Yoga for the face Annlise Hagen - 14 anti-aging asanas

Useful tips

Perhaps the most important thing to know about yoga for the face

and neck is that it is considered a non-invasive alternative to Botox and surgery. However, how exactly do exercises work and how do they help get rid of fine lines and sagging skin?

As a rule, such exercises are aimed at working some layer of the skin (dermis (bottom layer), epidermis (middle layer) or top layer). By working properly with all layers of the skin, you can increase blood circulation, allowing more oxygen to penetrate the skin cells.

The result is a healthy complexion, glowing skin, fewer toxins, and better moisture absorption. Facial yoga is also designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the middle layer of the skin, resulting in smoother, more elastic and more radiant skin.

The set of exercises is recommended to be performed 6 days a week, 20 minutes a day. This may seem like a lot, but you will see results very quickly. In two weeks you will already see the first changes, after 2-4 months you will notice that you have fewer fine wrinkles, and those around you will note that you look healthier and more energetic.

And after 6-9 months, all practitioners of face and neck yoga claim that they feel better and look much younger, and also feel more psychologically relaxed.

Annliese Hagen and her facial yoga

Annelise Hagen worked as a yoga instructor in New York City. Gradually she created her own methodology, the principles of which she outlined in the book “Yoga Face. Anti-aging Yoga for the Face.” It talks not only about the main asanas, but also about meditation, self-massage techniques, and strengthening the body. The set of exercises itself is called: “Anti-aging yoga for the face.”

The idea of ​​face yoga is to train the facial muscles. There are 57 of them in total, including those in the neck. Everyone knows what will happen to the muscles of the body if they are not trained. The muscles on the face are no exception. Constant training improves blood circulation and keeps the skin toned. This affects not only appearance, but also health.

Daily fifteen-minute yoga classes help you look young, make your skin healthy, toned, and glowing. Facial yoga is great for business people, because it allows you to:

  • Smooth out facial wrinkles;
  • Relax;
  • Achieve results with minimal time investment.

Hollywood stars have experienced face yoga and use it with pleasure. If you want to see the effect of exercise, take a look at Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, their impeccable appearance is the best advertisement for the technique.

By the way, on our website there is a review of an interesting yoga technique for the face by Mamada Yoshiko.


Yoga performed for the facial muscles has a minimum of contraindications that are associated with skin characteristics:

  • the location of the vessels too close to the epidermis;
  • skin diseases;
  • injuries and open wounds on the face;
  • postoperative period.

If you are under severe mental stress, then before the session try to put yourself in a harmonious state and relax. Take a bath, do breathing exercises, read. This will make the training more effective, since in yoga an important place is occupied by the right attitude.

Yoga for the face: preparation and rules

Preparatory activities:

  1. Wash your hands;
  2. Prepare your skin: wash, apply cream;
  3. Position yourself in front of the mirror. So, you will not only be able to monitor the correct execution, but also laugh;
  4. Keep your back straight. If you slouch, your blood circulation will worsen. It is most comfortable to sit on a chair;
  5. Relax all muscles except the one you are working.

Basic Rules:

  1. Remember that in yoga you need to alternate between tension and muscle relaxation. Otherwise there will be no positive result;
  2. Start with areas that require special attention (problematic);
  3. Remember to be regular. Exercise at least 2 times a week. The more often, the better results you will get;
  4. Don't be alarmed by redness of the skin. This is a sign that blood circulation is improving. Soon the skin will return to its normal color.


Facial yoga is recommended for people who have skin problems. But if the vessels in this area are fragile , then some care must be taken so as not to worsen the situation.

It is best to practice in the mornings or evenings . Before training, you need to perform skin cleansing procedures, wash off all makeup and apply a suitable cream.

When training on your own, it is recommended to stretch the training time every day. Start with 5 minutes and then gradually increase.

Annlise Hagen: 14 asanas

Well, now let’s look directly at the legendary exercises - asanas for the face by Enlise Hagen.

Buddha Face

Close your eyelids and direct your thoughts to the point between your eyebrows. Create an image of a rainbow disk and concentrate your attention on it. Start with 60 seconds, then you can do the exercise for 3 minutes.

This asana helps to bring all the facial muscles into a relaxed state, relieve general tension, take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, and concentrate on the lesson.

Free Language / Free Your Tongue

Stick your tongue out of your open mouth as far as possible. Try to hold this up for up to one minute. Your eyes will begin to water as toxins are released.

The asana improves blood circulation and tones the muscles.

Well, the new Mewing technique - a technique for natural harmonization of the face - will tell you how to properly hold your tongue in your mouth.

Surprise Me!

Act surprised by opening your eyes wide. The forehead muscles should remain relaxed and the skin smooth. After holding for 10 seconds, close your eyes. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

The asana will help smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead.

Don't miss: 12 face yoga video lessons with Elena Rodicheva.

Temple Dancer Eyes

You need to “shoot” your eyes to the right and left, without moving your head.

Exercise not only tightens the skin around the eyes, but also helps improve vision.

Chicken feet / Crow fly away

Smile at your reflection. Using your index fingers, lightly press the skin on the outer corners of your eyes and gently pull it in opposite directions. Now you need to alternate tension and relaxation of the eyelids and muscles around the eyes. Perform 14 - 20 times.

The name of the asana indicates the defect it combats.

Smiling fish face

Fold your lips into a bow, suck in your cheeks and purse your lips tightly. Now try to smile and then freeze. The corners of your mouth need to be tightened as much as possible. Hold this facial expression for 5 - 10 seconds, relax, you can laugh. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

In addition to lifting your mood, the asana tones your lips and cheeks.

Interesting: Khadu rejuvenating gymnastics for the face: Zviad Arabuli’s technique.

