Top 5 Phone Apps to Improve Your Photos

What are the causes of irregularly shaped nostrils?

  • Some people may have the defect from birth . This may be due to genetic factors.
  • In other people, it appeared after tip reduction surgery , namely after a lateral osteotomy. During this procedure, it is not always immediately clear how exactly the shape of the wings needs to be adjusted. Therefore, the procedure can be done in two stages.
  • Asymmetry may occur after unsuccessful rhinoplasty.
  • The defect appears after injury

Consequences and possible complications

Do not forget that rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention and no one can give a 100% guarantee of a positive result. Often after correction, bruises, swelling, hematomas, and bleeding appear. Ideally, bleeding stops within 24 hours, and swelling goes away after a week (small swelling can persist for up to a month).

Another common consequence of plastic surgery is difficulty breathing through the nose. This is explained by the fact that the tissues and functions of the organ take quite a long time to recover.

Complications occur for the following reasons:

  • inexperience of the surgeon or lack of professionalism;
  • deviation of the patient from the recommendations prescribed by the doctor;
  • physiological characteristics of the patient (special structure of the nose, bone or cartilage tissue, poor blood clotting and restoration of the skin).

In rare cases, asymmetry of the wings is observed after surgery. Most often, the reason for this is the unprofessionalism of the surgeon, which is why he removed the skin unevenly). If the asymmetry was noticed in time, then the situation can be corrected with the help of tampons. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the plastic surgery (it is allowed only six months after the previous one).

How is nostril reduction surgery performed?

First stage.

First, the surgeon makes two wedge-shaped incisions on the sides at the base of the wings. The shape and depth of the cut determines how the final result will look. Therefore, there are several types of plastic surgery :

Type I – reduction in the thickness and length of the wings of the nose without changing the size of the internal cavity

II – view. The cut affects not only the base, but also a small part of the bottom. As a result, the nostrils appear more closed.

III – view. Significant reduction due to the removal of a large area inside.

Second phase.

Then the excess tissue is removed from each side . To do this accurately, the doctor must make markings using a special ruler before surgery. The exact amount of tissue to be trimmed must be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis.

If the doctor removes too large a piece of tissue, will be disrupted , and it is almost impossible to correct this deficiency with repeated surgical interventions.

Third stage.

At the last stage of the procedure, the edges of the wound are connected and sutures are placed .

The entire procedure usually lasts 20 minutes. And it is often done under local anesthesia.

Nose correction methods

There are two ways to give your nose a more accurate and harmonious shape:

  • radical – seek help from plastic surgeons;
  • conservative - try non-surgical methods.

Conservative methods include:

  • contour plastic;
  • lipolytic injections;
  • thread correction;
  • injections of drugs based on botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport).

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Surgical rhinoplasty

This is the most effective option for eliminating aesthetic defects. The operation is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia so that the patient does not experience any discomfort. With its help you can cope with various problems:

  • reduce the tip or raise it;
  • narrow the wings or back;
  • eliminate the hump;
  • reduce the height of the bridge of the nose;
  • reduce the overall length of the nose.

Benefits of rhinoplasty for nose reduction:

  • the ability to simulate shape and size;
  • correcting the defect once and for all without the need for repeated procedures;
  • no traces after the intervention.

Like any other operation, surgical plastic surgery has contraindications and requires preparation and rehabilitation. Modern equipment and the skill of doctors at the GALAXY Beauty Institute allow you to achieve impressive results and make your facial features more harmonious.

Nose contouring

This is a non-surgical analogue of rhinoplasty, which, although it is the most effective of the non-surgical techniques, can only cope with minor flaws. The technique is based on the introduction of special preparations under the skin - fillers, which in this case play the role of fillers.

Contour plastic surgery can help:

  • model the wings and tip of the nose;
  • eliminate slight asymmetry;
  • smooth out a small hump;
  • change the shape slightly.

The advantages of the methods include:

  • minimum number of contraindications;
  • possibility of correction if the result is unsatisfactory;
  • execution speed.

The method does not make the nose smaller, but it can help make its proportions more harmonious. Over time, fillers dissolve, which is why the procedure will have to be repeated regularly.

