Depilation and hair removal at home for men
In the modern world, ideas about masculinity have long changed. If earlier ladies liked vegetation on
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Aloe vera in cosmetics. What are the benefits for the skin?
Useful tips Many at least once in their lives have come across an amazing plant called
Facial massage after 40 years - how to avoid mistakes and achieve the best result
After 40–45 years, women try to look in the mirror less often, for fear of seeing new things in the reflection.
allergy to cold
Cold allergy. What is it and how to care for your skin.
An allergy is a specific reaction of the body to any irritant (allergen). The immune system's response may
Facial contouring procedure using the latest generation fillers NATURELIZE FACIAL ARTS
MacGregor's point: 1. Draw a line from the corner of the mouth to the outer edge of the eyebrow. 2.
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Plastic surgeon Sergei Kulagov: “Nobody knows what beautiful is”
The desire for an ideal appearance and getting rid of complexes can hit your pocket hard. However
what recommendations should a doctor give after a caesarean section?
Skin beauty during and after pregnancy - a dermatologist answers your questions
Treatment of hair loss after childbirth During pregnancy, most women notice that their hair becomes
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Umbilical hernia in children: how to manage without surgery?
Why do children develop an umbilical ring defect? ​​Medical systematization by type of origin: umbilical hernias
Operation “mole”: main types of moles and risk factors for the transition of nevus to melanoma
Symptoms of melanoma are a set of indicators according to which ordinary moles on the body that are
French anti-aging cosmetics Vichy (Vichy): the power of healing water for healthy skin
Vichy cosmetics are considered one of the most popular and belong to the category of “elite” products.
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