Breast without seam! 3 years of practice, more than 100 operations

Indications for surgery

Seamless mammoplasty is performed if the patient has the following pathologies:

  • Asymmetry of the mammary glands.
  • Reduction in breast size after sudden weight loss.
  • Decreased elasticity of breast tissue after breastfeeding.

Women with a small bust size often resort to seamless mammoplasty. After surgery, the patient will be able to gain confidence in her own attractiveness. Seamless mammoplasty is also performed to reconstruct damaged areas of the mammary gland. In the presence of cancer, it is often necessary to remove the breast completely, so the fair sex experiences psychological discomfort. Seamless plastic surgery will help a woman survive this difficult moment. After all, during the process of surgical intervention, not only breast enlargement is performed, but also reconstruction of the mammary gland.

Seamless breast augmentation

Mammoplasty consistently ranks high in the popularity ratings of plastic surgeries. However, despite many positive reviews, this procedure has one very unpleasant feature.

We are talking about scars that form at the site of a cosmetic suture after breast augmentation. These marks, often very noticeable, are, firstly, not very attractive aesthetically, and secondly, they immediately “give away” the operation performed.

Let's try to figure out where scars come from, whether they are really so inevitable and, most importantly, how to prevent their appearance.

↑ Scars after breast augmentation

First of all, the location and size of the postoperative scar depends on the approach chosen by the surgeon. There are currently three main options in use:

  • Submammary – incisions are made in the natural (submammary) inframammary fold. The easiest method for the surgeon, after which, however, a fairly noticeable scar remains, although it is hidden in a fold.
  • Axillary - an incision in the armpit. The scars are also very noticeable, although they do not directly indicate what kind of surgery was performed. In addition, when using this type of access, the risk of implant displacement, especially of anatomical shape, increases significantly. Therefore, round implants are often installed through the armpits.
  • Periareolar - an incision along the lower edge of the nipple areola. Leaves the least noticeable scar, but is quite difficult to perform. This is the most aesthetic way to perform the operation.

In addition, the final appearance of the skin at the incision site will depend on the suturing technique used by the surgeon and, of course, on the “discipline” of the patient and her adherence to basic postoperative recommendations.

In addition to this, modern cosmetology offers many ways to smooth out and make the scars that form after breast augmentation minimally noticeable. But, unfortunately, even with the use of the entire available arsenal, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of them.

That is why the main factor influencing the final aesthetic result remains the surgical technique itself. Despite the fact that its basic principles remain unchanged, each surgeon, in the course of active practice, develops his own, somewhat unique approach, and particularly successful innovations become the basis for training the next generation of specialists.

↑ Breast augmentation without stitches and scars - the author’s technique of Dr. Sviridov

The most current breast augmentation technique at present allows us to eliminate the formation of visible scars at the access site, as well as reduce the overall invasiveness of the operation and the duration of the rehabilitation period. It was developed, patented and actively practiced by Russian plastic surgeon Sergei Vladimirovich Sviridov. This technique, called “Sutured Breast,” has the following key features:

The access required to install implants is formed not by dissection, but by “blunt separation” of tissue . Thanks to this, the edges of the skin, as well as blood vessels and milk ducts remain uninjured, which avoids painful post-operative swelling and, accordingly, the use of strong painkillers
Modern breast augmentation techniques involve fixing the incision at the end of the operation in one of two ways: either with a cosmetic suture or with a special gun using metal staples (like a stationery stapler). As part of Dr. Sviridov’s “Breast without Seam” technique, a special glue is used to connect the skin edges , due to which, firstly, no unaesthetic scars remain at the incision site (since the skin edges grow together naturally), and secondly, the operation time is significantly reduced. Read more about using fibrin glue for breast enlargement.
Implants using the “seamless mammoplasty” method are installed under the pectoral muscle and breast tissue, which are not cut by a coagulator, but are carefully separated along the border of the parenchymal tissue itself, practically without affecting it. This approach, despite all the complexity of its execution for the surgeon, provides several obvious advantages:
  • Minimal trauma (and, accordingly, rapid recovery) for the muscle
  • No bleeding
  • Reduced operation time
  • Preserving breast sensitivity
  • Maximum comfortable, short recovery period without pain and without reducing the patient’s social adaptation
Due to the fact that postoperative bleeding and swelling are kept to a minimum, Dr. Sviridov, as part of his technique, does not use drainage , which, in addition to the main incision, always leaves small marks on the skin.
A significant reduction in the duration of the operation, achieved thanks to the above-described complex of proprietary developments, allows the use of light, short anesthesia - much safer and better tolerated by patients.
The low invasiveness of the “Breast without seam” technique makes it accessible to a wide range of women who want to enlarge their breasts - regardless of age and a number of other specific characteristics of the body.

Thus, the method of seamless mammoplasty represents a whole complex of unique developments, which, complementing each other, provide an ideal aesthetic result and easy, minimal rehabilitation. During the recovery period, there is no need to even take painkillers, there is no significant decrease in social adaptation, which significantly increases the level of satisfaction of Sergei Vladimirovich’s patients after operations using the “Breast without suture” technique.

Before and after photos after breast augmentation without scars or stitches:

This is what the areola looks like 4 months after surgery (click to view full size):

It is important that this is not just a scientific concept, but an actually practiced technique, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by numerous reviews from patients. You can have breast enlargement without scars and postoperative stitches with Dr. Sviridov today - the only problem may be Sergei Vladimirovich’s schedule of operations planned long in advance.

You can make an appointment with Dr. Sviridov: • by phone. • or through the online form • clinic address: Moscow, st. Novy Arbat, 36/9, bldg. 2

Contraindications for surgery

There are certain contraindications to the use of sutureless mammoplasty:

  • The presence of an inflammatory process in the soft tissue area.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Increased blood glucose.
  • Severe form of hypertension.