Lipolytic injections

The essence of this method is the subcutaneous administration of drugs that promote the resorption of subcutaneous fat and the removal of excess water. In this way, doctors manage to make the nose less massive, especially in the tip area. Usually the procedure is carried out in several stages with an interval between them. The effect of this correction lasts for 1-2 years.

Thread correction

The technique is based on the introduction of special ultra-thin fibers under the skin, which tighten the tissues, change the topography of the nose and allow you to reduce the size of the nostrils or slightly raise the tip. The technology is used quite rarely, as it can lead to complications.

Correction with botulinum toxin injections

The procedure with botulinum toxin preparations (Botox, Dysport) is carried out if necessary:

  • raise the tip of the nose;
  • narrow the nostrils;
  • visually lower the bridge of the nose or its area between the eyebrows.

Special preparations based on botulinum toxin can temporarily correct these shortcomings. The effect lasts up to 8 months.

What all types of conservative correction have in common is their temporary effect, and also (and this is the most important!) that they are performed in an area with a large number of small vessels, and therefore require jeweler precision on the part of a cosmetologist.

How does a planned nostril reduction proceed after a nasal tip reduction?

When planning an operation to reduce the tip, the doctor always takes into account that after the operation, if the wings are not touched, the nostrils may seem huge.

It often happens that a plastic surgeon cannot immediately determine how much tissue will need to be removed during correction, since in all people the healing processes proceed differently and the shape of the wings either changes or does not change

Therefore, in many cases, a decision is made to perform the operation in two stages. First, the tip is reduced, and then the size and shape of the nostrils are adjusted.

The second procedure in this case is done some time after the first, under local anesthesia and lasts no more than fifteen minutes.

Types of rhinoplasty

Types of rhinoplasty depend on the type of correction performed:

  • Reduction of the wings of the nose. To carry out the correction, wedge-shaped incisions are made on the sides of the nose, then the excess is removed and the edges are sewn together. Sometimes the incision is made oval.
  • Narrowing of the wings. To do this, special sutures are applied, which are then tied, which leads to a narrowing of the width. They also cut off the excess and sew everything together with cosmetic stitches.
  • Recession of wings. To restore support, cartilage tissue is transplanted. This tissue is taken from the auricle or nasal septum.

How is the operation performed if it is revision rhinoplasty?

After unsuccessful rhinoplasty, undesirable consequences may occur that require repeated surgery. What are these situations?

  • When one side is larger, lower or higher than the other
  • When one side of the nose does not breathe
  • When the nostrils are too large or protrude.

In the first case, a competent surgeon will notice during rehabilitation that asymmetry appears and will try to correct everything first. To do this, during the healing process, he uses tamponing or other non-surgical methods. If the tissues have already healed well and the defect is not eliminated in this way, a second operation has to be planned. It can be done only six months after the first.

The difficulty of repeated surgical intervention lies in the fact that the surgeon has to work with previously injured tissues.

The course of the operation in this situation is carefully thought out in each individual case. To do this, the doctor finds out what is the cause of the defect. Therefore, there is no single template according to which the procedure takes place .

Rhinoplasty (Aesthetic nose surgery)

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How is the rehabilitation going?

After the procedure, the nose will look a little better in just two weeks , as the external swelling will go away, and you will be able to breathe freely only after three months or more, when the internal swelling will go down.

When it comes to revision rhinoplasty, tissue healing processes proceed two times slower than the first time.

All this time you will need to avoid visiting the bathhouse, beach and solarium. It is also better to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is important to carefully follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding water and food temperature. Food that is too hot or too cold is not allowed, as this has a bad effect on the tissue healing process.

Rehabilitation period

In the first week after contouring, you cannot:

  • go to the solarium, bathhouse or sauna;
  • blow your nose and make sudden head movements;
  • perform facial massage;
  • take a shower under running hot water.

To avoid complications and speed up recovery, a cosmetologist may recommend applying cold compresses to the nasal area. If you are interested in non-surgical rhinoplasty, please schedule a consultation at our clinic. We employ cosmetologists with medical education and extensive experience. They will carry out the correction effectively and absolutely safely for your health and appearance, and will help you become more beautiful and more confident.


It was originally developed specifically for iPad, but later became available for Android.

