How to get a nipple orgasm? 23 mind-blowing techniques

Women's breasts are one of the most attractive parts of the body for men. The variety of shapes and sizes is impressive. Men love women's breasts. There is not a single guy who would say “Ugh, tits, stupid, unnecessary detail!”

Also, the breast is a huge erogenous zone. And if suddenly a woman declares that her tits don’t give a damn about affection, then they are simply “sleeping” in the deepest sleep. We'll wake you up!

How is orgasm possible?2

The nipples contain a huge number of nerve endings. That's why nipples are so sensitive to touch. Initially, this mechanism is aimed at enabling a natural function - feeding. After all, this process should bring pleasure to a woman.

But in humans, this place is associated not only with the usual pleasure center in the cerebral cortex. They are connected to the center of sexual arousal. In simple terms, signals from the breast go to the same place where signals coming from the vaginal area accumulate.

The conclusion is simple: if the meeting place of the signals is the same, then the result should be the same. And it really works!

Chest pads

Another way to make nipples stand up is to use molding devices, which are breast pads.
They are already starting to be used if the effect does not work very well with regular exercise. Breast cups are not difficult to find on sale. In almost any regular pharmacy or store for expectant mothers, you can purchase such an original product at first glance. They are often recommended for women who have developed cracks during breastfeeding, that is, they are initially used for slightly different purposes.

Externally, the devices are discs with a slightly elongated shape. Manufactured from soft material that is safe for operational processes. In the center of the structure there is a hole into which the nipple is placed. Gradually, with use, it will begin to take the required shape.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the diameter of the hole. Some of the products are designed to reduce sensitivity during breastfeeding, so they are quite large. But for pulling they will be much smaller.

It is important to ensure that the nipples are erect, you should not wear the device all day.

They will also require care. They need to be washed. If a rash appears, you will have to discard them.

Maybe you had one like this?4

Most likely, you have already had such an orgasm, you just didn’t associate it with your breasts. After all, few people limit themselves only to caresses the breasts; continuation is necessary. In order to be sure of this, you need to conduct an experiment. Just take it and play only with your breasts until full climax. It may turn out that this is exactly what you need, but there is a possibility that the story is not about you. But it will be fun!

Diagnosis of the causes of breast deformation and nipple retraction

  • Consultation with a mammologist. The mammologist at the Yauza Clinical Hospital will conduct a visual examination of the breast, palpation, ask the patient about symptoms, history of the disease, etc., and decide on the need to consult other specialists at our clinic.
  • 2. Instrumental studies: ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • ductography;
  • digital and MR mammography.
  • Laboratory research:
      biopsy of breast tissue with histological examination;
  • cytological examination of a smear of discharge from the breast;
  • study of hormonal levels;
  • genetic study (risk of developing breast cancer).
  • 4. Drawing up an individual treatment program.
  • Where to start?6

    It is not at all necessary to bring your partner to orgasm for the first time. Getting closer to him is already success. You need to start small:

    • Creating an atmosphere. There's nowhere without her. In any case, even if the experiment takes place in a tent in the remote taiga, you need to create the appropriate mood.
    • Find a comfortable position. It is important to focus on sensations and not think about the issue of maintaining balance.
    • Let your imagination run wild. It’s not at all necessary for your partner to know what’s going on in your head. The main thing is that it excites you.
    • There's no rush. But you shouldn’t get stuck either. Otherwise, everything will end in deep sleep, not sex.

    • Everything is used: oils, lotions, feathers, ice. In general, you can stimulate with anything, even a wind-up machine.
    • The second hand is not for boredom. No one forbids the free hand to wander to other areas of the body.

    Advantages of calling Virilis Group specialists to your home

    • Travel to any area of ​​the city and region without restrictions.
    • No insurance, registration or citizenship is required to receive medical care.
    • Providing assistance to children of any age.
    • Experience in responsible treatment of children in St. Petersburg since 1991.
    • 6 own children's medical centers with 650 specialists in 49 specialties.
    • Possibility of diagnostics and continuation of treatment in our clinics.
    • Coordination with other doctors of the VIRILIS Group of Companies clinics: we are a single team, and not individual doctors from a “mobile” clinic.
    • 24/7 contact center.
    • Issuance of official medical certificates and documents.
    • Possibility of purchasing a package of a comprehensive medical program for a child, including the “Emergency Care” and “Comprehensive Examination at Home” packages.
    • Special medical programs for newborns and infants.

    How to play with nipples7

    The playing technique includes pinching, twisting, stroking and many other techniques. You can start the research in splendid isolation, or you can attract a partner.

    • Relaxation. Everything starts with him. A few deep breaths allow you to distract yourself from unnecessary thoughts.
    • Playing with your body. Start teasing yourself. Run through all erogenous zones, caressing yourself to achieve slight arousal. But don't touch your breasts yet. You need to wait for the feeling of languor in your chest.

