
When a girl was bullied at school because of her appearance, called a “giraffe” and an “ugly duckling,” Caroline tried to help her cope by focusing on her other characteristics:

“I placed less emphasis on her appearance and more on her abilities and character. We went to bookstores, to exhibitions, to museums, because she really liked it. She even motivated other girls at school to do the same.”

Another activity for mother and daughter was photo sessions. Caroline herself worked as a photographer for NASA and often did work shoots at home, and she also had a friend who worked in the fashion industry. From time to time, she took her growing daughter with her to such photo sessions.

“I am often asked if I planned a modeling career for Tyra. Of course not. One day she came up to me and said: “Mom, maybe I should think about this kind of work.” And I answered: “Okay. Do your research and then tell me what you learned about this industry.” Tyra came in about a week later and said, “This suits me, I’ll do it.”

Business and lectures

In 2012, the celebrity completed a training program at Harvard Business School. She studied under a false name, lived in a dormitory and disguised herself in every possible way, but it was impossible to confuse Tyra with someone else, and the secret had to be revealed. The knowledge gained was useful when creating the cosmetic brand Tyra Beauty.

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Tyra Banks now
In addition, Banks received an invitation to teach the course “How to Build and Expand Your Own Business” at Stanford University. Tyra admitted that she went into teaching to teach young people not just to earn money, but not to be afraid to sacrifice something and do something they are passionate about.

And at the end of 2022, the Modelland recreation park opened in the Santa Monica Place mall in California. In “a place where beauty is celebrated,” as defined by Tyra herself, who is a co-owner and author of the idea, it was decided to create shopping areas, interactive entertainment, and themed attractions.

Rob Evans

Tyra's romantic relationship with 24-year-old model and America's Next Top Model judge Rob Evans (1988) began and ended in 2012.

By that time he was the most popular model of many fashion houses and fashion magazines.

In addition, Tyra was rumored to have had a short relationship with the famous Canadian rapper Drake in 2012.

In 2014, she was suspected of having a relationship with American model Keith Carlos.

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Personal life

In his youth, the celebrity had a busy personal life. Her ex-boyfriends include John Singleton, Chris Webber and John Utendaal. She was also rumored to date Rob Evans, Will Smith and Drake. Friends nicknamed Banks the “Black Widow” because she preferred to be the first to break up.

But all the short romances were a thing of the past when Erik Asla appeared in Tyra’s life. The model decided to start a family with him, but all attempts to conceive a child naturally did not yield results. After this, the TV presenter decided to use the IVF procedure, but this did not help either.

Tyra Banks & Erik Asla Welcome Baby Boy
Posted by Yetunde Babajide on Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tyra Banks and Erik Asla
Then Banks grabbed her last chance - the services of a surrogate mother. At the beginning of 2016, Eric and Tyra had their first child, who was named York. The celebrity reported this on her Instagram page. But soon after this, the couple broke up without becoming husband and wife. They maintained friendly relations so that they could take care of their son together.

In 2018, Banks began appearing in public in the company of Canadian businessman Louis Bélanger-Martin, after which they started talking about a new romance. After 3 years, they attended a social event together for the first time. But the celebrity prefers to keep the details of his personal life secret. That’s why she rarely talks about relationships and almost never shares photos of her son.

“I will support any decision she makes”

After Tyra Banks applied to a number of colleges and was accepted into five, she suddenly received a call inviting her to fashion shows in Paris.

Photo by @tyrabanks

“I told my daughter that I would support whatever decision she made because it’s not my life, it’s hers,” admits Caroline. “But she made a reservation: “You start working, but you are a commodity. That's why you need to study. You should learn this business inside and out before you get on a plane to Paris."

Tyra watched videos of models from catwalks of different ages and noted:

“You know, mom, each of them has their own individual and recognizable gait.” I replied, “So we need to work on Tyra’s iconic walk.”

According to Caroline, young Tyra Banks' first appearances led to "almost instant success" in Paris:

“Everyone seemed to have gone crazy. The press began to chase her and attack her with questions: “What is your name? Where are you from?".

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