03/07/2018 There is a risk of a scar appearing on the skin after surgery. The smaller the area and depth
A facial scrub at home can replace one purchased at a pharmacy or retail chain.
Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Unfortunately, the frame of our “mirrors” sometimes leaves much to be desired,
Angelica is just a pseudonym for the star, her real name is Maria Yuryevna Varum. Singer
Bodyaga peeling will help you get rid of skin imperfections without significant expenses for salon procedures.
American supermodel Tyra Banks is a television presenter and creator of the reality show America's Next Top Model. Fashion model
The most effective beauty vitamins, such as Inneov, are based on seafood. Unfortunately the facts
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Home / Cosmetology / Peelings / Retinoic peeling Your doctor: Malysheva Anna Leonidovna Cosmetologist,
More and more girls are choosing permanent makeup. One procedure - and after