Cosmetic massage of face and neck

Body modeling massage is aimed at restoring muscle tone, reducing subcutaneous fat and increasing the elasticity of the dermis. The procedure has a profound effect on soft tissues, effectively fights cellulite and corrects body contours, accelerates metabolism, normalizes lymph flow and blood circulation, rejuvenates and heals the entire body. Body correction by massage can be done manually or using hardware techniques. Positive results can be assessed after 2 – 3 visits to a cosmetologist-massage therapist. But in order to achieve the desired result, experts advise taking a full course, the duration of which is determined personally, taking into account individual characteristics.

Areas of application

Body correction with massage involves intensive manual or hardware effects on the following problem areas:

  • stomach;
  • sides;
  • hips;
  • buttocks.

It is in these areas of the body that fat deposits accumulate the most, which are difficult to get rid of through diets themselves. Taking into account the type of existing problem, the specialist uses different methods of influence, which differ in the technique of implementation.

LPG vacuum massage on the body (1 procedure 45 min.) RUB 2,500. LPG vacuum massage on the body (Subscription for 5 procedures) RUB 10,000.

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To correct the figure and combat excess fat deposits, manual massage has proven itself well, which should be performed by an experienced massage therapist with a medical education. In modern cosmetology clinics and salons, the following subtypes of manual massage are practiced:

  • Classic anti-cellulite. First, the cosmetologist works on problem areas in the direction of lymph flow. Movements should be smooth, delicate, and not cause pain or discomfort. The second half of the procedure involves actively working on problem areas, allowing you to accelerate the breakdown of fatty tissue. Before proceeding with the manipulations, the cosmetologist treats the skin with a special cream that enhances the fat-burning effect.
  • Honey. During the procedure, natural liquid honey is used, which is applied to the skin. Next, the cosmetologist performs sharp movements, gluing and tearing the palms off the surface. After 5 - 10 minutes of such manipulations, the honey acquires a gray-white color, indicating the removal of toxins and impurities from the pores. Honey massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body, speeds up metabolism, saturates the dermis with useful substances, vitamins, antioxidants, effectively fights cellulite, and helps to model an ideal figure.
  • French modeler. Has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect. During the execution, the following movements alternate: stroking, pinching, rubbing, kneading. After a course of therapy, swelling goes away, the volume of adipose tissue decreases, and the firmness and elasticity of the dermis increases.
  • SLIM. An innovative technique that is used for express weight loss and getting rid of orange peel. During the procedure, the massage therapist performs intensive manual treatment of problem areas, alternating rubbing and kneading movements. Before manipulation, the skin is treated with a special cream based on a complex of natural plant extracts.
  • Hardware massage is carried out in cosmetology clinics and salons that specialize in providing this type of service. All manipulations are carried out using special massage equipment equipped with different attachments. The following types of hardware massage are used to correct the figure:
  • Vacuum. The impact on problem areas is carried out using a nozzle that draws in an area of ​​skin, developing it in different directions. This treatment activates metabolism, improves blood flow, softens fat deposits and accelerates their elimination. After a course of therapy, the volumes noticeably decrease, cellulite and swelling disappear, the skin becomes smooth and even.
  • LPG. Manipulations are carried out using roller attachments that capture and fix problem areas, holding them in place using vacuum. In terms of effectiveness, the technique can be compared to the liposuction procedure. After several sessions, the volume of fat deposits decreases and the signs of cellulite decrease. This type of massage does not cause pain or discomfort and has no side effects.
  • Vibromassage. It is carried out with a special nozzle equipped with rotational elements that work with different powers. The generated electrical impulses have an irritating effect on soft tissues, triggering regeneration processes and activating metabolism. After the procedure, a pronounced lifting effect and reduction of subcutaneous fat deposits are ensured.
  • Hydromassage. An effective technique that is beneficial for the whole body, the essence of which is the massage effect of a water jet on problem areas of the body. The procedure has a beneficial effect on blood and lymph circulation, activates metabolism, increases local immunity, and accelerates tissue regeneration. In addition, hydromassage relieves fatigue and heaviness in the muscles, promotes relaxation and relaxation.

