Chin correction
Spanish facial chiromassage - technique + [photo and video]
At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Ferrandis combined Western and Eastern healing methods, which gave
Why are pores enlarged?
Enlarged pores on the face: causes and treatments
Why are pores enlarged? Almost the entire surface of the skin has sebaceous glands, except for the palms and
How to get rid of expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, near the mouth?
Wrinkles under the eyes may appear earlier than in other areas because the skin there
Sasha Project: biography of the singer - a victim of plastic surgery
Singer Sasha Project quickly burst into show business in the 2000s. The blonde looks like a young woman
Cold wraps for cellulite: recipes and rules
We cure women's sorrows with cold - wraps for all women Everyone knows about hot wraps.
Liquid threads - the elixir of youth? All about Aesthefill
Youth has only one drawback - it passes very quickly. However, stay in
Human chewing muscles
The secret of attractiveness lies in facial symmetry: scientific explanation
The human face has a certain level of symmetry, but no one is 100% symmetrical
Electrophoresis with lidase
Rehabilitation after viral pneumonia (including those caused by coronavirus infection)
Physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used as an additional method to the main treatment, as well as in
Rating of the TOP 10 best anti-dandruff shampoos in 2021
Rating of the TOP 10 best anti-dandruff shampoos in 2022
Dandruff is a common problem that doesn't just conflict with the desire to wear black
brow ridge
Pronounced brow ridges in a man: what could this mean?
Physiognomy is an amazing science that allows you not only to determine a person’s character, but also
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