Plastic surgery is prohibited if you are individually sensitive to painkillers used for sutureless mammoplasty. Breast augmentation is not permitted for patients under 18 years of age. Before surgery, you must undergo an appropriate medical examination. If during this procedure the patient is diagnosed with a disease of the hematopoietic system, not a single competent plastic surgeon will agree to perform the operation.

Mastopexy surgery technique with implants

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes from 2 to 4 hours. Depending on the degree of breast sagging and other individual characteristics, the specialist chooses one of numerous modern techniques that will provide the desired result - improve the appearance and shape of the mammary glands. Which method is most suitable in each specific case is decided by the doctor in the preoperative period during a face-to-face consultation. During the operation, patients receive silicone implants. The size and location of the implants - under the mammary gland or under the muscle - depends on the initial anatomy of the patient. During the operation, the plastic surgeon installs anatomical or round implants, removes excess skin, and moves the nipple-areolar complex to the correct position. The final stage is suturing. Cosmetic scars become invisible over time. The aesthetic result of the operation can be assessed within 2-3 months.

Methods of breast lift

There are several ways to perform a mastopexy, many of which differ only minimally from each other. In all cases, specialists pay great attention to maintaining the sensitivity of the skin of the breast, nipples and areola. One of the issues that worries patients is the location and visibility of scars. Since each situation is individual, it is necessary to first discuss what kind of result the patient wants to receive after the operation. During the preliminary conversation, it is recommended to tell the surgeon in detail about your expectations.

  • According to Hall-Findley,
    the use of a vertical technique, which involves a short seam.
  • According to Benelli-lollipop,
    the incision is made around the areola and in a straight line to the base of the breast in its lower fold.
  • A T-shaped breast lift or anchor
    incision is placed around the nipple-areolar complex, down to the inframammary fold and horizontally under the breast.

Reviews from our wonderful patients - daughter Natalya (45 years old) and mother Svetlana (71 years old) - after operations performed by S.N. Blokhin. Natalya underwent sutureless blepharoplasty and breast lift with the installation of implants, Svetlana underwent blepharoplasty. The rehabilitation period for both patients was excellent!

Recommendations after surgery

The duration of the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery is approximately seven days. After this time, the patient can return to her usual lifestyle. Showering is allowed the day after breast augmentation surgery. This distinguishes seamless mammoplasty from other techniques. After all, if a woman has undergone a classic operation to install implants, she is not recommended to shower for a week.

The recovery process is quite easy. Seamless mammoplasty is a modern surgical technique. During this procedure, the edges of the skin are not damaged by surgical instruments, so the tissues heal quite quickly (in about four days). The plastic surgeon does not use drainage to make incisions, so the patient does not have breast pain or discomfort in the breast area. If you follow the specialist’s recommendations, the likelihood of the implant shifting after bust augmentation is minimal.

If the patient does not follow the specialist’s instructions, there is a high risk of side effects. Therefore, if a woman has had breast surgery, she needs to give up intense physical activity in the gym. The patient is not recommended to lift weights, she should not sunbathe or visit the sauna.

To summarize: seamless breast augmentation surgery has the following advantages:

  • After the operation, there is very little swelling in the chest area.
  • Discomfort after surgery disappears quite quickly.
  • The likelihood of hematomas around the mammary gland is minimized.

Most patients are satisfied with the results: after surgery, the breasts look perfect.


After breast augmentation, the body takes several months to recover. You can see and evaluate the result as soon as the swelling subsides.

“Rehabilitation is an important stage after surgery. Patients adhere to certain restrictions, come for examination, and monitor changes in breast tissue.”

Hospital stay

The patient needs to remain in a hospital setting for about a day under the supervision of medical staff. I will also monitor early recovery processes.

First days

After installation of implants, some ailments are likely for several days:

  • bursting pains,
  • discomfort,
  • loss of breast sensation,
  • illusion of heaviness inside,
  • swelling,
  • bruises.

This lists the natural post-operative consequences. After a few weeks, the tissue will restore its properties, and after the stitches are removed, you will feel better.

Rehabilitation recommendations

  • Wear compression garments.
  • It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach.
  • You should not sunbathe on the beach.
  • Do not go to the pool, sauna, bathhouse, solarium, or fitness room at this time.
  • Don't tire yourself out with physical labor.
  • Rest is very important in the first weeks.
  • For the first few days, sleep and relax.
  • Watch your diet! Do not drink alcohol, avoid fatty and spicy foods.
  • Do not apply cosmetics or pain-relieving ointments to your breasts without my approval.
  • Do not take medications that were not prescribed to you.

How is the procedure performed?

First, the woman is referred to a plastic surgeon for an examination. Before the breast lipofilling procedure, a diagnosis is carried out. A week before the procedure, avoid alcohol and blood thinning medications.

Lipofilling is carried out in three stages:

1. First, the specialist receives natural material - fat is pumped out from problem areas. For this, a special tube with a rounded end is used. The resulting subcutaneous fat is placed in a sterile container and sent for further processing.

2. The procedure for cleaning the collected material is carried out using a centrifuge and a special solution. This allows unnecessary tissue and blood to be separated from autologous fat, which will be transplanted into the patient’s mammary glands.

3. The purified mixture is injected in small portions into problem areas of the chest - subcutaneously, intramuscularly or between muscles, but not into the gland itself.

The success of the procedure largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor and adherence to technology. The result of correctly performed breast lipofilling can be assessed almost immediately visually and in a photo taken after the injection to compare the results.

Women who have tried the procedure of transplanting their own fat clearly see the results before and after breast lipofilling. Very often this encourages them to correct other flaws in their appearance using this technique.

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