A massage therapist in a clinic, a massage therapist in a beauty salon, a chiropractor: what’s the difference?

The massage therapist works on the patient's body with his hands, kneading, patting, stroking, rubbing, shaking, pressing, rolling and vibrating. Unlike a chiropractor, he does not have the right to prescribe treatment or realign joints and vertebrae.

A “manual specialist” is a doctor who graduated from a medical school, residency or internship in the specialty “neurologist” or “traumatologist-orthopedist”. In addition, such a doctor has additionally completed a specialized retraining program in manual therapy.

A massage therapist in a medical clinic is a specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialties “therapeutic physical education”, “medical massage”, “nursing”, “physical rehabilitation and recreation”, “massage nurse”. An option with retraining is possible, but only if you have a secondary medical education. Such a specialist has the right to conduct medical, sports, myofascial and other types of massage. Without confirmed qualifications, a person will not be able to perform such procedures and get a job in a clinic. If this norm is violated, then according to Article 69, Article 323 of the Federal Law, the person bears criminal liability.

A massage therapist in a beauty salon, as a rule, does not have a medical education and provides non-medical massage (cosmetological, relaxing). The theoretical and practical knowledge base of a specialist is limited to short-term courses (53-72 academic hours). In this case, the quality of services is practically not confirmed by anything other than the reputation of the salon.

Efficiency of procedures

To get the most positive results from corrective massage, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and massage therapist. A true professional thoroughly knows the anatomy of the body, masters various techniques, and has a license confirming his qualifications.

Corrective massage allows you to:

  • get rid of cellulite and excess subcutaneous fat;
  • tighten the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks;
  • reduce the volume of problem areas;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • smooth the skin and restore its strength, firmness, elasticity;
  • accelerate the breakdown of adipose tissue.

Indications for medical massage

The procedures will help in getting rid of many ailments: from obesity to flat feet. Medical massage is recommended for all types of injuries to the musculoskeletal system (fractures, dislocations and sprains of joints, muscle spasms, all kinds of sprains and overloads of muscles and joints, torsion or rupture of ligaments). The course brings relief with:

  • degenerative diseases of the spine and other dysfunctional diseases of the skeletal system;
  • arthritis and tendonitis;
  • diseases associated with respiratory failure;
  • rehabilitation after muscle paralysis and peripheral nerve damage;
  • neuroses and stress;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • stomach ulcers and gastritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • coronary disease;
  • diabetes, etc.

The type of massage is selected depending on the pathology. The impact can be both general and local (aimed at restoring a specific function).

Correction of different areas of the body

Correction of specific areas of the body is aimed at solving localized problems. Among the fair sex, fat deposits most often accumulate on the stomach and thighs. Strict diets and exercise do not always help get rid of excess volume and cellulite. Corrective massage will help you solve your problems in the shortest possible time.

Regardless of what technique is prescribed by the specialist, the massage procedure traditionally includes the following movements:

  • Stroking. It is carried out at the beginning and end of manipulations. Gently stroking your palms will help relax the muscles and prepare the skin for more active treatment.
  • Deep kneading. Includes pinching, rolling, rubbing. Intense exposure activates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, breaks down subcutaneous fat deposits, smoothes orange peel, and stimulates tissue regeneration.
  • Toning. Rubbing the skin improves tone and strengthens muscles.

Hip correction

Typically, the procedure involves active exposure to the skin of the thighs and legs. Massage will help get rid of cellulite, tighten soft tissues on the inner thigh, and strengthen muscles. At the very beginning of the manipulation procedure, the procedures are aimed at rubbing and kneading problem areas. This will help restore microcirculation and prepare problem areas for more intense massage.

After rubbing and kneading, the cosmetologist-massage therapist uses techniques that break up fat deposits. The fold is grabbed horizontally and rolled from bottom to top. Then the same movements are repeated, but only in the vertical direction.

Then the specialist resorts to the pressing technique. To do this, all fingers are used. The massage therapist places his palms on the surface of the thigh and probes the problem area from bottom to top.

The session ends with lymphatic drainage. From bottom to top, the problem area is smoothed out by active movements of the second phalanges of the bent fingers.

