TOP 5 “not allowed” after contouring, so as not to lose the effect
[td] Septoplasty Vasomotor rhinitis Adenoids Tonsillitis Polyps Snoring Otosclerosis Chronic otitis In the human nose
The lop-eared boy makes faces
Prominent ears in children is a congenital anatomical feature, which manifests itself in an increase in the angle of ear distance.
Plasma skin rejuvenation Plasma Jet (plasmajet)
The skin is the first to begin to show a woman’s age, so when the first wrinkles appear, the fair sex
laser and photoepilation
Home laser hair removal, home photoepilation or electrolysis in the salon - what to choose?
What kind of hair removal is best? Now this question is especially relevant for many people who follow
Concept kit for hair lamination with Botox effect: advantages, disadvantages and method of application
It is very important for women to have beautiful, well-groomed and healthy hair. The beauty industry never stops developing
Beauty calendar for women after 60 years – facial care, cosmetic procedures and products
By the age of 60, women, as a rule, have already developed a clear and effective care regimen
Fillers or mesothreads
What is vector lifting? Features in comparison with other procedures
We are talking with a dermatocosmetologist, surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, a certified trainer in injection techniques, the founder of an independent educational
Volume in Permanent Eyebrow Makeup: 3D Technology
Every girl wants to look irresistible every day, but constantly applying makeup takes a lot of time.
Halloween makeup for boys at home
Make-up for Halloween 2022 at home with your own hands: easy for girls, scary for men and boys: Simple make-up for children for Halloween
The creepiest, but incredibly interesting and mysterious holiday of the year is Halloween. Every year, closer
Ultratone Futura Pro – urgently getting your body in order
Has a solution been found? Ultratone Professional Corporation presented to the world its unique and completely revolutionary development, which
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