Effective treatment of rosacea on the face Couperosis on the face is small vascular formations,
Peeling is the removal of dead skin cells. This is the interpretation we mean most often.
Lipolitics: what are they? Lipolitics are preparations made from natural enzymes that are injected into the subcutaneous
Korean cosmetics are becoming more and more popular every year in Russia, and in general
Everyone sees the concept of “sensitive skin” differently. Some people consider their skin sensitive because even
Body modeling massage is aimed at restoring muscle tone, reducing subcutaneous fat and increasing elasticity
“The eyes don’t lie, they will tell you everything,” says a well-known expression. And indeed, in the eyes
Beautiful sensual lips are the dream of every woman. Do you want natural, seductive volume?
Almost every girl and woman is constantly fighting for the beauty and youth of her skin.
Composition, purpose The facial peeling roll from Librederm contains chamomile extract with