Blepharogel eye gel - instructions for use. Effective in both ophthalmology and cosmetology

An effective and inexpensive medication that can be used as eye care cosmetics. Helps get rid of small wrinkles, eliminates dryness, flaking, and prevents inflammatory processes. A small bottle of this product replaces several medications at once for treating and moisturizing the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Release form and purpose of Blefarogel

The product is produced in the form of a transparent, homogeneous, odorless gel with a slightly viscous consistency. Easily spreads over the surface of the skin and is quickly absorbed. Blepharogel is packaged in 15 ml plastic bottles with convenient elongated dispenser nozzles. One package is designed for 3–6 weeks of daily use of the drug.

Blefarogel contains:

  • hyaluronic acid: a natural moisturizer that is part of the eyeball, regulating the concentration of water in cells, improving trophism, microcirculation, turgor;
  • Aloe Vera extract: biostimulating compound, accelerates the healing of microcracks, damage, improves nutrition, smoothes the epidermis, helps exfoliate dead particles, soothes irritation, reduces inflammatory skin reactions;
  • glycerin: provides a stable gel-like structure of the drug, helps retain moisture, repels external contaminants;
  • auxiliary components: carbomers, propylene glycol, other stabilizers, distilled water.

The drug is intended for comprehensive eyelid skin care, prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases, and is suitable for physiotherapeutic procedures: massage, electrophoresis and others.

Blefarogel 2 15 ml gel for eyelids (for demodicosis)

Instructions for the medical use of a medical product for the consumer Name of the medical product: Gel for physiotherapy of the eyelids “Blefarogel 2” Composition and description of the product: Blefarogel 2 contains: hyaluronic acid, aloe vera juice, polyvinylpyrrolidone, glycerin, propylene glycol, purified water, neutralized carbomer, methylparaben, propylparaben, bronopol, sulfur preparation. Hyaluronic acid regulates moisture content in cells. Thanks to the action of hyaluronic acid, the ducts of the sebaceous, meibomian, and sweat glands of the eyelids are cleared of plugs and their secretion is normalized. The skin is moisturized and becomes more elastic. Aloe vera juice, which has antiseptic properties, improves metabolism in the skin of the eyelids, relieves swelling and other symptoms of irritation. The sulfur preparation has an antiseptic and acaricidal effect, promotes slow cleaning of the excretory ducts of the glands at the edges of the eyelids and normalizes their secretion. Name and (or) trademark of the organization -. Scope of application: Gel Blepharogel 2 is intended: for hygienic cleansing of the skin and ciliary edges of the eyelids for the prevention of blepharitis; for therapeutic eyelid massage; for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures on the eyelids (phonophoresis, electrophoresis) as contact media for ultrasonic sensors or electrodes. Method of use: To cleanse the skin and edges of the eyelids, squeeze a small amount of gel from the bottle onto a cotton swab, and then, using a cotton swab, cleanse the eyelids with light movements and remove skin flakes, foreign dust, mucus, sebaceous secretions, etc. To massage the eyelids, apply a few drops of gel to previously cleansed skin and with light movements and gentle pressure with your fingertips or using a glass rod, perform a therapeutic massage depending on the indications (to remove plugs from the ducts of the meibomian glands, to improve blood circulation in the eyelids, etc.). d.). To carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, apply a few drops of Blepharogel 2 to the skin of the eyelids, after which an ultrasound or electrical sensor is placed on them, depending on the indications, after which the necessary procedure is carried out. Blepharogel 2 is indicated for use for preventive and therapeutic procedures for diseases such as blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis of various etiologies, dry eye syndrome, and demodicosis. Properties: - relieves redness, itching, heaviness of the eyelids - effectively cleanses the surface of the eyelids from scales and crusts - moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, increasing its turgor - relieves the feeling of fatigue, “sand” in the eyes - serves as a means of preventing blepharitis, conjunctivitis, styes and chalazions Contraindications for Applications: Individual intolerance to individual components of Blefarogel2. Precautions: Before using Blefarogel 2, you should remove contact lenses and insert them no earlier than 15 minutes after applying the gel. If Blefarogel 2 gets into the eyes, a short-term burning sensation may occur. Information necessary for the user to identify a medical device: bar codes identifying medical devices are presented in Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Bar code on an individual box with gel “Blepharogel 2” Contents: gel in consumer packaging (bottle weighing gel 15 g) - 1 pc.; label (on the bottle) - 1 pc.; individual cardboard box - 1 pc.; instructions for use – 1 pc. Storage conditions: store at temperatures from +5 oC to +30 oC. Shelf life: 3 years. Do not use after expiration date. Organization-, Russia, 115201, Moscow, 1st Varshavsky proezd, 2, building 8. Name and address of the organization accepting claims (suggestions) for medical products from consumers on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan: AMANAT LLP , Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, S. Seifullin Ave. 107/3, tel./fax 8 (7212) 908000, Name (designation) of the regulatory document in accordance with which the medical product was manufactured: TU 9398-020- 76063983-2009.

