Plastic surgeon Timur Nugaev is a young (almost 32 years old) but talented doctor

Many of those who want to correct natural or acquired defects in appearance seek to see the plastic surgeon Timur Nugaev.

And the doctor, who is old enough to be a grandchild for some patients (he turned 31 on January 24, 2022), is trying to help restore visual youth and self-confidence.

Alas, the result is not always the desired one. It is worth considering that medical errors are the most noticeable, and in the age of the Internet they are also quickly replicated. More details about everything below.

Plastic surgeon Timur Nugaev (the doctor’s path)

The decision to become a doctor came to Timur Nugaev in 1994 while traveling with his parents around the Mediterranean. A 7-year-old boy saw how a doctor who had recently started work brought a suffocating passenger back to life.

And when the young man graduated from school, he went to study at the Russian Institute named after N.I. Pirogov, whose medical faculty he graduated with honors in 2010.

Studying in St. Petersburg as a residency student in plastic and reconstructive surgery gave the opportunity to practice plastic surgeon T.Sh. Nugaev’s favorite and prestigious business.

In this he is helped by theoretical and practical skills acquired at various departments for advanced training.

The list also includes courses on:

  1. “Surgical sepsis from the perspective of evidence-based medicine.”
  2. “Injectable drug “Collost”.
  3. "Basics of vascular and microvascular surgery."
  4. "Modern rhinoplasty."

The doctor replenishes his skills in plastic surgery at regular conferences and symposiums. He also shares his experience with colleagues through approximately 10 scientific articles and over 20 published works.

Surgeon Nugaev also has his own page on Instagram with 131 thousand subscribers (nickname nugaev_doctor).

Timur Nugaev is a frequent guest on federal TV channels, where he acts as an expert. In his practice, he also goes on live broadcasts during surgery.

The stages of a doctor’s work include:

  • Department of Plastics and Reconstruction at the Mechnikov Institute;
  • surgical plastic surgery at Medpraktika;
  • plastic surgery at the Aestimaclinic medical center.

Today Timur Shamilevich heads the PARADA clinic in St. Petersburg. He is also a representative of several medical organizations - ROO "Aesthetic Medicine", the community of professionals on infections in surgery of Russia (RASHI), the European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS).

Nugaev Timur - what is he famous for? What is the scandal surrounding him?

Let me start with a little background. Nugaev Timur is a man who works in a plastic surgery clinic. He is very much in his circles and not only famous - he is a media personality, they know him, they turn to him and there are many stories on his Instagram and more than 115 thousand subscribers. He charges good money for his operations.

This is what this man looks like . It would seem like an attractive man, but that’s where it all ends.

Not professionalism

Nugaev gained “special” fame after “Let Them Talk” aired an episode on Channel One with the famous girl video blogger. You understand that this show is scandalous and, accordingly, the scandal was covered here. The whole point is that Nastya Shpagina (the heroine of the story) decided to modify her nose (rhinoplasty), she was not happy with it and chose Timur as her doctor. The girl posted photos in the first days after treatment and shared news with subscribers. She was happy about the changes in her appearance and thanked her doctor and the Parada clinic. This is the first part - the happy one.

Afterwards, monstrous changes for the worse began with Shpagina’s nose. The girl could not breathe through one nostril and the shape was not what she wanted. Other specialists whom Nastya turned to for advice gave a disappointing verdict, saying that the bony nasal septum was very much destroyed after unsuccessful plastic surgery and another surgical intervention was required. One nostril cannot breathe because there is a dent on it and there is suppuration inside.

The video blogger posted all her misadventures in videos, and it was after them that she began to receive threats from an alleged representative of the clinic, Nugaev. The victim also made statements to the police, but they told her that they would not investigate anything due to the fact that they did not see the crime and its composition.

Are there any more victims?

Of course, this girl is not the first to suffer from the crooked hands of the “aesculapian”. He also performed unsuccessful breast surgery on women, but they are silent and do not report anything, apparently they were also intimidated. What’s most interesting is that Timur Nugaev continues to harm people’s health for a lot of money and his medical license as a doctor is not taken away. Fans of Anastasia even created a special petition so that at least someone would hold Nugaev and his Parada clinic accountable under the law. The story about Anastasia was published not only on Andrei Malakhov’s first channel, but also on Ren-TV, plus the videos are gaining millions of views on YouTube.


Does it make sense to have plastic surgery at all? There are so many unsuccessful operations. I believe that it should be resorted to in exceptional cases, for example after an accident, or when something is really ugly and interferes with life, and not to pay tribute to fashion by trying to change what nature has endowed you with. Shpagina is quite normal before surgery. Why did she create so many problems for herself with her own and not a little money?

I recommend you read:

  • How much does rhinoplasty cost?
  • Who threatens Nastya Shpagina?

