Threading or removing unwanted hair using thread

From this article you will learn:
  • Where did threading come from: the history of a simple thread
  • How is threading better than other hair removal methods?
  • Trading tools and techniques
  • 3 stages of trading
  • Other types of trading
  • What do those who have already tried it think about trading?

Many women try to get rid of hair on their legs, arms and other parts of the body, but they are especially concerned about excess facial hair and imperfect eyebrow line. This problem can be solved using different types of hair removal. One of the techniques - threading - is perfect for removing hair from any area of ​​the skin, but is primarily recommended for eyebrow correction.

Threading, or threading, is the best way to get rid of unwanted hair. After it, the skin becomes absolutely smooth, which is almost impossible when using other methods. In addition, trading is a completely safe procedure with no risk of infection.

The essence of the method

The technology is not new, but it is quite complex, so you need to have special skills to use it. This method of removing hair on the face and body came to us from the east, where it was very popular. In beauty salons, the procedure is performed by professionals; many try to learn how to use this method on their own, and this requires a lot of practice.

The procedure is carried out with silk or cotton thread. The effect lasts for 3 to 5 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. It is important to choose the correct angle of the threads in relation to each other and to the surface of the skin. The result also depends on the interweaving of the threads: if the technology is broken, the effectiveness will decrease and pain will occur.

Face trading allows you to create perfect eyebrows, get rid of hairs above the upper lip, as well as fuzz on the cheeks and chin.

The essence of face threading is to remove unwanted hair with a thread (using a special technique).

Completing the procedure

After correction of eyebrows with thread, as well as after carrying out the procedure in any other way, it is necessary to treat the working surface again with chlorhexidine. It is worth noting that compared to other methods of removing unwanted vegetation, threading causes more discomfort and sometimes pain to clients. Therefore, the skin after the procedure needs to be calmed. To do this, apply a soothing lotion or cream to the work area. Professionals recommend using a special soothing eyebrow cream BESPECIAL - it cools the dermis and relieves redness after the procedure.

To emphasize the resulting eyebrow shape, you can use a special fixing gel or brow paste with a lamination effect. The composition is applied to the hairs and distributed evenly over them. Next, you need to carefully comb your eyebrows and arrange the hairs in the desired way. The product will fix the hairs, emphasize the shape of the eyebrows and make them even more expressive.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of this method:

  • Possibility to pull out hairs in small bunches. Hair removal along with the roots, unlike other methods (depilation).
  • No financial costs.
  • Possibility to perform the procedure on any part of the body.
  • New hair growth begins only after a month.
  • Elimination of skin damage and inflammation. It is advisable to use antibacterial thread.
  • Removal of not only hair, but also dead skin underneath it.
  • A micromassage of the body surface occurs, promoting rejuvenation and renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Slowing hair growth.
  • Minimum duration of the procedure.

This procedure is suitable for those who are contraindicated for hair removal associated with heating the skin. After a few sessions, hair practically stops growing. No other hair removal method gives such an effect.


  • Removing hair with a thread causes discomfort, especially for beginners. Plucking eyebrows with a thread does not always lead to the desired result. This happens when the wrong tool is selected or insufficient practice.
  • Violation of technology can lead to hair breaking and growing into the skin. In this case, there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process.
  • It is not recommended to use this thread hair removal technique without undergoing training.

Technique for plucking eyebrows with thread

Removing excess eyebrow hairs begins with preparing the skin. You need to wipe it with lotion without alcohol and, if necessary, powder it with powder - this will greatly simplify the adhesion process.

Technique for plucking eyebrows with thread

Then you need to twist the thread.

How to properly twist a thread for trading:

  1. You will need 20 centimeters of thread, but the length depends on the size of your hands and comfort. Some people like a short loop, while others find it more convenient to work with a long one;
  2. The ends of the thread are tied together with a tight knot. You can tie it two or three times. Afterwards the loop is placed in the hands and twisted;

    Scheme of twisting thread for trading

  3. To obtain the optimal size of the bundle, you need to twist the thread 7 times. Then you will get a wide loop and the correction will be carried out quickly and easily. Some girls say that you need to twist it 5 times, but this is not enough for thick hair, and too much for narrow areas. In the future, the width of the bundle can be changed at your discretion;
  4. To check its functionality, you need to try moving the loop. To do this, you need to roll the tourniquet from one side of the loop to the other by opening your palm. To understand how to do this, pay attention to the photo below.

Moving the tourniquet
Nowadays, many websites sell various devices that help to further simplify this process. For example, a device for trading based on antennas. In particular, you can buy such hooks on professional cosmetic websites, since these are the ones that cosmetologists use in specialized beauty salons.

Trading device

Now you need to position yourself in front of a window or any other source of natural light. The loop is located between both hands, and the tourniquet is located exactly above the correction site. The knot moves only from the large loop to the small one. Along the way, it catches hairs and fluff and evens out the growth line.

Trading scheme

For the first time, you can use a template or a regular sheet of paper. Then you will get a perfect straight eyebrow line. The same one that eyebrow microblading will help you get. Afterwards, the thread is transferred to another area, and the correction is made in the same way.

Electric trading apparatus

Video: Plucking eyebrows with thread - learning the technique

Trading tips:

  • You can reduce the pain of the procedure by running a piece of ice over the treated area. Tips: use chamomile decoction rather than plain water - this will help immediately prevent skin inflammation;
  • Threading is a good technique only if you need to remove a large amount of hair. But for single processing it is still more effective to work with tweezers; Drawing of single hair removal with tweezers
  • If it is difficult to work with a wide rope, then unwind it slightly. For example, a thread twisted four times will allow you to remove excess hair in narrow areas (the bridge of the nose, the nasolabial triangle);
  • To carry out correction trading, you do not need to grow your hair. At least two millimeters is enough.