    • Breast play. First, lightly touch your breasts and draw large circles around your breasts and nipple areolas. Massage gently. When the desire for more active action appears, squeeze it.
    • Watch your areola. Don't touch your nipples yet - this is not the time. Watch how the color of the areola changes.
    • When arousal begins to grow in full force, begin to slowly rub the nipples, increase the speed of movement and the force of pressure.
    • Bring the peak of excitement closer. Pinch your nipples. See how much pinch strength you like better.
    • Gently pull and twist the nipple. Alternate with pinching and rubbing.
    • Bring yourself to the peak of bliss, but stop! Roll back the orgasm and do it all over again. It is similar to a lingam massage. You're about to cum, but you can't.

    • Create waves of pleasure. You can arch your body, your hands can wander wherever they please. But always come back to the chest. Tits are the main thing in this matter.
    • As soon as the arousal becomes unbearable, squeeze your breasts or just your nipples tightly and let them have a crazy orgasm.

    Flat and inverted nipples

    To determine whether the nipples are flat or inverted , you need to pay attention to how they behave after stimulation, and whether the areolas are brought out after compression in a circle. If it starts to protrude a little, then the nipples are more likely to be normal; if not, then they are flat or inverted.

    As a rule, issues with nipples arise already in the maternity hospital, so if you know in advance, or you were informed immediately after birth, that you have flat or inverted nipples, then it is better to immediately warn the medical staff not to bottle-feed your baby, since for 3 -7 days (depending on the situation) the baby will forget how to make stretching movements with his mouth while sucking, and will wait for something to immediately hit the roof of his mouth.

    Flat nipples are not at all an obstacle to breastfeeding. In addition, as a rule, after a certain period of lactation they can become normal. Most often, a woman with flat nipples is unable to feed due to improper attachment. Until your baby learns to nurse properly, you should monitor how full he is by doing a wet diaper test and weighing your baby. If necessary, you need to supplement with expressed milk, but not from a bottle, but with a spoon or syringe.

    It's best to avoid nipple covers. They will not solve the problem, but they can teach the child to suck the breast incorrectly, and re-teach it, and even more so, it will be quite difficult to switch from breast pads to the mother’s breast itself. To soften the breasts and make it easier to form a fold from the areola for attachment, you can slightly pump out the foremilk. In addition, if you use a breast pump, the vacuum will help stretch the nipple a little even before feeding begins. You can also use a nipple shaper. Moreover, you can start using it during pregnancy.

    As for inverted nipples, the situation here is somewhat more complicated, but, nevertheless, it is not hopeless.

    If the nipple is retracted, this indicates short ducts that hold it from the inside and do not allow it to “look out” outside. It may come out in pieces, and even if you attached the baby correctly, it may hurt.

    With inverted nipples, the baby constantly “slips off the breast”, releases it, and finds it difficult to latch on. You just need to systematically place the breast into the baby’s mouth as deeply as possible over and over again, and everything will definitely work out. All the recommendations are the same as for flat nipples, the only thing is that you will need more patience. As practice shows, it is difficult to cope with attachment only during the first month. Then the baby will grow up, his mouth will become larger, it will become easier to grab and suck on the breast, and he will be able to enjoy continuous feeding.

    Correct application technique

    Flat and inverted nipples
    First of all, in order to breastfeed correctly, you need to learn how to hold your baby comfortably. The position can be any, the main thing is that the baby is turned towards you with his whole body, his tummy is pressed tightly, and his knees and nose are facing the same direction. The nipple should be at the level of the baby's upper lip and nose. Next, you need to form a fold from the breast (put your thumb on top, and the rest under the breast, along the edges of the areola, and squeeze) and tease the child a little (move the lips up and down). When your baby's mouth is wide open, insert your breast as deeply as possible while moving your baby's head with your other hand. It turns out to be counter traffic. If there is a need to hold your chest, it is better to do it with the letter “C”, that is, place your thumb on top, and the other four - below the chest.

    Signs of proper attachment: the child has captured the nipple and most of the areola (2-3 cm from the nipple); the lips (especially the lower one) are everted; mouth wide open; the chin is pressed to the chest, the tip of the nose can touch it; no extraneous sounds are heard during sucking (only swallowing); you are not in pain (or tolerable). To properly pick up the breast, you need to break the vacuum that has formed during the sucking process. To do this, you can insert your little finger into the corner of the child’s mouth, unclench the gums and quickly reach the breast. It’s better, of course, to contact a specialist who can teach you from the first days of your baby’s life how to properly attach him to the breast, and all you have to do is train.

    Is the baby full?

    How can a mother count the number of urinations?