Labor professional activity of T. Nugaev

A plastic surgeon performs various aesthetic and laser surgical interventions that enlarge or reduce breasts and tighten the mammary glands.

T.Sh. Nugaev carries out:

  1. beautification (operations that improve facial proportions);
  2. abdominoplasty;
  3. otoplasty;
  4. liposuction;
  5. cruroplasty (thighplasty);
  6. adding volume to the buttocks (gluteoplasty);
  7. facelift.

But the preference of T.Sh. Nugaev specializes in “Rhinoplasty”. The doctor helps those who need, for example, minimizing a large nose, getting rid of a hump, etc.

Mammoplasty (breast surgery)

Mammoplasty is used when the problems listed below occur.


  • Gigantomania – if the breasts are of a significant size, but at the same time retain their elasticity and correct location.
  • Micromastia – small breasts.
  • Ptosis and post-lactation loss of mammary glands of satisfactory size and volume - the breasts sag or become excessively small during post-breastfeeding of the baby.
  • Reconstruction – reproduction of the removed breast.

When enlarging the mammary glands (enlargement mammoplasty), the doctor uses implants:

  • round or anatomical;
  • "Motiva" (Costa Rica).

The procedure for breast augmentation with these implants by surgeon Nugaev is often combined with a periareolar breast lift.

In the doctor's practice, breast enlargement with implants is combined with anchored breast lift.

Breast reduction is performed by a doctor using the reduction anchor lift method. Timur Nugaev also helps those who are dissatisfied with the effectiveness of mammoplasty performed in a third-party clinic.


Operations to improve facial proportions include:

  1. Removing Bish's lumps.
  2. Upper/lower or circular blepharoplasty (eyelid lift).
  3. Bulhorn (upper lip augmentation).
  4. Otoplasty (ear correction).

Patients who are dissatisfied with their appearance or have acquired defects or age-related changes turn to Dr. Nugaev for these procedures.

Timur Shamilevich often performs complex facial beautification operations - he corrects several defects during one procedure.

Thus, patients receive 1 rehabilitation period and the opportunity to see the desired result in a shortened time.

Rhinoplasty using the methods of Dr. Nugavev (nose correction)

Correction of the shape of the nose is required for those who are dissatisfied with the expression.


  • humps;
  • thickening of the bridge of the nose;
  • saddle shape (pathologies with concomitant perforation of the nasal septum and/or deformation of the cartilage, which leads to their softening and subsidence of the nasal dorsum in its medial zone);
  • lateral curvature;
  • a large nose that distorts proportions;
  • unnatural tip shape;
  • disharmonious shape of the nose and nostrils.

A plastic surgeon can cope with the task through a preoperative examination with the patient undergoing tests, examinations and consultations with highly specialized doctors.

Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses also helps to achieve a decent result.

T.Sh. Nugaev will definitely take into account the personal anatomical characteristics of the patient’s nose and make the desired shape.

Gluteoplasty (buttock correction)

Buttock augmentation is required for those who have the following problems.


  • features of the constitution;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • sagging skin;
  • age-related manifestations;
  • lowering of the buttocks.

The elasticity and roundness of the buttocks are achieved in 2 ways - by installing implants or lipofilling.

Elastic, hypoallergenic endoprostheses are harmless. After their installation on the upper buttocks, they acquire a natural and aesthetic appearance.

Lipofilling is a method that enlarges the buttocks using the patient’s own fatty tissue. As a result, volumes are added in the required area, and volumes are decreased in parts of the tissue harvest (stomach, sides, back, etc.).

Surgeon Nugaev is fluent in these techniques, satisfying the desires of his patients.

Body sculpting

Timur Shamilevich resorts to surgical methods of correcting body contours if patients have certain problems.


  • weak abdominal muscles;
  • abdominal wall hernia;
  • significant areas of loose skin;
  • stretch marks on the stomach;
  • excess fat accumulation, leading to sagging skin on the abdomen;
  • locally located fat deposits.

The doctor has various methods in his arsenal to combat such manifestations. For example, these:

  1. Abdominoplasty improves the shape of the abdomen by moving the navel, removes sagging skin, stretch marks, and hernia defects. Mini abdominoplasty is performed without moving the navel.
  2. Liposuction (fat pumping) occurs using vacuum suction. This method is often combined with abdominoplasty.

At your initial appointment, Dr. Nugaev will definitely ask whether all non-surgical methods were used before liposuction.

Prices for surgeries performed by a doctor

The cost of the services of plastic surgeon Nugaev Timur Shamilevich differs little from the national average. The price is available on his website on Instagram.

Thus, the cost of rhinoplasty is 175 thousand rubles. Mammoplasty will cost approximately 240 thousand rubles. depending on the type of implants.