Preparing for the session

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the quality of the skin treatment.

For this you will need:

  • Towel;
  • Hot water;
  • Decoctions of herbs with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties (for example, chamomile).

The towel is soaked in the broth and applied to the area where the treatment will be performed. After 2 minutes, the skin will steam and be ready for the session. If time permits, the compress can be replaced with a bath. You can begin the procedure after the surface of the body is dry. No hair removal manipulations are performed on wet skin.

Take a cotton thread about 50 cm long (materials such as silk and nylon are dangerous in this case). This instrument is disinfected with an alcohol solution. The thread is tied at both ends. You need to twist it several times to get an infinity sign.

It is recommended to start practicing on the lower extremities. The first procedures will take a lot of time until the skill comes.

What you need for trading

Before performing the procedure, you need to prepare a cotton thread (you can switch to using silk thread only after gaining some experience) and an antiseptic.
In addition, before threading, use a hot compress, which is easy to prepare at home. It will open the pores and make the hair removal process easier.

How to choose a thread

The ideal option is a special Arabic cotton product , endowed with increased strength. However, as an alternative, ordinary household thread, which we use for sewing, will also work well as a hair removal thread.

The main thing is that it is made of natural cotton, durable and even . In the east, women also use the silk version, but since this thread is too slippery, it will be possible to switch to its use only after long training with a regular product.

Important! The length of the thread should be about 45–55 cm. A length that is too short or too long will not ensure a comfortable performance of the procedure.

Figure eight weaving

Having chosen a suitable product, all that remains is to figure out how to use the thread specifically for hair removal.
Everything is quite simple here: you just need to tie the ends, thereby forming a circle, and put it on the index fingers and thumbs of both hands. Then, twist the loop in the center 5-7 times so that a figure eight is formed , and it is important that one loop is smaller than the other. That’s it, the tool for removing hair with a thread at home is ready for use. If the thread preparation process is still not clear to you, then watch the video at the end of the article.

Follow-up skin care

After the session, redness appears on the skin, which goes away after a few hours. For faster recovery, the treated areas should not be wetted or a lot of unnecessary products should be applied. Redness goes away quickly enough with the correct technique. Subsequent processing steps:

Application of an antiseptic. Hair is pulled out along with the roots, there is a risk of infection in the open follicle. Treatment with a special tonic helps get rid of flaking.

Applying a product that prevents rapid hair growth. This procedure is carried out between sessions.

During the week it is not recommended to visit bathhouses, solariums, beaches and swimming pools. If you are frequently exposed to the sun, it is recommended to cover the epilated areas. Neglecting this rule can lead to the appearance of pigmentation, especially on the face.

After a few days, it is recommended to lightly peel the treated surface. This procedure will prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.

Disadvantages ↑

The disadvantages of the method are the following:

  • The effect has a medium duration. There are fast-growing places where hair appears already on days 5-7. - During hair removal, the patient is quite painful, because he has to endure the removal of many hairs at once. But using wax and tweezers causes even more pain.
  • If you do something wrong, the thread can break off the hairs instead of pulling them out by the roots. This will not only not remove them completely, but will also accelerate their growth and increase their rigidity.
  • The coarser the hairs, the more difficult it is to remove them with thread. Threading is a method for thinner hair.
  • When a thread pulls a hair, blood flow increases in that area, which can cause hair growth to accelerate.
  • If the patient's skin is very thin or sensitive, irritation may occur.
  • Trading takes a very long time, so if you need to process a large area, you will have to spend a lot of time.
  • To repeat the procedure again, it is necessary that the hair protrudes above the body by 3-6 mm.
  • Sometimes after threading, ingrown hairs form, which is unsightly.
  • It is quite difficult to do thread depilation at home, since for this you need to attract someone else to help.
  • In a number of regions of the country, the technique is practically not practiced, so some face difficulties in finding a normal specialist.


It is not recommended to use this technology in the following cases:

  • Diseases of the epidermis (chronic and viral); scars and burns;
  • Close location of blood vessels to the surface of the skin;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period (at this time
  • Increased sensitivity to pain);
  • Neoplasms located in the treated area (papillomas, warts, moles);
  • Redness, rashes, allergic reactions;
  • Damage to the skin, open wounds.

It is not recommended to use this method for women during menstruation, since at this time there is a high probability of inflammation. It is prohibited to carry out this procedure for those who are soon planning to undergo laser or similar hair removal: these methods are considered incompatible in cosmetology.

Side effects:

  • Swelling and redness that appear due to friction of the thread on the surface of the body, however, pass quite quickly;
  • Ingrown hairs (occurs when technology is violated).

If the skin is healthy, then the risk of side effects is minimal.

After the procedure, slight redness of the epidermis appears, which is easily eliminated with proper care.

Special instructions ↑


Before and during menstruation, it is better not to depilate with thread. Threading can cause a number of inflammatory processes. In addition, during and before menstruation, a woman is especially irritable, and another factor of pain will aggravate this problem and make the procedure unbearable.

Also, you should not do hair removal in the evening, after a hard day. Usually at this time there is a peak of fatigue, which does not allow you to relax. It's better to go to the salon in the morning.


  • The speed of hair removal is higher than when using tweezers.
  • Since the thread is disposable, the risk of infection is much lower. In addition, salons often use a special thread impregnated with an antibacterial agent.
  • Even the finest hairs are removed, making the eyebrow line more defined and beautiful.
  • The thread not only removes unwanted hair, but also exfoliates the skin, making it softer.
  • There is no problem of ingrown hairs.
  • There is almost no irritation, even if the skin is very sensitive.
  • The procedure is affordable, you can do it at home and on your own.

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