Girls advise: 9 effective and inexpensive face masks

Every woman strives to be beautiful. Nowadays, taking care of yourself is not so difficult. Beauty salons, cosmetic boutiques, various massages and sports activities are available to beautiful ladies. But funds for all these pleasures are not always available.

Skin care is possible even with financial restrictions. Regular polysorb will help cope with pimples, acne and redness on the skin.

Reviews of the polysorb face mask are positive. The product really works.

Planeta Organica, “100% Natural Deep Cleansing Face Mask”

Price: from 180 rubles

Consistency: thick mass of dark green color with herbal splashes.

Active ingredients: sea clay, Tibetan green tea.

Effect: lightens blackheads, gives skin softness and radiance. The mask must be applied in a thick layer to damp skin, otherwise it will be difficult to distribute over the face.

Review from

4. Dizao Express, “100% hyaluronic acid”

Price: from 60 rubles per bag, from 600 rubles per box

Consistency: fabric mask.

Active components: molecular hyaluronic acid.

Effect: deep hydration and nutrition of the skin. For greater effect, you can use the mask daily for 10 days, then 1-2 times a week.

Review from

Stages of skin care after 25 years

Facial care consists of several procedures. Your skin will remain youthful if done regularly and correctly.

You need to know how to properly cleanse, tone, nourish and moisturize - perform all stages of facial skin care after 25 years. Taking into account your own skin type, carry out such caring procedures regularly.

Cleansing and makeup removal

You need to cleanse the epidermis in the morning and evening. Surely, there have been times before when you went to bed with makeup on or washed it off quickly with soap. When caring for your face after 25 years, do not use soap, it can harm and make the skin dry and tight.

Proper washing

Not everyone knows how to wash their face so as not to worsen their skin condition.

If you want to properly care for your facial skin at the age of 25 at the washing stage, follow this regimen:

  1. Wash your hands with soap;
  2. Perform makeup removal - apply makeup remover to a cotton pad and remove it from the face;
  3. Use a cleanser to remove any remaining makeup.

Interesting: Cosmetologists recommend using warm water for washing. Even if you like a contrast shower for your face, it is better to give it up. Temperature changes will put a strong strain on the blood vessels; this may manifest itself as a capillary network on the face.

Skin toning

Girls often neglect this stage of facial skin care after 25 years. However, without applying tonic to the skin, the cleansing procedure will not be complete. If you are over 25, your cosmetic bag should have a high-quality tonic or lotion selected for your epidermis type.

Toning, apply this toner to a cotton pad and wipe your face with it after washing and cleansing.

Applying cream

The final stage of daily facial care at 25 years old should be nutrition and hydration. The cream does this well. When choosing a cosmetic product, study its composition. At this age, it is important to provide the skin with vitamins A, E, C, P. They perform a complex effect:

  • protect;
  • moisturize and nourish;
  • give smoothness and elasticity;
  • slow down aging.

Creams with fruit and floral acids deeply nourish and prevent premature formation of wrinkles.

Additional: care masks, peelings, scrubs

To maintain youth, use cosmetics that care for your skin after 25. Do not refuse to use store-bought masks and scrubs. Scrubbing or peeling are mandatory procedures before applying masks; they allow nutrients to penetrate the tissue more easily.

You can make a coffee scrub at home using natural ground coffee to treat your face. Regular table salt also removes dead cells well.

Features of night skin care against the first signs of aging

Don’t forget about night skin care for up to 30 years. Cream for night use also needs to be selected, taking into account the age and type of skin. It should be intensely moisturizing and nourishing. Products with geranium extract are suitable for moisturizing.

Watch the video to learn how to properly perform evening skin care after 25 years:

"KORA", "Cream mask with fruit acids"

Price: from 600 rubles

Consistency: dense creamy mass of white color.

Active ingredients: AHA acids (tartaric, citric, lactic, glycolic), D-panthenol, grape oil.

Effect: the effect of the mask is similar to a light chemical peel. Acids have a beneficial effect on oily facial skin, helping to regulate the moderate secretion of sebum. Smoothes scars, acne marks, tightens pores. Suitable for preparing the skin for cosmetic procedures.

Review from

Useful tips

In order for your care to have a positive dynamic, in addition to external skin care, you should also not forget about the internal:

  • Proper nutrition. Completely exclude fatty, spicy, smoked and salty foods from the diet, because... they are the main enemies for our skin. Include as many fruits, herbs, and vegetables in your diet as possible.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and spend more time outside.
  • Control facial expressions , because Excessive sullenness or constant smiling can lead to the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Use high-quality cosmetics.

HIMALAYA HERBALS, Purifying Neem Pack

Price: from 299 rubles

Consistency: liquid mass of dark grass color.