What is the difference between Blefarogel 1 and 2

Both versions of the drug have a similar composition, appearance and purpose, but Blepharogel 2 additionally contains a sulfur compound and is suitable for the treatment of infectious diseases of the eyelids:

  • barley;
  • blepharitis;
  • demodicosis of the ciliary margins.

Sulfur effectively suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, microscopic mites, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the outflow of exudate, and cleanses fat and sweat glands.

  • Blepharogel deeply cleanses the skin; it is designed to eliminate bags under the eyes, physical discomfort, cosmetic care, improve eyelid contact with instrument sensors and massage tools, and prevent irritation.
  • It is recommended to buy Blefarogel 2 if you suspect an infection of the eyelids, for hygienic and antiseptic treatment of the skin, to prevent the development of pathogenic processes, and to treat eye diseases.

If you have doubts about which drug to buy, it is advisable to give preference to the gel marked “2”, since it has a wider list of indications.


Blefarogel 2 is used as a hygienic product for the care of eyelids, for the prevention and relief of inflammation of the eyelids, when wearing contact lenses and to relieve eye fatigue.

Blepharogel 2:

  • Quickly relieves redness, itching, heaviness of eyelids
  • Effectively cleans the surface of the eyelids from scales and crusts
  • Moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, increasing its turgor
  • Relieves the feeling of eye fatigue
  • Serves as a means of preventing barley
  • Effective in preventing the occurrence of blepharitis of various etiologies, including demodex.

When is Blepharogel needed?

Blepharogel 1 is used:

  • for the removal and prevention of swelling, redness, fatigue, dry skin of the eyelids during prolonged visual stress, wearing contact lenses;
  • to eliminate irritation of the eyelids caused by cleansers, decorative cosmetics, street and house dust;
  • to increase the effectiveness of massage and other physiotherapy methods.

Blefarogel 2 is acceptable for use for the problems listed above and others:

  • the appearance of purulent crusts and painful nodules on the eyelids;
  • when the sebaceous ducts of the eyelids are blocked;
  • eyelash loss;
  • skin itching;
  • diagnosed demodicosis of the eyes;
  • chalazions;
  • complicated infectious conjunctivitis.

The drugs ensure the outflow of gland secretions, improve local blood circulation, prevent congestion in the tissue, and prevent dryness of the eye sclera. Hyaluronic acid in combination with other components replenishes fluid deficiency in the skin, increases elasticity, relieves pain, burning, and a feeling of tightness.

Most eye care products should not be applied to the edges of the eyelashes, as this can cause swelling. Blepharogel, on the contrary, helps prevent them, providing simultaneous hygienic and antiseptic care. With regular use of the drug, most problems can be eliminated without resorting to more expensive means.


Blepharogel 2 is intended for regular hygienic care of the eyelids; it contains a unique bioactive system that combines an advanced approach to cleansing and moisturizing the eyelid skin, preventing inflammation of the eyelid margins, and normalizing the function of the eyelid skin.

Blefarogel 2 contains hyaluronic acid, which cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and also improves its elasticity.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, Blefarogel 2 includes Aloe Vera juice. Aloe Vera juice penetrates well into tissues, has antiseptic properties and, in addition, moisturizes and steadily normalizes metabolism in the skin of the eyelids. The healing properties of Aloe Vera are due to its rich biochemical composition, the presence of various inorganic and organic substances, trace elements of amino acids, proteins and vitamins.

In addition, Blepharogel 2 contains a product containing sulfur. Sulfur has a regulating effect on the sebaceous glands, helps normalize skin function, and has an antimicrobial effect (suppresses pathogenic microorganisms).

How to use Blefarogel: instructions

Methods of using drugs depend on the existing problems:

  • To cleanse skin flakes, dust and secretions, carefully apply 2-3 small drops of gel with a cotton pad or swab, carefully wiping the upper and lower eyelids alternately from the roots of the eyelashes.
  • For massage, lubricate a special sterile stick with a small amount of the drug, and perform movements from the inner edges of the eyelids to the outer ones for 1–2 minutes.
  • For demodicosis and blepharitis, rub the gel into the skin for 4–5 minutes.