Abdominal correction

Getting rid of fat deposits in the abdominal area is the most difficult, because this is where subcutaneous fat accumulates most intensively. Corrective massage will help reduce volume, smooth out the sides, and make the waist thinner.

The session begins with warm-up movements. The lower abdomen is massaged clockwise, then the specialist grabs the fold and rolls it. After this, the pinching technique is used. The folds of skin are grasped with the thumb and forefinger and probed deeply. Then the problem area is intensively rubbed with spiral movements in different directions.

At the next stage, vertical and transverse kneading is carried out. The master grabs the fat fold in the side area and rolls it towards the center of the abdomen. When kneading vertically, the fold is moved from bottom to top.

Why go for a medical massage?

If you experience a feeling of muscle tension and pain in the back, neck, limbs, if you have severe physical and psychological stress, if you notice poor posture - all this is a reason to think about a massage course. The procedures will also be useful during rehabilitation after injuries, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory diseases, a general decrease in immunity and increased fatigue.

Before enrolling in a medical massage course, you must consult with your doctor. The specialist will determine the required number of sessions (usually 10-15 procedures) and draw up an optimal schedule of procedures. For some diseases, sessions should be daily, for others - with an interval of 2-3 days. The doctor draws up a plan based on your medical history, age, condition, and you must follow the recommendations, because otherwise you can harm yourself.

Remember that massage is not a magic pill. One session is not enough to get rid of any ailments, even if you go to see a highly qualified specialist. It is not advisable to interrupt the course, because in this case it is almost impossible to achieve the desired effect.

Contraindications for medical massage

Massage cannot be performed in some cases. Namely:

  • skin diseases;
  • immediately after a bone fracture and tendon rupture;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tumor diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhage, hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • developed atherosclerosis;
  • advanced stages of hypertension;
  • infectious diseases.

Some patients feel weak after the session, observe redness of the skin and make the erroneous conclusion that massage is contraindicated for them. This reaction is just a side effect, which manifests itself less intensely in some and more intensely in others. But after the procedure there should not be a feeling of total “overwhelm” and complete powerlessness, dizziness, or a sharp rise in temperature. Such a response from the body indicates the incompetence of the massage therapist.

What to look for when choosing a massage therapist

Incompetent massage therapists are a big problem in the medical world. Such specialists have harmed the health of many people. There are several signs that this is not a medical professional who is trying to help, but a person aimed solely at commercial gain.

You should be wary if the massage therapist:

  • gives a 100% guarantee of complete recovery;
  • says that there are no contraindications to massage;
  • promises, using the author’s method, to remove all toxins and waste from the body in 3 sessions, get rid of 10 kg of excess weight with one touch, etc.;
  • insists on replacing the treatment prescribed by the doctor with dietary supplements and other magic pills;
  • names the exact duration of the course in absentia.

Remember that medical massage is a fairly serious physiotherapeutic procedure in which such negligence is unacceptable. Do not risk your health, contact a medical institution, and not dubious specialists.

Our Clinic has professionals with many years of experience and medical education. They are well versed in anatomy, neurology and other fields, which help them form a correct idea of ​​what processes occur in your body. Your health is in good hands here.

Recommendations for improving the effect after massage

Ideally, after the session you can come home and rest for 30-40 minutes, relax. You can take a warm bath with sea salt or natural essential oils. It is also recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed and eat right.

Diagnostics before the first massage session is a mandatory procedure. It is performed with the goal of not harming and helping the patient.

Extracts from the medical record, photographs and doctor’s reports, and a referral for a massage do not replace the examination of the patient by the massage therapist himself.

If there are any doubts on the part of the massage therapist, before the session, the specialist can invite a doctor to the office for consultation, who is always available in our clinic. An additional completely free consultation with a doctor is a concern for your health and an indicator of our responsible attitude.

Remember: a specialist at our clinic has the right to refuse you a massage session if he considers that the procedure may harm you.

Using various techniques, massage therapists help the patient get rid of various health problems. These include: dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, joint diseases, muscle dysfunction, consequences of fractures, obesity and much more.

In some cases, one massage is enough to combat the disease, but often massage is an integral part of general medical therapy.

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