Active ingredients: neem, turmeric, kaolin.

Effect: gives the skin a matte appearance, tightens pores, prevents inflammation. When the mask dries, it tightens the skin, so it is better to irrigate your face with thermal water or cover it with film.

Review from

For those who care about the beauty and health of their skin, we also recommend paying attention to Korean-made cosmetics. Skinfood Freshmade masks from Koreabutik with fruit extracts help solve many skin problems by exfoliating, toning and nourishing it.

An excellent remedy for blackheads is a clay mask with volcanic ash MIZON from RomaDoma. Infused with the healing power of Jeju volcanic ash, this mask deeply cleanses pores while absorbing excess sebum, impurities and harmful toxins.

Mask with fruit extracts

Skinfood Freshmade in Koreabutik, from RUB 846, order,

Clay mask for blackheads

MIZON​ at RomaDoma, 424 rub. with a 20% discount, order: +7 (343) 383-53-30

Contraindications and side effects

The product contains no harmful components. Side effects are possible in case of individual intolerance to silicon dioxide. What can you get in this case?

  • Swelling;
  • Constipation;
  • Increased or decreased appetite.

We are talking about taking the drug orally. It is not dangerous as a face mask. If beautiful ladies decide to use Polysorb in combination, they need to know that:

  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, taking the drug is prohibited;
  • Pregnant women and those in the process of lactation can use Polysorb only in consultation with a doctor;
  • It is excluded for those who suffer from oncology;

We invite you to look at the recipes for polysorb masks:

What can't be done?

After listing the things you should do, it would be right to mention the things you shouldn't do when caring for your skin.

  • You need to forget forever what stress and negative emotions are. A good mood, calmness and relaxation are the key to maintaining the tone of our skin.
  • Forget about the existence of bad habits. At the age of 25, these bad habits begin to directly affect the skin.

  • There is no need to take care of your skin only when it reminds you of itself with the appearance of acne and wrinkles. You should also always remember to cleanse your pores.

Do not forget that exclusively comprehensive care will give positive dynamics. There should be no breaks or weekends in caring for your face. It is extremely important not to be lazy, and then your efforts will be pleasantly rewarded with healthy, and most importantly, well-groomed skin.

Moisturizing express mask SISLEY Gel Express Flower my review

Sisley is one of my favorite luxury cosmetic brands. Sisley cosmetics are often criticized for their high prices and ambiguous compositions, but I love them despite all the rumors because I see the effect of them on my face.

Sisley Flower Express Gel is a record holder for the fastest way to moisturize your facial skin - just 3 minutes and voila, you can go about your business, to a party or wherever else. You can even apply makeup over this mask and it will continue to work. Just some kind of miracle!

Lily and iris extracts help retain moisture in the skin, sesame, rich in vitamin F, has powerful regenerating functions and helps fight stress and fatigue of the skin.

The texture of the mask is medium density, it is a gel-cream with a pleasant floral scent.

Moisturizing mask Sisley Gel Express Aux Fleurs Express Flower Gel removes signs of fatigue and stress, instantly nourishes it with moisture and tones, gives the skin a feeling of firmer, smoothes facial features, makes the complexion brighter and more even.

In my opinion, this is a lighter version of the Black Rose mask from Sisley. Actually, one is completely replaceable with the other if the main task before it is to moisturize the skin.

My rating: 5- out of 5

buy a Sisley moisturizing mask for RUB 6,480. for 60 ml. in the Rive Gauche online store.

How to use it correctly at home

Professional face masks can cause harm to the body if used incorrectly. Therefore, they must be used either in aesthetic salons under the supervision of a cosmetologist, or if independently, then observing all the precautions outlined in the instructions. Find out if you can make face masks every day in this article.

Basic principles of application:

  • The mask should not be applied to the delicate skin around the lips and eyes. It is advisable to additionally protect these areas with a nourishing cream or use placental masks.
  • Always look at the expiration date. A professional mask contains oils and components of natural origin, so its period of use is very short.
  • Follow the instructions and observe storage conditions.
  • Before using professional masks, you need to warm up and clean your face.
  • Wash off the product with a moistened cotton swab, since the skin after the procedure is very vulnerable to mechanical stress.
  • During the application of the mask, the face should be relaxed. Sit in a chair, close your eyes and relax.

    Scheme for applying a mask to the face

Masks, other than therapeutic ones, should not be applied to visible skin disorders: scratches, severe inflammation.

Types of masks according to the depth of impact on the skin

First, let's immediately analyze the types of masks for rejuvenation in depth and, accordingly, the effectiveness of their effect on the skin:

  • Hand-made masks – homemade masks made independently from improvised materials
  • Homemade masks from cosmetic manufacturers
  • Professional masks

Homemade masks

Shots from old films stuck in the subconscious, when “well-groomed” Soviet ladies wipe their faces with herbal or cucumber tonic, apply a mask of sour cream, egg whites and oatmeal, and in the morning treat their faces with an ice cube. After all, it was impossible to get real cosmetics!