    There are 2 ways:

    1. Wet diaper test. The mother removes the diaper and leaves the baby in pants or diapers and changes them as needed. If the child is sleeping, he needs to be checked every 20-30 minutes. The wet diaper test can be done 12 or 24 hours in advance. If the baby peed 10 times in 12 hours, then everything is fine, but if 7-8, then it’s better to count it per day.

    2. Weighing diapers. Mom puts the disposable diapers used during the day into a bag and weighs it on a baby scale. The second bag contains the same number of clean diapers. The difference between wet and dry diapers should be at least 360 ml. starting from the 10th day of life, since it is believed that 1 pee = 30 ml., and 12 * 30 = 360 Until the 10th day, the number of days of life plus one pee is considered, that is, if the baby is 3 days old, he must pee at least 4 times.

    *If there is supplementary feeding, you need to know the exact amount eaten during the time when the test was carried out. The second main indicator of a baby's satiety is the baby's weight gain. But you need to remember that a child may not gain weight well not only because of a lack of milk, there can be many other reasons for this, and therefore weighings are carried out along with counting pee counts. From birth to 6 months, the baby should gain at least 18 grams. per day (125 grams per week, 500-550 grams per month). If the tests have shown that peeing is not enough and the weight is standing or gaining slowly, then the baby must be fed additionally, preferably with expressed milk. The child should always be full. Alternative methods of supplementation

    If you have issues with nipples and need supplemental feeding, it is better to supplement the baby with a spoon, from a mug or from a syringe. To feed your baby with a spoon, you need to hold him so that his head and shoulders are slightly raised. With your free hand, scoop up half a teaspoon of supplementary food, bring it to the baby’s mouth, and touch the lower lip. When the child opens his mouth, you need to place the spoon in the middle of the tongue (if it’s on the tip, it will push it out) and turn it towards the cheek.

    Finger feeding from a syringe is also a good way to supplement. We place the child in front of us so that the head and shoulders are raised. You can use a pillow for this. We place the finger in the baby’s mouth with the pad facing the top finger, as soon as the baby has latched on, with our free hand we draw the supplementary food into a disposable syringe without a needle, insert the cannula into the corner of the mouth, turn it towards the cheek and begin to slowly press on the piston. You can also use supplementary feeding at the breast, that is, while sucking the breast, give it from a syringe that is inserted into the corner of the mouth. For convenience, you can put a capillary on the tip of the syringe.

    Connecting a partner8

    When you have explored your possibilities in splendid isolation, you can involve a partner. Of course, this can be done right away. But then there is a risk that such reconnaissance will turn into a monologue “here, here, where did you go!” We don’t need this, otherwise nothing worthwhile will come of it. We’ll connect a partner once we’ve checked everything ourselves.

    First, we need to explain to him what we want to get. If he is smart and not completely mediocre, then there is no need to explain much, he will perfectly understand his role. So what can a partner do?

    • Hot breath. Exhale slowly onto the nipple to create additional irritation.
    • Language. Let him lick your breasts. As if he was doing cunnilingus.
    • Gentle sucking.
    • Light nipping.

    Call a breastfeeding specialist to your home

    At the group's children's medical centers, we know that the most convenient place for breastfeeding consultations is your own cozy home:

    • A specialist will come to you at a convenient time. You don't have to go to the clinic and wait in line. Consultations can also be held directly in the maternity hospital (if visits are permissible) or in a medical center.
    • A familiar home environment makes consultation easier for both mother and child.
    • At home, the consultant will be able to devote more time to both the child and the parents.
    • The consultant is always a phone call away: day and night (at night you can call the contact center or write to the consultant, the consultant will answer as soon as possible), on weekdays and on weekends.
    • Support from a specialist is not one-time consultations, but accompaniment: the consultant will visit the mother and baby again, if necessary, after 2-4 weeks to check how feeding is going and the baby’s weight gain.

    In addition to calling a breastfeeding specialist to your home, you can call doctors of the main specialties: pediatrician, surgeon, allergist, urologist, pulmonologist, hematologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, orthopedist, gastroenterologist and osteopath. You can also take tests, perform physiotherapy and massage at home. Infant swimming consultants can advise you at home and conduct a master class.

    Find out about the special offer “Comprehensive examination at home”: the convenience of this program is that you can choose from a list of pediatric doctors exactly those specialists that your child needs and an individual set of medical services with a 20% discount!

    New sensations9

    You see, there is nothing difficult about playing with titties. In principle, you and your partner probably did the same thing. Now try adding new sensations:

    • Oils and lotions. It is better if they are warming. A sliding touch will increase the degree of arousal.
    • Ice. Causes instant swelling of the nipples. It is very stimulating.

    • Toys. You won't believe it, but if you have something that vibrates, be sure to try it. Even if it's a children's wind-up toy.
    • Clamps. Stationery, of course, will not work, unless you are a BDSM lover. Buy a couple of clothespins from a sex shop. Believe me, you will like it.
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