For blepharoplasty you have to pay much less - 60 thousand rubles. And for plastic surgery of the earlobe the fee starts from 40 thousand rubles.

Although the prices are not low, many patients do not skimp in pursuit of beauty.


Below are positive patient reviews:


“I had my breasts done by Timur Shamilevich and was completely satisfied with the result.
At the reception, Dr. Nugaev showed all his human and professional qualities. And when I wanted him to make me a 4th breast size from the first one, he explained that given my chest and height (154 cm), such a bust would look abnormal and massive, and would even get in the way and harm my back.

But I don’t need this; I have enough problems after playing professional sports. And now I’m glad about the third breast size, which the doctor recommended and did. Thank you!"


“I contacted Timur Shamilevich for abdominoplasty.
The procedure was needed after a dramatic weight loss. At the reception I was greeted by a competent and friendly professional. I completely trusted him and now enjoy the result. She underwent the operation and rehabilitation without problems, and followed the doctor’s recommendations in everything. Now my stomach looks the same as before giving birth.

I can appear on the beach in a bikini. Now I want Dr. Nugaev to tighten my sagging breasts. I thank him for the positive return!”

There are also critical reviews about the professionalism of T.Sh. Nugaeva. True, there are quite a few fake ones among them, since they come to the social network from patients of doctors who have formed a whole group.

They post negative posts about his professional activities, in which they do not recommend coming to Nugaev with your problems.

Here is one such review:


“I wanted to eliminate breast asymmetry.
After Nugaev’s operation, she wore compression underwear for more than 3 months, following all the doctor’s recommendations, but the result was discouraging and abnormal. When I arrived for the consultation, the doctor said that not much time had passed, and that the shape of the bust and the sensations from the implant that did not suit me were the norm.

After some time, I went back to the clinic, and later found in the implant passport that surgeon Nugaev had installed a large implant in the initially larger mammary gland.

I wrote to the doctor and sent a photo with disproportionate mammary glands. To no avail. The answer was that medical error was ruled out.”

Timur Shamilevich Nugaev: medical negligence or provocation?

Nugaev Timur Shamilevich is a plastic surgeon who graduated from the Russian State Medical University. Pirogov, specializing in operations to correct the shape and size of the breast (Mammoplasty).

In the last few months, the name of the plastic surgeon has become often mentioned in various Internet sources, on women's Internet portals, and even television programs on Federal channels, in connection with accusations of negligence and poorly performed nose surgery (rhinoplasty), from one of the most famous bloggers of the country - Anastasia Shpagina.

The story is quite confusing, but certain preliminary conclusions can be drawn from it by studying all the materials available for viewing in open sources.

Initially, the nose job was planned between the patient Anastasia Shpagina and the surgeon on barter terms, involving a free operation, in exchange for blogging on the social network Instagram and the Youtube channel, describing the rehabilitation period and the results after nose surgery for a multimillion-dollar audience of the girl’s subscribers.

The cooperation started quite successfully. Videos were released in a timely manner - blogger reviews: before and the first weeks after nose surgery. The patient, based on the reviews, was very pleased with the rhinoplasty performed. After several months, social networks “blew up” the posts published on the Youtube channel, in which the girl shared her negative opinion about the previously performed rhinoplasty, the consequences of which, according to the girl, were difficulty breathing and asymmetrical nostrils.

The reviews caused a great resonance, which became the reason for a wave of criticism and negativity towards the surgeon, who, in turn, did not give detailed comments about the current situation.

Later, the story acquired new details in which Anastasia accused the plastic surgeon of the fact that trustees of the clinic where Dr. Nugaev receives began to threaten her through phone calls in order to delete previously published video reviews.

The situation has received new development and interest from Federal channels, in particular the talk show “Let Them Talk”, hosted by Andrei Malakhov. The guests of the program were patients of plastic surgeon Timur Nugaev, including blogger Anastasia Shpagina.

During the program, which was attended by both satisfied patients of Dr. Nugaev, and those who, for one reason or another, were dissatisfied with the plastic surgery performed - they expressed both positive and negative value judgments on the work of the surgeon, but in the second case, did not provide forensic medical examination documents that could confirm the fact of medical error, refuting the doctor’s comments, which stated that the situations described by studio guests and patients fall under probable and possible complications after surgical intervention.

Opinions were expressed that there is a tendency to deliberately slander young and promising surgeons, with the aim of denigrating their professional reputation for the sake of colleagues - competitors, or the desire of patients associated with media VT or Internet activities to gain popularity due to any level of resonance of situations.

It is not yet known whether this sensational story will reach court proceedings, which could clarify the situation at the legislative level, in one direction or another. Express your opinions on the current situation in the comments. recommends that you familiarize yourself with information that may be of interest to you: Legal assistance in the field of plastic surgery.

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