Frankly speaking, the use of homemade anti-aging masks is a relic of the (hard) past, when it was not possible to purchase decent cosmetics.

The main counterargument is that hand-made masks do not contain ingredients that penetrate the skin. They act very superficially!

Other risks and disadvantages:

  • Risk of allergic reactions – pure honey or strawberries are pronounced allergens. Masks containing egg yolk, bananas, herbal infusions, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as lemon juice can also cause unwanted reactions.

And they are added to homemade masks in a high percentage. The situation is similar with vitamin C, which many people buy in ampoules and drop into masks, and allergies to which most often occur.

  • Weak recipe. Masks made by cosmetic brands are a product that has passed through the hands of a number of specialists.
    With higher specialized education. Chemists-technologists take into account a number of parameters when making products: active substances and the required percentage of their content, balance of the chemical formula, safety, effectiveness of use. Afterwards, the product undergoes a series of tests and checks to assess the stability of the drug and the safety of use. All easily accessible ingredients “from the refrigerator and the garden” (aloe, cucumbers, potato paste with milk, kefir or olive oil) work within the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Profitable price. Perhaps someone is focusing on the price-quality ratio, but this is not in favor of such masks. After all, their use does not waste so much money as time, giving groundless hopes for effectiveness.

Home and professional masks

How do masks for home and professional use differ? We will talk about products produced by professional brands. However, using this information, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of any anti-aging cosmetic product.

The evaluation criterion is the pH of the mask!

Without going into details of what it is, let us remind you that skin pH = 5.5, i.e. Normally, a person has slightly acidic skin.

pH below 5.5 can cause reactions in the skin. Those. A working anti-aging mask should have a pH below 5.5. Such products are professional for home use.

pH from .5 to 4.0 – has an exceptional moisturizing effect.

pH from 4.0 to 3.5 – moisturizing and mild stimulating effect.

pH below 3.5 – such products are for professional therapy only, protocol and use in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. At a pH below 3.5, the dermis is stimulated for the synthesis of collagen fibers.

A pH below 3.5 is ensured by various acids included in anti-aging masks.

Vitamin C – on the issue of independently adding vitamin C to the mask in the form of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C penetrates the skin best if the pH of the product is between 2.8 and 3.4.

Above pH 3.5, vitamin C becomes unstable and is easily destroyed unless a specific stable form is used.

And at a pH below 2.8, the product will irritate the skin.

Of course, in addition to pH, the ingredient composition of the mask is important.

Microbial Permeability Test

Vacuum filtration.

For the first method, a special device was used - a cascade impactor, which creates a pressure difference. An aerosol with bacteria was placed in one part of the device; under pressure, the microorganisms passed to a fragment of the mask, which served as a filter. Air with bacteria was drawn in, and the bacteria lingered on the mask. And then they calculated what percentage of bacteria the mask does not allow through. Accordingly, a 100% result meant that the mask retained 100% of bacteria.

Biological safety class III box used as an aerosol chamber


For the second method, a suspension containing a suspension of microorganisms was sprayed into an aerosol chamber. Aerosol droplets containing microbes formed in the chamber: it is through such aerosols in the air that COVID-19 spreads. Then a sample was taken from the chamber using a special portable air sampling device. A fragment of a mask served as a filter in the device: bacteria settled on it. An air flow containing a suspension of microorganisms passed through the mask and fell onto a Petri dish with a nutrient medium. Those bacteria that were able to “pass” through all the layers of the mask ended up in a nutrient medium. After incubation, we counted how many microorganisms passed through the mask. Again, a 100% result meant that the mask retained 100% of the bacteria.

A portable instrument used to collect samples for microbiological testing of air

So, the best medical and non-fabric masks in terms of bacterial protection:

  • Reusable protective mask “Invita”
  • Disposable three-layer mask “Fast fashion”
  • Three-layer disposable medical mask made of non-woven materials CSVT
  • Hygienic face mask (reusable) MD STM

All other masks allow one or more types of microorganisms to pass through.


There is no strength standard for masks, so when testing the fastening strength of components, experts relied on GOST 3813-72 “Textile materials. Fabrics and piece goods. Methods for determining tensile tensile characteristics." Indicators below the norm were found in masks 5, Petty Star Mask, CSVT, Duet LLC, Save Tex.

However, only a third of such fragile masks are used. Among them are masks of different types.


The strength of the mask does not depend on the type and material and may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. In case your mask gets damaged, carry a few spares with you.

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