Unlike previous editors, there are no funny frames, hats and mustaches, everything here is adult. Is the horizon blocked? No problem! Snapseed will help you fix the error.

All the basic functions of a photo editor are available: rotation, cropping, clarity and much more. All actions are tied to screen touches. For example, moving your finger from top to bottom means selecting characteristics, and moving from left to right means setting a specific value.

The application has one very necessary function - changing the appearance of only a separate area of ​​​​the image. Snapseed is convenient, does not slow down or glitches, and it can be downloaded absolutely free.

Method 2: Fotor

The Fotor online service consists of both paid and free tools. Unfortunately, the one you need is now on the paid list, but you can try it first and then decide whether it’s worth purchasing a subscription to this site.

Go to Fotor online service

  1. Once in the editor, drag the photo into the highlighted area or click on it to open Explorer.
  2. Find the image for further processing.
  3. Use the zoom tools to zoom in on your photo for easier editing.
  4. Go to the "Beauty" section.
  5. There you are interested in the “Restore” tool.
  6. Immediately adjust the brush size and hardness.
  7. Start moving the wings and bridge of the nose towards the center, thereby reducing its size.
  8. If you are satisfied with the result, click “Accept” for all changes to take effect.
  9. When you finish processing the photo, click “Save” in the panel at the top.
  10. Log in to the site or create a profile, after which the image can be uploaded to local storage.

Types of non-surgical rhinoplasty

During a consultation with a doctor, it is worth discussing in detail all types of non-surgical rhinoplasty that can be used for rhinoplasty, and choosing it specifically for your case. The following options exist:

  1. Rhinoplasty with threads
  2. Subcutaneous injection of fillers;
  3. Injections;
  4. Splint

Note! During these procedures you will definitely achieve the desired result, but the effect will not last forever.

The effect of nose reduction with injections, according to reviews, lasts no more than 2-3 years, and sometimes no more than 9 months.

Indications for injection rhinoplasty

Correction of the nose with injections is advisable if it is necessary to eliminate certain defects of the nose, such as:

  • asymmetrical nose;
  • presence of unevenness or failures;
  • snub nose;
  • drooping or thin tip;
  • crook in the nose;
  • flat bridge of the nose;
  • correction after an unsuccessful operation;
  • nose correction after injury;
  • laxity of soft tissues.


The application is unique in its simplicity. Three functions: to lengthen the legs and overall figure, to “slim” the waist, and for some reason (we didn’t quite understand why, though) to make the head smaller.

The Spring logo - a spring, in principle, absolutely reflects the functionality of the application. We all have photos where for some reason we look like short-legged gnomes - either the photographer was too tall, or the geography of the place is mysterious. This is exactly the problem that the Spring — Increase height application will help eliminate.

Using the application, you can add a couple of centimeters to your height or, conversely, reduce it. To add height, you can use stretching around the shoulders, legs and waist. At the same time as your height increases, you will begin to look slimmer, but all parts of your body will look natural. An unsuccessful pose in the photo can also be corrected by slightly narrowing the waist area...

In general, everything can be fixed, but up to a certain point, of course. Enjoy these great apps, but remember that fanaticism in improvement is our main enemy!

How to make your nose smaller at home

Often, to correct the shape of the nose, it is customary to resort to an operation called rhinoplasty. However, not everyone decides to go under the surgeon’s knife, and, in some cases, rhinoplasty surgery is contraindicated. There are remedies for making your nose smaller at home.

The main ways to correct the shape of the nose:

  • non-surgical rhinoplasty method;
  • nose charger;
  • use of decorative cosmetics.


The creators of this application clearly wanted to outdo the creators of Photoshop Express. It's all about a comprehensive approach to photo editing.

A photo can be taken directly from the application menu, edited immediately, saved in the phone’s memory and sent directly to social networks to the delight of the virtual public.

The functionality of Afterlight is similar to computer photo editors: there are many color filters, cropping, rotation, frames, masks. In addition, it is possible to change the background and improve the quality of the photo. So your friends are unlikely to understand that the photo was taken with a mobile camera.

True, the utility has one drawback - there is no Russian-language menu, however, each tool has its own icon, so figuring out where everything is and what it is intended for is not difficult.

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