The procedure is performed every day 1-2 times after washing. In order for the gel to have its effect, after applying it, it is not advisable to use other products, paint your eyes, or put on lenses for 15–20 minutes. It is not recommended to wash off the drug, and it is allowed to use it even before bedtime.

Application in cosmetology

It was said earlier that Blefarogel 1 is best suited for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes. This is precisely the main purpose of its use in cosmetology. It is also used to combat dryness, as it helps to provide the epidermis with a sufficient amount of fluid and retain it.

Blefarogel is effective for cleansing the skin. After several uses, it is significantly smoothed out, old and dead cells are peeled off. In addition, the drug is perfect for the role of a prophylactic agent. With its help, you can prevent problems such as puffiness, bags under the eyes, and inflammatory processes.

Expert opinion Tatyana SomoilovaCosmetology expert

Although Blefarogel contains hyaluronic acid, there is very little of it. Therefore, you should not expect dramatic positive changes in the skin around the eyes. To achieve deeper rejuvenation, it is recommended to purchase special cosmetics that contain enough hyaluronic acid to smooth out both fine and deeper wrinkles.

special instructions

Blepharogel restores comfort to the eyes; when used correctly, it is easily tolerated and does not cause lacrimation or other signs of irritation. When first applied to inflamed eyelids, a slight tingling or burning sensation may occur. As treatment continues, symptoms disappear.

There are practically no contraindications for both versions of the drug. Exception: individual intolerance to the components of the medication. Its possible signs:

  • severe swelling, redness of the eyes;
  • severe itching;
  • increasing discomfort.

Blefarogel is approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It does not have a systemic effect and does not harm the child’s body.

When using the drug, it is unacceptable to instill it inside the eyes. It is not suitable as a moisturizer for mucous membranes; it can cause blurred vision and other unpleasant reactions.


Contraindications to the use of Blepharogel in cosmetology are:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Interestingly, such cases are very rare. The fact is that Blefarogel mainly consists of natural ingredients.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, etc. The fact is that in the presence of the listed pathologies, the drug can aggravate the condition of the facial surface.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Very sensitive skin. In this case, the surface of the face reacts negatively to any external influence, so using Blefarogel is not recommended.

Why retinoic dermatitis is good

The first and most important thing: - the appearance of skin rawness due to the use of retinol is a welcome good sign for a cosmetologist and in no case should you be afraid of it!

Retinoic dermatitis is evidence of the accumulation of critical, therapeutic, i.e., in the skin. therapeutic dose of retinol.

This stage indicates that retinol has begun its work in the deep layers of the skin, and now you will observe the progression of therapy results.

It is important at this stage to begin titrating the dose of retinol , otherwise the dermatitis will worsen and you will hear a lot of dissatisfaction from the client. It is necessary to take a number of actions in time, which are described below.


“When I had problems with my eyes (simple irritation or conjunctivitis), I always relied on traditional medicine, and they did not let me down until I fell ill with
demodicosis . Traditional recipes were powerless, and the doctor told me that even with qualified help and the prescription of modern drugs, the course of treatment could last for months.

As a result, I was prescribed the drug blepharogel 2 , which I actually had to use for almost five weeks, but as a result I was able to get rid of the disease completely .”

Yulia Gavrilova, Tver.

“To my surprise, at the age of 30, I discovered
on my right eye , and although I always considered this a childhood disease, the doctors explained that such an ailment is not so rare in adults. I
was recommended to smear the inflamed area with blepharogel , and I did this even when the barley burst. At the same time, I did not experience any painful sensations, and the gel accelerated healing, and I managed to avoid consequences .”

Leonid Plotnikov, Novorossiysk

Blepharogel modifications

There are two types of this drug - blepharogel 1 and blefarogel 2.

Important! They have slight differences in their composition and are used in different cases, although any of these ointments can be used in the treatment of certain pathologies.

For physiotherapeutic purposes in the treatment of eyelid diseases, the first modification is used, which helps cleanse the affected areas of pathogenic microflora, while simultaneously providing a moisturizing effect.

At the same time, the product has a preventive effect.
Blephrogel 2 differs from the first modification by the presence of sulfur in its composition , which helps to normalize the level of moisture in the epithelial cells of the treated tissues.

Useful video

From this video you will learn in which cases the use of Blefarogel 1 is indicated:

Although blepharogel is available in pharmacies without a prescription, it should not be purchased independently or on the advice of friends. It is important to understand what each type of medicine is used for.

Blepharogel 1 has a more gentle effect , and although it is suitable for the treatment of eyelid diseases, it is only in the early stages and is generally intended for skin care and prevention .

Serious diseases such as demodicosis are best treated with blepharogel 2 , but in any case you should first consult with a specialist.

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