AFT rejuvenation: what is this procedure and how is it done
A technology called AFT is considered an improved method of photorejuvenation, since the principle of its “work” is based on
ELOS - safe removal of pigmentation
Special cells called melanocytes are responsible for skin tone. Their job is to produce melanin. In view of
Bruises after facial mesotherapy
How to remove dark circles under the eyes from a cosmetologist? Will going to a beauty salon help?
Unreasonable bruises under the eyes almost always indicate some kind of internal disorder, unless it
Septoplasty - correction of the nasal septum
Breathe freely: how one operation will help you forget about chronic runny nose and nasal congestion forever.
After plastic surgery on the nose, patients complain of stuffiness. It appears after aesthetic
The best face serums
How to choose a cream for oily and combination skin?
Place Name Characteristics in the ranking The best medicinal creams for problem skin 1 Vichy Normaderm
Bride's Peeling PQ Age - quick and flawless skin preparation
All-season peeling PQAGE Evolution is a real revolution in modern cosmetology! An innovative drug changes
Sculptural body massage - varieties and techniques
Sculpting massage is an ideal way for those who want to lose weight easily and painlessly.
Breast without seam! 3 years of practice, more than 100 operations
Indications for the operation Sutureless mammoplasty is performed if the patient has the following pathologies: Asymmetry
How long does eye tattoo last?
How to do eye tattooing with shading: stages of the procedure. Eye tattooing - how long does it last? Eye tattoo with shading: before and after photos, reviews
Eye tattooing is becoming an increasingly popular procedure every day. Of course, girls are interested in how
Plasmolifting for the face against aging, what experts say
Plasmolifting: preparation for the procedure The course of treatment with plasmolifting is prescribed individually based on indications by an experienced doctor.
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