Often you can meet people with an interesting facial expression: it is asymmetrical, as if distorted,
Mechanical facial cleansing is the manual removal of acne and comedones using special devices. Cosmetic
Scars and scars can seriously complicate the life of the most confident person in his own attractiveness. Damage
The effect of warm steam effectively warms up, cleanses and softens the skin of the face. To obtain a specific result
Home » Face Category: Face There are several key ingredients in anti-acne and acne products
Enlarged pores are one of the most common problems; pores, being the ducts of the sebaceous glands, perform
Every woman strives to have a slim figure, well-groomed and elastic skin. Achieve the desired result of the representative
Dreams of an ideal body can become a reality thanks to the possibilities of plastic surgery. Experience and knowledge
Permanent makeup does not last forever. Bad arrows or faded outlines are usually removed with a laser. Leading Specialist
Platysma is a thin muscle plate located on the front surface of the neck. At the top it is attached to