Lion Face

Suck in the air through your nose, close your eyes, tense your face, clench your fists. Now exhale sharply, opening your mouth, stick out your tongue strongly, relax all your muscles. Unclench your palms. Roll your eyes upward. Do 3 reps.

The asana allows you to relieve tension and stretch the facial muscles.


Blow a kiss while slightly stretching your neck forward. Now you need to tense your facial muscles and blow out air intensively. The only relaxed area is the forehead. Repeat 4 times. Now put your finger to your lips as if asking you to quiet down. Press them on your lips. Blow your reflection a few kisses.

Thanks to this asana, your lips will always be toned, and wrinkles around your mouth will not appear.


Imagine yourself as a little monkey sitting under a tree waiting for a berry to fall into its mouth. Look up with your head tilted back slightly. Stretch your lips forward, folding them into a tube. Wait 15 seconds. Take a break and do 4 more attempts.

Of course, you won't get a berry, but you will have beautiful cheekbones and well-defined lips.

The Sphinx smile

You need to smile, but only with your lips. The expression of the eyes should remain indifferent. Do you think it's easy? Give it a try. Repeat 4 times. Remember, everything except the lips is relaxed.

Thanks to this asana, facial wrinkles in the lip area will disappear.

Puppet face

Nasolabial folds age the face and strongly indicate age. This asana will help overcome this problem.

Smile. Using your fingertips, fix the corners of your lips and press them. Now try to smile even wider. You need to overcome the resistance of your fingers. Number of repetitions up to 30 times.

"Satchmo" (nickname of Louis Armstrong)

Take a mouthful of air, move it from one cheek to the other for as long as possible, then send the air to your lips, rolling it from bottom to top. Take a breath and perform the asana 3 more times.

This will strengthen your cheek muscles. What does Armstrong have to do with this? It’s just that the outwardly puffed up cheeks resemble the face of a playing saxophonist.

Chick/Baby Bird

Tilt your head back. Imagine that you are a chick and some grains are put in your mouth. Take a few sips. Now tilt your head to the left and swallow the imaginary grains again. Repeat the same, tilting your head to the right.

This is how you work out your neck and remove wrinkles.

Bumble bees

Inhale through your nose, while trying to reproduce the sound of chewing. You need to exhale slowly, with the sound “m”. The execution time depends on the training of the lungs. Take a breath and do the asana 4 times.

This exercise allows you to maintain a toned face and work out your lips and neck.

Completing the exercises

Finally, to relax, do the Buddha Face exercise.

If you do face yoga daily, you will see results in just 2 weeks. The main thing is to motivate yourself correctly, to understand that exercise will help you look beautiful and young.


Yoga for the face already on the second day after the exercises significantly smooths out nasolabial folds and crow's feet, the whole face is tightened and the next morning it no longer looks as puffy and wrinkled as it happens in most ordinary people. Today, July 17, 2016, is the tenth day of my acquaintance with yoga for the face, and so far nothing alarming, on the contrary, my face is becoming fresher day by day. This is my limited personal experience. By the way, Hatha yoga offers very effective asanas not only against wrinkles, but also for rejuvenating the entire body - Shirsasana, Viparita Karani, Sarvangasana. From the point of view of Hatha yoga, wrinkles are the result of the influence of gravity on us, so it is recommended to take inverted poses. The effect is amazing, I speak from personal experience.


Everything is correct! I am 50 years old, I have been doing facial gymnastics periodically since I was 40 years old. I look 35 as soon as I start working out. Nothing improves better, I know from experience, like gymnastics! Plastic surgery does not improve, the face after it is swollen and puffy.


Yeah! This complex relieves facial muscle tension well) I tried it too and liked it. Now I'm working hard. Just 8-10 minutes a day and you can already see a great effect)


I did this kind of gymnastics - you take air into your mouth and move it from cheek to cheek with force, as if you were pushing it out. You also take air into your mouth and blow it out with pressure, but press your lips together, as if you were inflating a rubber balloon. I worked a lot, my face was not in the best condition, but gymnastics quickly picked everything up.


Complex structure

Rejuvenating yoga for the face is a set of sequential exercises.

Conventionally, the session can be divided into three main stages:

  1. Preliminary warm-up stage. Rotational, abductive and adductive movements are used. The actions are aimed at completely relaxing the facial muscles. At the end of the warm-up, you can use some elements of massage.
  2. Main part. At this stage, the emphasis is on working each muscle of the face. To achieve maximum effect, you need to learn to concentrate on the area being worked, leaving the currently unused muscles in a relaxed state. You can help yourself with your fingers, which gently support the relaxed facial muscles.
  3. The final stage. It consists of exercises aimed at relaxation, with some elements of meditation.

Throughout the yoga session, you must maintain your posture. The rule of verticality must be observed. Correctly performed elements of yoga for the face will help you cheer up and get a boost of energy for the whole day.

What are the merits of Elena Rodicheva

TV presenter and writer Elena Rodicheva has developed her own method of facial rejuvenation, the duration of which does not exceed ten minutes. Yoga for the face with Elena Rodicheva requires concentration of thought and calmness of emotions. By ignoring this main rule, the ancient practice turns into banal gymnastics.

Particular attention is paid to the ears. By massaging the earlobes, blood circulation throughout the body is activated. This exercise is the perfect way to start a energizing morning. The main part of the set of exercises according to Rodicheva is aimed at tensing the facial muscles. The final stage is complete relaxation.

Important! The result of Elena Rodicheva’s yoga is tightened facial skin, maximum rejuvenation effect.

Video lessons, which present in detail all the exercises of Rodicheva’s facial yoga system, are available to Internet users.

Video: yoga for all facial muscles with Elena Rodicheva.

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